
Ljubica 2024


Romy, močna ženska in izvršna direktorica podjetja, zaradi nevarne in burne afere s svojim precej mlajšim pripravnikom postavi na kocko tako svojo kariero kot tudi družino.



Salt 2010


Režiser napetih trilerjev Patriotske igre, Svetnik in Neposredna nevarnost se znova podaja v svet skrivnostnih vohunov, na čelu s predano agentko CIE Evelyn Salt. Njena zvestoba je postavljena pred preizkušnjo, ko jo prebegli informator naznani kot dvojno rusko agentko, ki naj bi izvedla atentat na ameriškega predsednika. Salt pobegne in uspešno uporabi svoje dolgoletno znanje prikrivanja in izmikanja prijetju, a da bi dokazala svojo nedolžnost, se mora soočiti z obtožbami in zlepa ali zgrda obvarovati svoje življenje pred dokončnim izbrisom.



Ada 1985



Eating Crab With A Yukionna

Eating Crab With A Yukionna 2022


A certain summer day, as the cicadas sing loudly. A man with no money and no place to belong tries to end his life, however is unable to take the last step. While wavering between life and death, he sees a gourmet food program on television, and realising he's never once eaten crab in his life decides that "For my last day on this Earth, I'll eat crab". Settings his sights on the wife who lives in a high-class neighbourhood that he happened across in a library, he forces his way into her home. And thus, he demands money from her, however things go in an unexpected direction.


My Sordid Affair

My Sordid Affair 2017


Half of all couples cheat but some take it too far that they can never go back. Tales of ordinary moms, dads, wives and husbands who strayed from their relationships and lived to regret it.