Ključna beseda Cowboy
Gora Brokeback 2005
Režiser Ang Lee nam v filmu Gora Brokeback prikaže pravo moč in vzdržljivost ljubezni, ki je ne morejo uničiti stereotipi, geografska oddaljenost ali zob časa. Ennis in Jack se spoznata leta 1963, ko odideta na goro Brokeback past ovce. Njuno prijateljstvo se počasi spremeni v globoko ljubezen, toda ko se vrneta v civilizacijo, se morata soočiti z ljudmi, ki ne odobravajo take ljubezni. Da bi razmerje skrila, se Ennis poroči z dolgoletno prijateljico Almo, Jack pa si ustvari družino z ambiciozno Lureen. Toda ljubezen med Ennisom in Jackom se z leti le še krepi, vsako srečanje pa jima postavlja težka vprašanja o zvestobi, obvezi in zaupanju.
Sedem veličastnih 1960
Legendarni ameriški vestern o sedmih revolveraših, ki poskušajo ubraniti vas pred napadom odpadnikov. Mehiška vas, katere prebivalstvo ne pozna nasilja, ampak samo težko delo na zemlji, je na stalnem udaru banditov, ki jim jemljejo hrano in jim grenijo življenje. Utrujeni od konstantnega izrabljanja in terorja, konzultirajo z vaškim modrecem, ki jim sporoča, da je čas za boj. Predstavniki vaščanov odidejo preko meje, da bi našli orožje, medtem pa v mirnem ameriškem mestu srečajo Vina (Steve McQueen) in Chrisa (Yul Brynner), dva prijatelja in revolveraša, ki jih prepričujeta, da je najpametneje najeti ljudi, ki znajo z orožjem. Zbereta ekipo sedmih izkušenih revolverašev, od katerih večina verjame, da bodo dobili nagrado, če ubranijo vas. Pridejo med vaščane in jih poskušajo naučiti revolverskih veščin in istočasno pripravljajo obrambo vasi.
Moč psa 2021
Phil Burbank je skupaj z bratom Georgeom lastnik bogatega ranča v Montani le nekaj let pred ameriškim borznim zlomom. Na začetku filma brata Burbank še vedno skupaj spita v svoji otroški postelji in gledalcu se zazdi, da se bo vsaka sprememba njunih okoliščin zagotovo zdela usodna. Phil je tako naravnost ogorčen, ko se George nenadoma poroči z ovdovelo Rose. Še posebej ga iritira prisotnost Roseinega občutljivega sina Petra. Phil namreč živi po mačističnih načelih, ki se jih je v mlajših letih naučil od svojega sedaj že pokojnega mentorja Bronca Henrya. Philova sovražnost in okrutnost do mame in sina se samo še stopnjujeta, ko vsi začnejo živeti pod isto streho. Stvari pa se začnejo obračati, ko Phil in mladi Peter skleneta nenavadno prijateljstvo, kar močno vznemirja Rose, ki zaradi tega vse globlje tone v alkoholizem.
Veliki Lebowski 1998
The Longest Ride 2015
Samotni volk McQuade 1983
Teksaški ranger J. J. McQuade rad dela sam, dokler latinskoameriški državni vojak Kayo Ramos ne potrebuje njegove pomoči, da bi ugotovil, kdo je ugrabil konvoj ameriške vojske in poškodoval Ramosovo hčerko. S pomočjo agenta FBI Jacksona ekipa izsledi preprodajalca drog in trgovca z orožjem Rawleyja Wilkesa. Ko Wilkes ubije zveznega agenta, se McQuade bori proti kriminalcu z vsemi svojimi veščinami in usposabljanjem, vključno s puškami in borilnimi veščinami.
The Big Country 1958
Za vsako ceno 2016
Brata Toby in Tanner v življenju nimata veliko sreče: prvi je prestal bolečo ločitev, drugi pa je zaradi različnih prekrškov že pristal za rešetkami. Ko se zdi, da bosta zaradi nezmožnosti odplačevanja posojila izgubila tudi družinsko posest, se odločita izvesti serijo bančnih ropov. Ker ju lokalna policija ne more ustaviti, se na lov za njima podata izkušena teksaška moža postave Marcus in Albert. Kljub njunemu prizadevanju brata še naprej uspešno ropata in pereta denar v igralnicah, meja med zakoni in pravico pa postaja vedno bolj zabrisana.
Brimstone 2016
Blazing Saddles 1974
Young Guns II 1990
Hidalgo 2004
Wild Wild West 1999
Young Guns 1988
Opoldanski obracun 2000
América 2005
Sol and Tião are born to different social backgrounds—she to a poor suburban family in Rio, and him to an even poorer family who raised cattle in West São Paulo State. They eventually meet, due to unlikely circumstances, but part again, as she has set as her ultimate priority to reach the United States or bust. While she comes to the U.S. to live as an illegal immigrant, he remains in Brazil and, despite many trials and tribulations, he becomes a successful rodeo cowboy.
Bonanza 1959
The High-Sierra adventures of Ben Cartwright and his sons as they run and defend their ranch while helping the surrounding community.
Hopalong Cassidy 1952
Hopalong Cassidy was television's first western program. The series aired on NBC and stared William Boyd as the cowboy Hopalong Cassidy.
Ninja Sentai Kakuranger 1994
It's been a long time since the great war between the Three God Generals and the Youkais, an ancient race of monstrous spirits. Since then, imprisoned in a cave protected by the mystical Seal Door, their leader Daimaou and his Youkai army wait, planning for the day they can finally strike. That day has arrived and it is up to the Kakurangers, along with the Three God Generals, to defeat the Youkais, before Daimaou's villainy destroys Earth!
Houston Knights 1987
Houston Knights is an American crime drama set in Houston, Texas. The show ran on CBS from 1987 to 1988 and had 31 episodes. The core of the show was the partnership between two very different cops from two different cultures. Chicago cop Joey LaFiamma, played by Michael Paré, is transferred to Houston after he kills a mobster from a powerful Mafia family and a contract is put out on him. Once there, he is partnered with Levon Lundy, played by Michael Beck, the grandson of a Texas Ranger. Although as different as night and day, and after a rocky beginning they form a successful partnership and become friends. This is aided to a certain extent by an event where a hitman from Chicago who holds the contract to shoot La Fiamma arrives in Houston and is ultimately killed by Lundy. During the series, it is revealed that both La Fiamma and Lundy have their own personal demons; La Fiamma's Chicago police partner had been killed when he went ahead while La Fiamma had waited for backup to arrive. Lundy's wife had been killed by an explosion that was intended to kill him.
Doc 2001
Doc is a medical drama/family drama with strong Christian undertones starring Billy Ray Cyrus as Dr. Clint "Doc" Cassidy, a Montana doctor who takes a job in a New York City medical clinic. It ran from March 11, 2001 to November 28, 2004 on PAX. Although set in New York City, all the episodes were shot in and around Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Into the West 2005
The lives of two families, one white American, one native American, become mingled through the momentous events of American expansion, between 1825 and 1890.
Quick Draw McGraw 1959
The Quick Draw McGraw Show is the third cartoon television production created by Hanna-Barbera, starring an anthropomorphic cartoon horse named Quick Draw McGraw
The New Adventures of Lucky Luke 2001
The cowboy who draws a gun faster than his shadow is back! Lucky Luke, the famous wandering cowboy fights crime and injustice, most often in the form of the bumbling Dalton brothers. He rides Jolly Jumper, "the smartest horse in the world" and is often accompanied by Rantanplan, "the stupidest dog in the universe".
The Gene Autry Show 1950
The Gene Autry Show is an American western/cowboy television series which aired for 91 episodes on CBS from July 23, 1950 until August 7, 1956, originally sponsored by Wrigley's Doublemint chewing gum.
The Roy Rogers Show 1951
Roy Rogers is the owner of the RR Ranch in the Mineral City area, which he runs with the help of the German shepherd dog Bullet and his horse Trigger. Roy, supported by his friend Pat Brady, is often helping the weakest usually threatened by cattle thieves, dishonest sheriffs and villains of various kinds. Pat Brady works as a cook at the Eureka Café, owned by Dale Evans.
Ricochet Rabbit & Droop-a-Long 1964
Ricochet Rabbit & Droop-a-Long was a segment of Hanna-Barbera's 1964–1966 cartoon The Magilla Gorilla Show, and later appeared on The Peter Potamus Show.
Lucky Luke 1984
Lucky Luke, with his horse Double Six, travels the Old West to right wrongs and bring evildoers (usually his traditional enemies the Dalton Brothers) to justice. "The man who shoots faster than his shadow."
Country Comfort 2021
When an up-and-coming young country singer accepts a job as a nanny with a musical family, she finds the bond she's always missed.
Posse Impossible 1977
Action in the Afternoon 1953
Action in the Afternoon is an American western television series that aired live on CBS from February 2, 1953 to January 29, 1954. The series originated from the studios and back lot of WCAU-TV, Channel 10 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and was broadcast Monday through Friday regardless of the weather. The half-hour series aired variously at 3:30 pm or 4:00 pm, throughout its run.
Elkhorn 2024
Theodore Roosevelt is bound for greatness—he's a Harvard graduate from a prominent family, a rising politician, and his wife, Alice, is pregnant. Then his promising future turns tragic. His mother succumbs to typhoid, and Alice dies in childbirth on the same day. Devastated, Teddy leaves his urban world of high rises and high society for the desolate Dakota Territory, where, by facing the harsh reality of surviving life on America’s frontier, he intends to remake himself into something greater.
Kid Lucky 2020
Saddle up for a wild ride and head to the best playground in the Wild West! The town of Nothing Gulch is the greatest playground in the wild west! Kid is a slingshot ace who is destined to be the world's greatest cowboy! He and his friends always have an adventure whether it be riding Kid's horse Jolly Jumper or helping the Sheriff, where there's an injustice Kid will be there to save the day - and have a laugh along the way!