
Oppenheimer 2023


Zgodba spremlja ameriškega znanstvenika J. Roberta Oppenheimerja in njegovo vlogo pri razvoju atomske bombe. Znanstvenika Oppenheimerja je upodobil Cillian Murphy, njegovo ženo Katherine »Kitty« Oppenheimer, ki je biologinja in botaničarka, pa igralka Emily Blunt. Oskarjevec Matt Damon je upodobil generala Leslieja Grovesa ml., direktorja projekta Manhattan, igralec Robert Downey Jr. pa je ustanovni komisar ameriške komisije za jedrsko energijo Lewis Strauss.



Thor 2011


Vročekrvni bog groma Thor z nepremišljenimi dejanji povzroči vojno med bogovi, zato mu razočarani kralj Odin odvzame mogočno kladivo in nadnaravne moči ter ga pošlje v izgnanstvo na Zemljo. Na begu pred vojsko, ki ga želi preučiti in izkoristiti, Thoru na pomoč priskoči zvedava znanstvenica Jane. Toda ko Zemljo ogrozi neizprosna vojska sadističnega božanstva, mora Thor v številnih osupljivih bitkah znova najti svojo magično moč, da bi sebe in človeštvo rešil pred uničenjem.



Stik 1997


Dr. Ellie Arroway, po-letih iskanja, najde trden radio dokaz inteligentnih nezemljanov, ki pošljajo načrte za skrivnostno napravo.


Obzorje: Ameriška saga - 1. poglavje

Obzorje: Ameriška saga - 1. poglavje 2024


Spoznajte privlačnost in skrivnosti starega Zahoda ter kako je bil le ta pridobljen in poseljen – s krvjo, znojem in solzami mnogih. Ambiciozna pustolovščina, ki zajema tudi štiri leta državljanske vojne, od leta 1861 do 1865 vas bo popeljala na čustveno potovanje po državi, ki je v vojni sama s sabo, skozi pogled družin, zaveznikov in sovražnikov, ki poskušajo odkriti, kaj v resnici pomeni biti Združene države Amerike.


Kri moje ljubezni

Kri moje ljubezni 2024


Nova Mehika leta 1989. Bodybuilderka Jackie se na poti na tekmovanje v Las Vegasu ustavi v majhnem puščavskem mestu. Tam spozna Lou, zadržano vodjo lokalne telovadnice in dekleti se v trenutku strastno zaljubita. Toda njuna romanca uide izpod nadzora, ko se Jackie zaplete z Loujino družino: njeno sestro, nasilnim svakom ter očetom, ki trguje z orožjem...


El Camino: A Breaking Bad Film

El Camino: A Breaking Bad Film 2019


Po dramatičnem pobegu iz zapora Jesse Pinkman beži pred svojimi ugrabitelji, zakonom in svojo preteklostjo. Soočiti se mora z njo, če si želi ustvariti kakršnokoli prihodnost.



Sovražniki 2017


Leta 1892 dobi stotnik ameriške vojske Joseph J. Blocker (Christian Bale) nalogo, da skozi nevarno ozemlje varno pospremi indijanskega poglavarja.


21 gramov

21 gramov 2003


Gre za zgodbo o upanju, človeštvu, o borbenosti in preživetju. Naj se bojimo smrti ali ne, obišče nas zagotovo, in v tistem trenutku je naše telo 21 gramov lažje. Je to teža, ki jo predstavlja naša duša? Je to teža, ki jo nosijo tisti, ki nas preživijo? Film raziskuje tako čustveni kot fizični obstoj treh ljudi v obdobju nekaj mesecev. Nesreča nepričakovano združi njihova življenja in usode, ter jih popelje v svet ljubezni, maščevanja in obljubljene odrešitve. 21 gramov je novi film režiserja Alejandra Gonzáleza Ińárrituja, oskarjevega nominiranca za film Amores perros. Glavni igralci so trikratni oskarjev nominiranec Sean Penn, oskarjev nagrajenec Benicio Del Toro, ter večkrat nagrajena Naomi Watts. Film je svojo premiero doživel na beneškem filmskem festivalu in nihče od omenjenih igralcev ni odšel praznih rok. Sean Penn je prejel nagrado za najboljšega igralca, Benicia Del Tora in Naomi Watts pa je za najboljšega igralca oziroma igralko izbralo občinstvo.


Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad 2008


Walter White, a New Mexico chemistry teacher, is diagnosed with Stage III cancer and given a prognosis of only two years left to live. He becomes filled with a sense of fearlessness and an unrelenting desire to secure his family's financial future at any cost as he enters the dangerous world of drugs and crime.


Better Call Saul

Better Call Saul 2015


Six years before Saul Goodman meets Walter White. We meet him when the man who will become Saul Goodman is known as Jimmy McGill, a small-time lawyer searching for his destiny, and, more immediately, hustling to make ends meet. Working alongside, and, often, against Jimmy, is “fixer” Mike Ehrmantraut. The series tracks Jimmy’s transformation into Saul Goodman, the man who puts “criminal” in “criminal lawyer".


In Plain Sight

In Plain Sight 2008


U.S. Marshal Mary Shannon must hunt down witnesses for federal cases in the witness protection program while also managing a rather dysfunctional family and her own personal life.



Roswell 1999


Bizarre things start happening in the little New Mexico town where UFOs were spotted in 1947. Cut to 1999, when a cute high-school student saves the life of a teenage waitress. Surrounded by cliques of clever, angst-filled classmates, the two form a bond that threatens the survival of a secret universe involving superhuman powers, a yen for hot sauce and an alien gene pool.


The Tall Man

The Tall Man 1960


The Tall Man is a half-hour American western television series about Sheriff Pat Garrett and the gunfighter Billy the Kid that aired seventy-five episodes on NBC from 1960 to 1962, filmed by Revue Productions.


Billy the Kid

Billy the Kid 2022


An epic romantic adventure series based on the life of famous American outlaw Billy the Kid — from his humble Irish roots, to his early days as a cowboy and gunslinger in the American frontier, to his pivotal role in the Lincoln County War and beyond.



Godless 2017


A ruthless outlaw terrorizes the West in search of a former member of his gang, who’s found a new life in a quiet town populated only by women.



Manhattan 2014


Set against the backdrop of the greatest clandestine race against time in the history of science with the mission to build the world's first atomic bomb in Los Alamos, New Mexico. Flawed scientists and their families attempt to co-exist in a world where secrets and lies infiltrate every aspect of their lives.


The Curse

The Curse 2023


An alleged curse disturbs the relationship of a newly married couple as they try to conceive a child while co-starring on their problematic new HGTV show.


Law of the Plainsman

Law of the Plainsman 1959


Law of the Plainsman is a Western television series starring Michael Ansara that aired on the NBC television network from October 1, 1959, until May 5, 1960. The character of Native American U.S. Marshal Sam Buckhart was introduced in two episodes of the popular ABC Western television series The Rifleman starring Chuck Connors as Lucas McCain. Law of the Plainsman is distinctive and unique in that it was one of the few television programs that featured a Native American as the lead character, a bold move for U.S.network television at that time. Ansara had earlier appeared in the series Broken Arrow, having portrayed the Apache chief, Cochise. Ansara, however, was not Native American but of Syrian descent. Ansara played Sam Buckhart, an Apache Indian who saved the life of a U.S. Cavalry officer after an Indian ambush. When the officer died, he left Sam money that was used for an education at private schools and Harvard University. After school, he returned to New Mexico where he became a Deputy Marshal working for Marshal Andy Morrison. He lived in a boarding house run by Martha Commager. The only other continuing character was 8-year old Tess Logan, an orphan who had been rescued by Buckhart. Robert Harland, later of Target: The Corruptors! starred in seven episodes as Deputy Billy Lordan. Wayne Rogers, who went on to star in another Four Star western, Stagecoach West, and later, M*A*S*H, also played deputy Lordan in several episodes.



Empire 1962


Empire is an hour-long Western television series set on a 1960s 500,000-acre ranch in New Mexico, starring Richard Egan, Terry Moore, Charles Bronson, and Ryan O'Neal. It ran on NBC from September 25, 1962, to May 14, 1963. In the second abbreviated season, from September 24 to December 31, 1963, it was renamed Redigo after Egan's title character, Jim Redigo, the general manager of the fictitious Garrett ranch in Empire, and reduced to a half-hour. (Unaired Pilot: This Rugged Land)



Redigo 1963


Redigo is a 15-week Western dramatic series, set on a New Mexico ranch during the early 1960s, which aired over NBC from September 24 to December 31, 1963. The series features Richard Egan as ranch owner Jim Redigo, Roger Davis as Mike the ranch hand, and Elena Verdugo as Gerry. Don Diamond appeared in four episodes, three as the character Arturo. Redigo was the truncated second half-hour season of the previous one-hour series, Empire, which aired from September 25, 1962, to May 13, 1963. Both programs were placed on the Tuesday evening schedule against CBS's The Red Skelton Show. Redigo also lost out in the ratings to the ABC military sitcom, McHale's Navy, starring Ernest Borgnine and Tim Conway. In Redigo, Egan's character Jim Redigo was no longer the manager of the large Garrett Ranch but the owner of his own smaller spread nearby. The half-hour format made it hard for the program to develop complex characters as had been done in the initial one-hour version of the show.


Wycaro 339

Wycaro 339 1970


The project, described as a blended, grounded genre drama, has received a two-season straight-to-series order from Apple TV+.


Love Off the Grid

Love Off the Grid 2022


Discover how four city-dwellers give up their homes to pursue love in the wilderness.