Ključna beseda Old House
Temne sence 2012
Film spremlja premožnega mladeniča Barnabasa, ki ga je ljubosumna čarovnica v 18. stoletju oropala ljubezni, spremenila v vampirja in zakopala v temačni grob. Leta 1972 Barnabas vstane od mrtvih in priskoči na pomoč obubožanim in necenjenim potomcem svoje družine.
Clue 1985
Grozljiva noč 1985
Srednješolec Charley Brewster po spletu okoliščin odkrije strašljivo resnico o svojem elegantnem in skrivnostnem novem sosedu, a kaj, ko mu nihče ne verjame.
The Money Pit 1986
Bed Rest 2023
House of Usher 1960
Relic 2020
The Uninvited 1944
The Cry of the Owl 2009
The Reptile 1966
Burnt Offerings 1976
What Remains 2013
When the decomposed body of Melissa Young is found by a couple in their new flat, Detective Len Harper is determined to discover what happened to her and why nobody noticed she was missing.
In With the Old 2021
Designers, builders and old-home enthusiasts in small towns and big cities across America reimagine and transform abandoned structures by preserving their historical integrity while giving them new purpose.