Ključna beseda Pianist
Zelena knjiga 2018
Tonyja Lipa, redarja iz italijanske četrti v Bronxu, kot voznika za koncertno turnejo najame dr. Don Shirley, temnopolti pianist svetovnega slovesa. Zanašati se morata na "zeleno knjigo", ki je nekakšen vodič po takratnih varnih območjih za Afroameričane globoko na ameriškem jugu. Soočena z rasizmom in nevarnostjo ter hkrati z nepričakovano človečnostjo in humorjem sta prisiljena razlike postaviti na stran, da bi lahko preživela in uživala na življenjskem popotovanju. Resnična zgodba o pravem prijateljstvu, ki je presegalo rasno nestrpnost in družbeno razslojenost zgodnjih šestdesetih let prejšnjega stoletja, je leta 2019 prejela tri oskarje: za najboljši film, najboljši izvirni scenarij in najboljšega igralca v stranski vlogi.
Pianist 2002
Resnična zgodba pianista Wladyslawa Szpilmana in njegovega življenja v Varšavi med nacistično okupacijo.
Skrivnost zapuščene hiše 1975
Neke noči je glasbenik Marcus Daly priča surovemu umoru ženske v njenem stanovanju. Ko pridirja na prizorišče, storilca že ni več ... Ali pa se vsaj tako zdi.
Zmajeva dvojčka 1992
Tormented 1960
Ray 2004
La Pianiste 2001
Sedem duš 2008
Rocketman 2019
Biografska zgodba o angleškem glasbeniku Eltonu Johnu bo zajela njegove začetke od nadarjenega začetnika na londonski Kraljevi glasbeni akademiji ter prikazovala karierno pot do svetovno znanega zvezdnika, ki je skupaj ustvarjal in sodeloval s priznanim tekstopiscem, pesnikom in pevcem Berniejem Taupinom. Skupaj sta sodelovala pri več kot tridesetih albumih, Taupin pa je zanj napisal večino pesmi. Gre za neolepšano rock 'n' roll glasbeno fantazijo.
Klavir 1993
Sredi 19. stoletja se nema Škotinja Ada s hčerko Floro in klavirjem izkrca z ladje na novozelandski obali, da bi se omožila s Stewartom, ki si je soprogo ogledal na daljavo in jo naročil kot kakšno poštno pošiljko. Ko prvič v živo vidi Ado, je zadovoljen z novo pridobitvijo, a ko vidi klavir, naroči, naj se ga posadka znebi, saj mu predstavlja preveliko breme. Klavir, ki je za nemo Ado glavno sredstvo izražanja, pristane pri sosedu Bainesu. Medtem ko Ada obiskuje Bainesa in mu nudi klavirske lekcije, se sosed in nema pianistka predata strastni aferi. Ko njen soprog izve za afero, postane nasilen.
Zver 2024
V bližnji prihodnosti, kjer vlada umetna inteligenca, so človeška čustva postala grožnja. Da bi se jih znebila, mora Gabrielle očistiti svoj DNK s pomočjo naprave, ki jo vrne v njena pretekla življenja. Tam se ponovno združi z Louisom, svojo veliko ljubeznijo. Toda preplavi jo strah, slutnja bližajoče se katastrofe...
Beau-père 1981
Once 2007
अंधाधुन 2018
不能說的秘密 2007
Nocturne 2020
Blessing of the Sea 2019
Sim Chung-Yi has an absolute sense of sight which allows her to identify thousands of colors. She also has a bright personality. Sim Chung-Yi meets Ma Poong-Do who is a pianist. He is highly skilled on the piano, but he receives criticism that he has lack of sensibility. Sim Chung-Yi and Ma Poong-Do develop romantically. Sim Chung-Yi also tries to find a secret of her father.
Do You Like Brahms? 2020
A drama about the dreams and love of classical music students who find their own happiness after wandering between talent and reality.
Your Lie in April 2014
Kousei Arima was a genius pianist until his mother's sudden death took away his ability to play. Each day was dull for Kousei. But, then he meets a violinist named Kaori Miyazono who has an eccentric playing style. Can the heartfelt sounds of the girl's violin lead the boy to play the piano again?
Five Fingers 2012
Five Fingers is about young people overcoming their tragedy and fulfilling their dreams. There’s a boy, Ji Ho, who’s eager to be part of one family. Step-mother who saved a son from the fire, while leaving her birth son inside. This boy wants to become a son of a mother, who’s not his birth mother. He wants to become a brother to a younger brother, who’s not his true brother. Ji Ho’s life may look miserable. But he has an outstanding talent as a pianist. However, he has a rival to overcome. In Ha, who also has a professional skill. Although, he doesn’t get much attention. Stay tuned to see the battle between these two different pianists.
Nodame Cantabile 2006
When a classically trained young conductor meets a free-spirited pianist at music school, their romance and their music have a hard time harmonizing.
Page Turner 2016
Yoo-Seul is a student of an art high school. She is a talented pianist and who won various contests, but she is driven by her mother. Yoo-Seul's mother wanted to become a pianist when she was younger. One day, Yoo-Seul has an accident. Yoo-Seul may never play the again because of the accident. With the help of her friend Cha-Sik and Yoo-Seul's rival Jin-Mok, Yoo-Seul begins to live a new life.
Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol 2020
A riches-to-rags pianist who loses everything but her smile is guided by twinkling little stars to a small town where she finds hope, home and love.
Lipstick on Your Collar 1993
During the Suez Crisis of 1956, two young clerks at the stuffy Foreign Office in Whitehall display little interest in the decline of the British Empire. To their eyes, it can hardly compete with girls, rock music, and the intrigue of romantic entanglements.
Pianist in the Shopping District 2022
There is a street piano placed in a music store on a shopping district. Sawamoto Ren is a young electrician who has stayed away from the piano for a long time, but decides to start to a new path as a street pianist after meeting Kajiwara Midori, the daughter of the music store owner. Soon later, people from various backgrounds stop by to play the street piano and have heart-to-heart interactions with Ren and Midori.
Everything and Nothing 2019
Min-jae and Seo-yeon are no different from ordinary 17-year-old high school students. Min-jae is silent and sensitive, yet a good student. Seo-yeon who plays the piano wished to enter an arts high school but failed. As they grow into adults, their surroundings and the reality they face get harsher. These two somehow similar but different friends get closer as they overcome their growing pains together.
Minor March 2020
Park Qi Cai has 5 flawless men in her surrounding, with the same surname; including adopted son and cousin. One day, she crosses paths with a young man, named Quan Xi Zheng, because of a cellphone. He may be handsome and excellent at everything, but also has one flaw - sharp tongue that pushes Qi Cai's buttons. To make matters worse, Qi Cai can never beat him at his own game. Qi Cai's older brothers, step in to help her with handling him, but nothing works, until Qi Cai discovers Quan Xi Zheng's secret, that revolves around a musical score, called March Minor.