Dobri Will Hunting

Dobri Will Hunting 1997


Drama spremlja uporniškega mladeniča Willa Huntinga, ki kot hišnik dela na slovitem inštitutu MIT, čeprav ima fotografski spomin in je matematični genij. Kot gradbenik dela in živi v južnem Bostonu skupaj s prijatelji iz otroštva, posebej s prostodušnim Chuckiejem. V študentskem naselju spozna čedno, inteligentno britansko študentko Skylar in med njima se začne razvijati ljubezen. Univerzitetni profesor in nekdanji državni matematični prvak Lambeau nekoč pripravi poseben izziv za svoje študente: na hodnik pred učilnico razobesi zahtevno matematično nalogo in kdor bi jo pravilno rešil, naj bi imel zagotovljeno oceno pri njegovem predmetu. Will skrivaj opravi preizkušnjo in Lambeau se postopoma dokoplje do briljantnega avtorja pravilne rešitve.


Ugrabljena 3

Ugrabljena 3 2014


Miroljubni družinski mož in oče Bryan Mills (nekdanji agent z zanimivo in bogato preteklostjo) ne beži več pred najhujšimi zločinci zdajšnjih časov, temveč pred policijo Los Angelesa, Cio in FBI-jem. Te vodi Franck Dotzler (Forest Whitaker), potem ko Mills (Liam Neeson) med aretacijo pobegne policiji. Kajti Bryanu je nekdo podtaknil umor nekdanje soproge (Famke Jansen), v nevarnosti pa je tudi njegova hči Kim (Maggie Grace), ki je zdaj uspešna študentka na univerzi UCLA.


Tarot: Karta smrti

Tarot: Karta smrti 2024


Ko skupina prijateljev nepremišljeno prekrši sveto pravilo branja tarota – nikoli ne uporabljaj kart, ki so last nekoga drugega, nehote sprostijo nepojmljivo zlo, ujeto v zakletih kartah. Drug za drugim se soočijo z usodo in se znajdejo v bitki s smrtjo, da bi ubežali prihodnosti, ki so jim jo napovedale karte.


Kako se znebiti fanta v 10 dneh

Kako se znebiti fanta v 10 dneh 2003


Andie Anderson (Kate Hudson), ki piše članke na temo "Kako se znebiti fanta v desetih dneh", dobi nenavadno zadolžitev. Opisati mora kaj se zgodi, če počneš vse tiste najpogostejše napake, ki jih na začetku ljubezenske zveze delajo ženske – in zaradi katerih moški hitro poiščejo najbližji izhod ter pobegnejo? Za lažni poskus ima na voljo le deset dni. Poiskati mora fanta, ga pripraviti, da se zaljubi vanjo, potem pa doseči, da jo bo fant zapustil. Naleti na Benjamina Barryja (Matthew McConaughey), samozavestnega fanta, zaposlenega v oglaševalski agenciji, ki za sklenitev posla stavi s svojim šefom, da lahko katero koli dekle pripravi, da se bo zaljubilo vanj: v samo desetih dneh. Kaj se bo zgodilo z zvezo, ki temelji na zavajanju, laži in prevari?


Ameriška pita 2

Ameriška pita 2 2001


Jim (Jason Biggs) in njegovi prijatelji se po prvem letu na univerzi zberejo v počitniški hiši ob plaži. Tam Jim skuša izboljšati svoje spolne veščine ob pomoči Michelle (Alyson Hannigan), svoje nekdanje spremljevalke s plesa ob koncu šolanja. Medtem Kevin (Thomas Ian Nicholas) poskuša ponovno osvojiti Vicky (Tara Reid), Oz (Chris Klein) vzdržuje razmerje na daljavo s Heather (Mena Suvari), Finch (Eddie Kaye Thomas) se uči taoistično spolnost, Stifler (Seann William Scott) pa se po svoje zabava s svojimi šalami. Med smehom, zmedo in nepričakovanimi situacijami prijatelji načrtujejo največjo zabavo svojega življenja.


Ti loviš!

Ti loviš! 2018


Komedija, posneta po resnični zgodbi, objavljeni v dnevnem časopisu The Wall Street Journal. Vsak mesec v letu od prvega razreda osnovne šole dalje se peterica prijateljev, ki radi tekmujejo, igrajo „ti loviš!“ in tvegajo službo in lastne odnose. Letos sovpada igra s poroko edinega neporaženega igralca, zaradi česar bi lahko končno postal lahka tarča. Vendar ve, da prihajajo in zato je pripravljen.


Tajni štab

Tajni štab 2022


Charlie in njegovi prijatelji odkrijejo sedež najmočnejšega superjunaka na svetu, ki je skrit pod njegovim domom. Ko napadejo zlobneži, morajo združiti moči, da obranijo bazo in rešijo svet.


Resnica ali izziv

Resnica ali izziv 2018


Neškodljiva igra "Resnica ali izziv" med prijatelji postane smrtonosna, ko nekdo ali nekaj začne kaznovati tiste, ki govorijo laž ali pa zavrne izziv.



Dekliščina 2011


Simpatična Annie nikakor ne najde prave sreče v ljubezni in službi, zato z upanjem na nekaj dodatnega veselja sprejme prošnjo prijateljice, da bi prevzela vlogo glavne družice na prihajajoči poroki. Toda ob tem ne računa na dolg seznam opravil, ki jih mora organizirati, dodatne preglavice pa ji povzročajo preostale družice, ki ji na vsakem koraku grenijo življenje. Ko se skupaj odpravijo na dekliščino v Las Vegas, Annie doživi najhujšo nočno moro svojega življenja.



Friends 1994


Six young people from New York City, on their own and struggling to survive in the real world, find the companionship, comfort and support they get from each other to be the perfect antidote to the pressures of life.


Tabing Ilog

Tabing Ilog 1999


The adventures and romances of a group of teenage friends.


How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother 2005


A father recounts to his children - through a series of flashbacks - the journey he and his four best friends took leading up to him meeting their mother.


South Park

South Park 1997


Follows the misadventures of four irreverent grade-schoolers in the quiet, dysfunctional town of South Park, Colorado.



Riverdale 2017


Set in the present, the series offers a bold, subversive take on Archie, Betty, Veronica and their friends, exploring the surreality of small-town life, the darkness and weirdness bubbling beneath Riverdale’s wholesome facade.


Rules of Engagement

Rules of Engagement 2007


Rules of Engagement is a comedy about the different phases of male/female relationships, as seen through the eyes of a newly engaged couple, Adam and Jennifer, a long-time married pair, Jeff and Audrey, and a single guy on the prowl, Russell. As they find out, the often confusing stages of a relationship can seem like being on a roller coaster. People can describe the ride to you, but to really know what it's like you have to experience it for yourself.


That '70s Show

That '70s Show 1998


Crank up the 8-track and flash back to a time when platform shoes and puka shells were all the rage in this hilarious retro-sitcom. For Eric, Kelso, Jackie, Hyde, Donna and Fez, a group of high school teens who spend most of their time hanging out in Eric’s basement, life in the ‘70s isn’t always so groovy. But between trying to figure out the meaning of life, avoiding their parents, and dealing with out-of-control hormones, they’ve learned one thing for sure: they’ll always get by with a little help from their friends.


New Girl

New Girl 2011


Jessica Day is an offbeat and adorable girl in her late 20s who, after a bad breakup, moves in with three single guys. Goofy, positive, vulnerable and honest to a fault, Jess has faith in people, even when she shouldn't. Although she's dorky and awkward, she's comfortable in her own skin. More prone to friendships with women, she's not used to hanging with the boys—especially at home.



Community 2009


Follow the lives of a group of students at what is possibly the world’s worst community college in the fictional locale of Greendale, Colorado.


Geordie Shore

Geordie Shore 2011


Geordie Shore is a British reality television series broadcast on MTV. Based in Newcastle upon Tyne, it premiered on 24 May 2011, and is the British spin-off of the American show Jersey Shore. "Geordie" is the regional nickname and dialect given to the people of the Tyneside area of North East England, and is closely associated with the city of Newcastle upon Tyne and its environs where the show is set. However the show includes cast members from various parts of North East England.



Entourage 2004


Film star Vince Chase navigates the vapid terrain of Los Angeles with a close circle of friends and his trusty agent.


Shirt Tales

Shirt Tales 1982


Shirt tales is an American animated series that aired on NBC from September 18, 1982 to January 21, 1984. The series featured animal characters, created in 1980 by greeting card designer Janet Elizabeth Manco, that were among Hallmark Cards' best sellers at the time.


Le chalet

Le chalet 2015


Sarah, Lily, Francis and Antoine are all hard-core skiers and snowboarders, and they’re sharing a winter cottage to be as close as possible to the mountain. When Sarah invites her friend Catherine to move in with them for the winter, everyone except Lily is happy to welcome a new addition to the gang. But this new arrival quickly upsets the group dynamics and destabilizes each individual member. Our six friends will soon realize how much the upcoming ski season will be just like their many downhill runs: emotional, eventful and sometimes unbelievable.


A Million Little Things

A Million Little Things 2018


A group of friends from Boston who feel stuck in life experience an unexpected wake-up call after one of their friends dies unexpectedly.



Sliders 1995


In his basement in San Francisco, boy-genius Quinn Mallory unlocks the doorway to an infinite number of Earths. During a test run, Quinn invites co-worker Wade Welles and his teacher Professor Maximillian Arturo to see his new invention. But an increase in power and an early departure leave all three, plus a washed-up soul singer named Rembrandt "Crying Man" Brown, lost in a parallel world. Now they must "slide" from world to world, not only adapting to their changing surroundings, but also trying to get back to their world. Will they ever make it home?



grown-ish 2018


Zoey Johnson heads to college and begins her hilarious journey to adulthood but quickly discovers that not everything goes her way once she leaves the nest.


Happy Endings

Happy Endings 2011


A fresh and funny take on modern friendship and what one urban family will do to stay friends after the perfect couple who brought them all together break up on their wedding day. The failed wedding forces them all to question their life choices. Then there are Alex and Dave themselves, who strike a truce and must learn to live with the changes their breakup has brought.