Ključna beseda Avant Garde
Зеркало 1975
La montaña sagrada 1973
Blow-Up 1966
Santa Sangre 1989
3 Women 1977
Lux Æterna 2020
書を捨てよ町へ出よう 1971
Sweet Movie 1974
Zappa 2020
Frank Zappa je izjemen skladatelj slogovno zelo raznolike glasbe, vse od rocka do sodobne resne glasbe. Kot perfekcionist je od glasbenikov pričakoval brezhibno izvedbo. Postavil se je po robu velikim založniškim hišam in se boril proti cenzuri. Sredstva za to res obsežno dokumentarno pripoved o življenju in delu vélikega Franka Zappe so avtorji pridobili v zelo uspešni akciji množičnega financiranja na spletu.
The Baby of Mâcon 1993
Touki-Bouki 1973
L'Éden et après 1970
L'urlo 1970
À propos de Nice 1930
Hunting Confessions 2025
Ballet Mécanique 1924
46億年の恋 2006
Egumi Legacy 2024
The story of EGUMI LEGACY is set on the remote island of Egu, where the inhabitants sole means of entertainment comes from listening to the beautiful singing voice of the diva known as “End of the World”. However, the sudden disappearance of End of the World plunges Egu Island into a whirlpool of anger, anxiety, and suspicion as the residents begin to scheme and set their own plans into motion. Against this backdrop, the legendary “Egumi Legacy” holds the key to finding End of the World and putting an end to “The Great Licking War”.
Beard Club 2017
Two disillusioned cops, lost in a world where beauty has become the main criterion of selection, in search of a serial killer of bearded women.