Divja robotka 2024
Epska pustolovščina sledi potovanju robota - ROZZUM 7134, na kratko "Roz" - ki doživi brodolom na nenaseljenem otoku in se mora naučiti prilagoditi okolju, postopoma pa gradi odnose z živalmi in posvoji osirotelo gosko.
Epska pustolovščina sledi potovanju robota - ROZZUM 7134, na kratko "Roz" - ki doživi brodolom na nenaseljenem otoku in se mora naučiti prilagoditi okolju, postopoma pa gradi odnose z živalmi in posvoji osirotelo gosko.
Ustvarjalci zabavne animacije Zlatolaska so pripravili nepozabno zimsko pustolovsko zgodbo o kraljičnah Ani in Elsi. Slednja premore čarovno moč ustvarjanja snežnih metežev, toda ko se njena magija nekega dne ponesreči, celotno kraljestvo ogrne v večni sneg in led. Dvolični grof, ki se želi polastiti prestola, ljudi naščuva proti kraljični, zato se njena sestra skupaj z izkušenim hribolazcem, zabavnim jelenom in čudaškim snežakom poda na neverjetno reševalno akcijo, polno nepričakovanih nevarnosti in kaotične snežne zabave.
Ko Paddington izve, da je njegova draga teta Lucy izginila iz Doma za upokojene medvede, se z družino Brown odpravi v divjine Peruja, da bi jo poiskal. Vse, po čemer se lahko ravna pri svojem podvigu, je označena točka na skrivnostnem zemljevidu. Odločen, da reši uganko, se Paddington poda na vznemirljivo odpravo skozi amazonski pragozd, da bi našel teto – in morda celo odkril enega izmed najbolj legendarnih svetovnih zakladov.
Čudaški Grinch živi samotarsko življenje v jami blizu mesteca Kdolsko. Družbo mu dela zvesti prijatelj, psiček Maks. Svoje bivališče sta si uredila z izumi in izpopolnjenimi tehničnimi napravami, ki jima lajšajo vsak dan. Grinch se pretežno zadržuje doma, prebivalce Kdolskega vidi le takrat, ko mu zmanjka hrane in mora po nakupih. Vsako leto pa mu prebivalci Kdolskega, Kdoji, dneve pred božičem pokvarijo z vedno večjimi, svetlikajočimi in glasnimi praznovanji. In ker se letos Kdoji odločijo, da bo božič še trikrat večji kot običajno, Grinchu prekipi in se odloči, da bo ukradel božič. Da bo naposled le imel mir in tišino, se odloči, da se bo na predvečer božiča preoblekel v Božička.
Ustvarjalci zabavne animirane komedija Jaz, baraba predstavljajo neverjetno pustolovščino mladega Teda, ki skuša očarati ljubko mladenko. V iskanju primernega darila Ted naleti na modrega Once-lerja, ki mu razloži zgodbo o skrivnostnem varuhu dežele Loraxu. Skupaj z oranžnim čemernežem mora Ted posvariti mesto pred ekološkim uničenjem, ki sta ga povzročila pohlep in brezobzirnost meščanov.
Potem ko je bilo njuno prijateljstvo sprva zelo malo verjetno, sta mladi Viking Viki in zmaj Brezzobi kmalu postala prava zaveznika in skupaj doživljala pravo epsko avanturo. V tretjem delu bosta končno odkrila svojo usodo.
Deček Jess ima težave tako v šoli, kjer ga trpinčijo sošolci, kot doma, kjer mu njegova družina ne daje nikakršne podpore. Poleg vsega je vse leto treniral, da bi postal najhitrejši tekač v razredu, a ga v dirki, sicer namenjeni dečkom, premaga nova sošolka Leslie. Kljub slabim prvim vtisom mlada junaka postaneta najboljša prijatelja, in ko ugotovita, da imata podobne konjičke, se skupaj zatečeta v izmišljen čaroben kraj, kraljestvo Terabitijo ...
Nadebudni mladenič Flint sanja, da bo s svojimi nenavadnimi izumi izboljšal življenje someščanov, a kot zakleto se vsi poskusi izjalovijo. Ker ne želi končati v očetovi prodajalni sardin, izumi napravo, ki vodo spreminja v hrano, toda ko jo skuša vključiti, jo odnese v nebo. Kmalu iz oblakov prične deževati najrazličnejša hrana in Flintova priljubljenost hitro naraste. Na žalost se okusni vremenski pojavi spremenijo v naravno katastrofo, popolno uničenje pa lahko prepreči le Flintova iznajdljivost.
Film o velikem biku s še večjim srcem, ki bi raje vohal cvetlice, kot se boril z matadorji. Ko so ga ljudje napačno ocenili kot nevarno razuzdano zver, Ferdinanda zvežejo in odpeljejo od doma. Odločen, da se bo vrnil k družini, zbere druščino skrajnih značajev in se odpravi neverjetni pustolovščini naproti. Zgodba o Ferdinandu dokazuje, da ne smemo imeti predsodkov ter ne smemo soditi niti ene osebe ali živali samo po videzu.
August Pullman se je rodil s hudo deformacijo obraza. Do desetega leta ni hodil v šolo, ampak je imel zaradi številnih zahtevnih operacij in dolgotrajnih okrevanj pouk doma. Z vstopom v peti razred osnovne šole je zdaj njegova edina želja, da bi ga sošolci imeli za navadnega. Toda novi sošolci ne morejo prezreti njegovega nenavadnega obraza. Poleg Augusta, ki izredno duhovito pripoveduje o sebi, svoji družini in svetu, ki ga obdaja, svoja razmišljanja o tem nadarjenem fantu razkrijejo še sestra Via, njen fant Justin, novi sošolec Jack, prijateljica Summer in Viina prijateljica Miranda. Vsi njihovi pogledi se združujejo v boju za sočutje, empatijo in sprejemanje drugačnosti. Ta nepozabna zgodba v naša življenja prinaša srčnost in upanje.
Štirje iznajdljivi in pogumni otroci družine Pevensie se vrnejo v pravljično deželo Narnijo, kjer je od njihovega odhoda minilo že 1300 let. Deželi so zavladali okrutni Telmarinci in uničili kraljestvo pravljičnih bitij, zato morajo mladi junaki združiti moči z vročekrvnim princem Kaspijanom, toda zmago v številnih divjih bitkah jim lahko prinese le popolno medsebojno zaupanje.
Ko se zvesti policijski pes in njegov lastnik policist med delovnim časom oba poškodujeta, ju rešijo s hitro, a precej nespametno operacijo – združijo policistovo telo in pasjo glavo in rodi se Pasji mož. In Pasji mož je zaprisegel, da bo varoval in služil – ter prinašal, sedel in se prevračal.
The show revolves around the lives of 8-year-old Arthur Read, an anthropomorphic aardvark, his friends and family, and their daily interactions with each other.
Little Princess is a children's animated television series. Directed by Edward Foster, it debuted in the United Kingdom in 2006 and is currently shown there as part of Channel 5's Milkshake! and – as Y Dywysoges Fach – in the children's programming strand Cyw on the Welsh language channel S4C. In English, the stories are narrated by Julian Clary, who also provides the voice of the cat Puss. Jane Horrocks provides the voice of the Little Princess. The series is based on the original books by Tony Ross and follows the success of Ross's 1986 book 'I Want My Potty', which was also turned into a 5 minute short film. Great Uncle Walter is voiced by Brian Blessed and General, Prime Minister, Gardener and Chef are all voiced by Colin McFarlane.
Brother and sister Ty and Abby Archer work for the government's Grossology department as they solve crimes and save their world from disgusting supervillains.
Anne Shirley is a freckle-faced, red-haired girl, who grows up in an orphanage having lost her parents at a very early age. Anne is always cheerful and fun-loving despite being brought up without love or affection. When she turns 11, she is adopted by the old farmer Matthew Cuthbert and his sister Marilla. Anne starts her new life with Matthew and Marilla at a farm called "Green Gables", but actually the Cuthberts wanted a boy who could help with their work on the farm... Overcoming many hardships and meeting many friends and people, Anne grows up to be a strong-minded woman.
Grimm's Fairy Tale Classics is a Japanese animated anthology series by Nippon Animation. The episodes are adaptations of a variety of folk and fairy tales, and not limited to Grimm's Fairy Tales.
Mayhem and mishaps follow young witch Mildred Hubble wherever she goes. She just can't help it! But with her friends' help, Mildred always manages to avoid disaster just in time.
On a charming island, Square, Triangle, and Circle seek adventure and connection while learning how to navigate each other's differences.
Princess friends from four different Fruitdoms — Blueberry, Kiwi, Pineapple and Raspberry — spring into action to make their worlds a better place.
When nearby construction disturbs a spiritual resting place, its disgruntled denizens do what any supernatural beings would do after a rude awakening: they terrorize the local school. And that means it’s up to a scruffy band of young ghostbusters to expel their satanic schoolmates before everyone gets sent to permanent detention! So join Satsuki, her crybaby brother, the resident class stud, the school nerd and "physical researcher," a born-again beauty, and a resentful, demon-possessed cat in the funniest, scariest school you’ve ever enrolled in.
Pururun! Shizuku-chan is a popular child-aimed anime/manga series. It debut on 2003 as a manga series that grew popular throughout its years. Three years after its manga debut, on October 7, 2006, it was released on TV Tokyo as an anime running for two seasons towards September 2008. A third season, Picchipichi Shizuku-chan, ran from October 2012 to September 2013. It was produced by Asahi Production.
To get the money to pay for a doctor for his father, Romeo bravely sells himself as a chimney sweep. On the way to Milan he meets Alfredo, a mysterious boy on the run heading to the same fate. Upon being separated and sold to their new bosses, the two boys swear eternal friendship. Romeo has to learn the hardships of a chimney sweep's job.
In this Earth, there exists unknown underground world, the Inner World. In the world, there are braves who fight with large spiders, and they are called “Spider Riders”. According to his grandfather’s diary, a boy, Hunter Steel is traveling around. Meanwhile he happens to enter the Inner World from a pyramid. There, the war between the insect squad that aims at conquest of the Inner World and Spider Riders continues. Oracle, the fairly of the Inner World, summons Hunter because he thinks Hunter will be the messiah of the world. However, the powers of Oracle are sealed by Mantid who is the rule of the Insecter. For the peace of the Inner World, he has to find four sealed keys of Oracle to retrieve Oracle’s power. Hunter asks Spider Shadow, which is a big spider chosen by Oracle, to become a member of Spider Riders to fight against enemies.
The Wombles is a stop motion animated British television series made in 1973–1975. After the first Wombles book, published in 1968, was featured on the BBC children's television programme Jackanory, the BBC commissioned producer FilmFair to create a television series of the books. The series was produced by Graham Clutterbuck and directed by Ivor Wood using stop-motion. The characters were all voiced by actor Bernard Cribbins. Sets and model making were by Barry Leith. Two series of 30 five minute episodes were produced, with the first series airing in 1973, animated by Ivor Wood, and the second in 1975, animated by Barry Leith. In all, sixty episodes were produced. The original television series was regularly screened for many years. After FilmFair was acquired by the Canadian company Cinar Films in 1996, a new series of episodes was created, with a number of new Womble characters. In the UK, the series was purchased by ITV.
Funny, fast and furry - the WOODLIES are nuttier than a squirrel’s lunch, on a mission to protect their forest from the human Uglies and get their paws on the biggest stash of food they can find! Big job when you’re not much bigger than a squirrel...
Guy-Am-I, an inventor, and his friend Sam-I-Am go on a cross-country trip that would test the limits of their friendship. As they learn to try new things, they find out what adventure brings.
Based on the best-selling children's books and liberally splattered with guts, blood and poo, a group of British comedians offer an anarchic and unconventional take on some of history's most gruesome and funny moments, with topics including the Stone Age, the Middle Ages, the Egyptians and the Romans, among others.
Meet two funny bunny siblings, the energetic and mischievous Max, and the patient, smart and goal-oriented Ruby. The show models empowering messages by showing Max and Ruby playing together and resolving their differences respectfully and supportively.