Ključna beseda Swimming
Polnočno sonce 2018
Epska romantična drama pripoveduje o 17-letnemu dekletu Katie (Bella Thorne), ki zaradi redke bolezni ne sme biti izpostavljena soncu. Podnevi je v hiši, šele zvečer po temi pa se odpravi proti lokalni železniški postaji, kjer igra kitaro potnikom. Nekega večera se vplete usoda in Katie spozna fanta (Patrick Schwarzenegger), s katerim se spusti v poletno romanco.
Gattaca 1997
Znanstvenofantastična drama, postavljena v prihodnost, kjer človekovega življenja ne določata izobrazba in izkušnje, temveč genski inženiring. Bogati lahko izberejo poljubno genetsko sestavo svojih potomcev. Ljudje so zasnovani za vlogo, ki jim je določena pred rojstvom. Kaj pa se zgodi, ko si nekdo želi drugačnega življenja? V tem neosebnem svetu prihodnosti so državljani ustvarjeni kot popolni primerki, zato velja naravno rojena manjšina za manjvredno. Toda eden od naravno rojenih se želi osvoboditi družbenih spon in sanjari o tem, da bo potoval po vesolju kot navigator pri korporaciji Gattaca. Da bi dosegel svoj cilj, poišče pomoč prekupčevalca z DNK Germana in vzpostavi stik z Jeromom Morrowom, ki je po nezgodi ostal paraliziran in je pripravljen prodati svoj večvredni genetski material. Vincent prevzame Jeromovo identiteto in pride v posadko vesoljske misije. Toda teden pred poletom enega od direktorjev Gattace umorijo in sum pade na vse člane posadke...
Young Woman and the Sea 2024
Izjemna resnična zgodba o Trudy Ederle, prvi ženski, ki je uspešno preplavala Rokavski preliv. Z neomajno podporo starejše sestre in podpornih trenerjev je premagala težave in sovražnost patriarhalne družbe, se prebila med člane olimpijske plavalne ekipe in preplavala 21 milj dolgo pot od Francije do Anglije.
Song of the Sea 2014
Mermaids 1990
Jaws 3-D 1983
Float 2024
Parched 2: Hangry 2019
L'Inconnu du lac 2013
Marco effekten 2021
Krojač iz Paname 2001
Odličen film je posnet po romanu Johna Le Carréja. Dogajanje je postavljeno v leto 1999. Panamski prekop, ki je bil do sedaj pod nadzorom Američanov, je zdaj ponovno v rokah panamske vlade. V Panami se znajde tudi brezobziren angleški vohun Andy Osnard, ki se je v domovini zapletel v škandal, zato so ga izgnali sem. Kmalu spozna angleškega krojača Harryja, ki v Panami živi z ženo Louiso, po rodu Američanko. Andy Harryja reši iz finančne stiske, vendar mu mora Harry v zameno pomagati pri zbiranju informacij o tem, kaj namerava državni vrh storiti s Panamskim prekopom. Andy naredi načrt, kako bo prelisičil britansko vlado in vse okrog sebe
NYAD 2023
Neverjetna resnična zgodba 60-letne plavalke Diane Nyad, ki je s pomočjo najboljše prijateljice in trdega treninga uspela preplavati 110 milj (več kot 160 km) odprtega oceana od Kube do Floride.
Giant Little Ones 2019
Swimfan 2002
河童のクゥと夏休み 2007
Dolphin Tale 2 2014
Baywatch 1989
Join the Baywatch lifeguards on their thrilling adventures filled with beautiful beaches and those iconic red swimsuits.
Swimming Battle 2016
Can a woman who can’t remember her past and a man who is trying to hide his true identity break a swim team’s losing streak? Yu Die was a genius child prodigy who lost everything she loved. Yu Die’s mother drowned while trying to save Yu Die and, in one very bad day, Yu Die lost her mother, her memory and her ability to swim. Years later, she crosses paths with Gao Hai Fei, the CEO of a multibillion corporation. Intrigued by Yu Die’s lost memories, Hai Fei hides his true identity from her and gets mistaken for a professional part-time worker who is a jack-of-all-trades. Yu Die asks Hai Fei for his help with the “Sea Horse” Men’s Swim Team, which has never been able to win a meet and is the laughing stock of the sport of swimming. With Hai Fei searching for a “mermaid” crush from his past, will he agree to help Yu Die turn the losing swim team around?
Barracuda 2016
Melbourne 1996. The Golden Age of Australian swimming is beginning and a scholarship to an exclusive boys school brings 16-year-old Danny Kelly one step closer to his ultimate goal - winning Olympic gold. Initially, Danny struggles to find his place in the prestigious social circles of the private boys school. However under the charge of highly regarded coach Frank Torma and a friendship/rivalry with teammate Martin Taylor, Danny is soon on track to become Australia’s youngest swimming champion, the unstoppable 'Barracuda'.
I SWIM 2022
This is a story of rivalry and friendship between two young swimmers; a tale of natural talent versus hard work. Talented swimmer Chung is a transfer student. In his new class, 4C, he meets a swim relay team led by Wing. Despite being proficient in all four styles, Wing is frustrated at his team’s losing streak to Class 4A. At his first swimming gala, Chung plans to show off his skills. Unfortunately, he shows his imperfect starting dives and lack of stamina instead. The mistake he makes in his starting dive even causes his team to lose. After the defeat, he decides to quit the relay match. However, after observing Chung’s freestyle performance, Wing starts teaching him techniques in starting dives and racing. Wing aims to beat Class 4A with the same team members, including Chung.
Mr. Swimmer 2018
Genius swimmer Bai Yongze comes from a humble background, while wealthy Song Chacha's life turns upside down after her family falls from grace. When her boyfriend, Lan Tian—Yongze’s best friend—suddenly breaks up with her, the two men become rivals, competing in both love and career.
Free! 2013
The story revolves around Haruka Nanase, a boy who has always loved to be immersed in water, and to swim in it. Before graduating from elementary school, he participated in a swimming tournament along with his fellow swimming club members, Makoto Tachibana, Nagisa Hazuki, and Rin Matsuoka. After achieving victory, each of the boys went their separate ways. Time passed, and in the middle of their uneventful high school lives Rin appears and challenges Haruka to a match, showing Haruka his overwhelming power. Not wanting it to end like this, Haruka, gathers together Makoto and Nagisa once again and brings a new member named Rei Ryugazaki to create the Iwatobi High School Swimming Club in order to defeat Rin.
The Champion 2004
The Champion is an idol drama produced by Mediacorp in Singapore. It was telecast from October 20 to November 16, 2004. The show stars Taiwanese idol Toro, Yan Xingshu, Qi Yuwu, Julian Hee, Jeanette Aw, Felicia Chin, Fiona Xie and Joyce Zhao, all young actors and actresses. This show also marked Jesseca Liu's acting debut. It received one of the highest viewership rate during the telecast of the show, especially since there were a few semi-nude scenes such as Qi Yuwu stripping on-screen and Fiona Xie and other members of the Flying Fish running down Orchard Road in their bikinis. This was also the first drama which allowed viewers to vote via a SMS competition on Nov 16 2004 for the viewers' favourite 2-minute short ending which was aired on Nov 17 2004 at 8.58 pm just before the debut of the next drama My Mighty In-Laws.
Sparkle Love 2020
College freshman Mei Weiwei hides her unique ability to make men fall for her at first sight, seeking a normal life. Her plans unravel when swimming legend Mai Sichong, bold yet inexperienced in love, becomes smitten and pursues her relentlessly, leading to a charming and unexpected romance.
DIVE!! 2017
The series revolves around the Mizuki Diving Club (MDC), which is on the verge of closing down after having financial troubles. The club's new coach persuades the club's parent company to stay open on one condition: that the club sends one of its members to next year's olympics as part of Japan's olympic team.
GOLD 2010
Yuri Saotome is a charismatic beautician who runs a major sports gym and aesthetic salon. Her older brother died in an accident just before his opportunity to achieve a gold medal at the Olympics, so she chose to marry a wrestling gold medalist. After giving birth to four children, she and her husband broke off their marriage, leaving Yuri to raise the kids by herself. With their excellent genes, three of them have been raised as possible candidates for the next Olympic games.
Ocean Warrior 2022
Swim! 2017
Higashigaoka High School’s male swimming club presently has only three second-year members – leader Sakaki Shuhei, Shinozuka Daiki and Koganei Haruyoshi. They welcome the new school year with the aim of getting members.
DIVE!! 2021
Tomoki Sakai is a first-year high school student. He has talent for diving and has been partaking in the sport for six years. He is also member of the dive club MDC, but the club is on the verge of shutting down due to budget deficits. Kayoko Asaki becomes the new coach of MDC and informs the team that they must produce an athlete on the national dive team for the next Olympics. Otherwise, their team will shut down forever. Tomoki Sakai has rival divers: Yōichi Fujitani and Shibuki Okitsu.
Jules and Greg's Wild Swim 2024
The couple that swims together, stays together. Comics Julie Wilson Nimmo and Greg Hemphill take the plunge at Scotland's breathtaking and beautiful wild swimming spots.
Michael Phelps: Medals, Memories & More 2021
The three-part documentary series features Phelps looking back at each race of his Olympic career with NBC Sports swimming commentators Dan Hicks and Rowdy Gaines.