Pošasti iz omare

Pošasti iz omare 2001


Pošasti Miha Očnik in kosmatinec Sulley delata v podjetju Strahovlad, d. d., največji centrali energije iz otroških krikov, ki napaja celotno deželo pošasti Strahovo. Ko človeška deklica po pomoti zaide v Strahovo, zavlada nepopisna panika.


Mrtva nevesta

Mrtva nevesta 2005


Animirani film, postavljen v evropsko vasico v 19. stoletju, sledi mlademu Victorju, ki ga skrivnostna mrtvakinja potegne s seboj v podzemlje, da bi se z njo poročil, medtem ko njegova zaročenka Victoria čaka nanj v deželi živih.



Gattaca 1997


Znanstvenofantastična drama, postavljena v prihodnost, kjer človekovega življenja ne določata izobrazba in izkušnje, temveč genski inženiring. Bogati lahko izberejo poljubno genetsko sestavo svojih potomcev. Ljudje so zasnovani za vlogo, ki jim je določena pred rojstvom. Kaj pa se zgodi, ko si nekdo želi drugačnega življenja? V tem neosebnem svetu prihodnosti so državljani ustvarjeni kot popolni primerki, zato velja naravno rojena manjšina za manjvredno. Toda eden od naravno rojenih se želi osvoboditi družbenih spon in sanjari o tem, da bo potoval po vesolju kot navigator pri korporaciji Gattaca. Da bi dosegel svoj cilj, poišče pomoč prekupčevalca z DNK Germana in vzpostavi stik z Jeromom Morrowom, ki je po nezgodi ostal paraliziran in je pripravljen prodati svoj večvredni genetski material. Vincent prevzame Jeromovo identiteto in pride v posadko vesoljske misije. Toda teden pred poletom enega od direktorjev Gattace umorijo in sum pade na vse člane posadke...


Revni milijonar

Revni milijonar 2008


Nadčasna zgodba o bratski ljubezni in tekmovalnosti, o neuslišani ljubezni in usodah revnih ljudi, ki kljub neenakosti v družbi nikoli ne obupajo. Jamal Malik, osemnajstletni osiroteli fant iz revnega dela Mumbaja se v Indiji udeleži kviza Lepo je biti milijonar. Od 20-ih milijonov rupij ga loči samo še eno vprašanje. Ker nihče ne verjame, da zna odgovoriti na vsa vprašanja, ga aretirajo zaradi suma goljufije. Jamal policiji pove neverjetno zgodbo o svojem življenju na ulici in o dekletu, ki ga je ljubil in izgubil. Toda kako je fant, ki ga denar ne zanima, sploh prišel na kviz? In kako je lahko vedel vse odgovore?



Fargo 1996


Izvrstni kimič s črnohumornim nadihom je režiral Joel Coen po scenariju, ki ga je napisal z bratom Ethanom. Na Festivalu v Cannesu je dobil nagrado za najboljšega režiserja. Frances McDormand je bila nagrajena z oskarjem za najboljšo igralko, Joel in Ethan pa z oskarjem za najboljši scenarij. Fargo je po mnenju mnogih kritikov verjetno najboljši film v karieri bratov Coen. Prodajalec rabljenih avtomobilov Jerry Lundegaard zaide v hude dolgove, zato se odloči organizirati ugrabitev svoje žene, da bi od njenega bogatega očeta Wadea Gustafsona dobil visoko odkupnino. Jerry živi v Minneapolisu v zvezni državi Minnesoti, za ugrabitev pa najame dva neumna in okrutna kriminalca, ki živita v mestu Fargo v Severni Dakoti. Eden od njiju, Carl Showalter, ves čas govori, drugi, neumnejši in nevarnejši Gaear Grimsurd, pa ves čas molči. Jerry se z njima dogovori, da si bodo razdelili denar od odkupnine. Dvojec zelo nespretno izvede ugrabitev...


Nočne ptice

Nočne ptice 2016


V srhljivem psihološkem trilerju sledimo uspešni lastnici galerije Susan, katere življenje se zdi na prvi pogled idealno. Toda v njeni preteklosti se skrivajo temačne sence, ki jih na površje privabi roman njenega bivšega moža Edwarda. V nasilni zgodbi, polni najtemnejših človeških čustev, Susan prepozna zloveščo grožnjo in poskus maščevanja, zato se odpravi po starih sledeh svojega življenja. Vendar v temačnih delih njene duše ležijo skrivnosti, ki ne bi nikoli smele priti na dan, posledice razkritij pa so uničujoče za vse spletene.


Lepota po ameriško

Lepota po ameriško 1999


Zabaven, moteč in presenetljiv korak v primestno Ameriko skozi življenja Lesterja in Carolyna, para višjega srednjega razreda, katerega zakonska zveza - in katere življenje - se počasi razpletata. Carolyn sovraži svojega moža, hči ga prezira, šef pa naj bi ga odpustila. Tako se Lester odloči spremeniti nekatere stvari v svojem življenju; ko postane svobodnejši, postane srečnejši, zaradi česar se žena in hči jezi.


Riba po imenu Wanda

Riba po imenu Wanda 1988


Wanda, George, Otto in Ken so nenavadna četverica tatov, ki jih neznansko privlačijo dragulji. Po uspešno izvedeni tatvini dragocenih kamnov hočejo zdaj opehariti drug drugega. Šefa Georgea spravijo za zapahe, čeprav edini ve, kje so dragulji skriti. Georgeovo edino upanje za svobodo so neverjetne govorne sposobnosti njegovega odvetnika Archieja Leacha, ki ga Wanda zasleduje na vsakem koraku. Prepričana, da Archie ve za skrivno mesto, se oblači v izzivalne obleke in ga zapeljuje.


My Healing Love

My Healing Love 2018


Im Chi-Woo never wanted to become a good daughter, a good daughter-in-law or a good wife, but she sacrifices herself to take care of her family. She is married to immature Park Wan-Seung and she works several part-time jobs to support her family. Under her difficult situation, she keeps smiling and maintaining her positive attitude. Choi Jin-Yoo is a divorcee and he has a daughter. He works hard and tries live positively for his daughter. He encounters a nightmare like scenario.



You 2018


A dangerously charming, intensely obsessive young man goes to extreme measures to insert himself into the lives of those he is transfixed by.


Sweet Revenge

Sweet Revenge 2017


A teenager manages to stumble upon a phone application, where, upon writing a person's name, that person is punished. Moreover, she uses this newfound power for her own benefit.



Rogue 2013


Grace, a morally and emotionally-conflicted undercover detective, is tormented by the possibility that her own actions contributed to her son’s death. Grace’s search for the truth is further complicated by her forbidden relationship with Jimmy, the crime boss who may have played a hand in the crime.



Infidels 2009


Following the lives of five young women in Barcelona. Close friends whose professional lives, friendships, love, passion and sense of humour make up a series of stories that revolve around self-assurance and loyalty to one's principles


Lauren Lake's Paternity Court

Lauren Lake's Paternity Court 2013


Judge Lauren Lake hears cases involving not only questions of paternity, but also many types of stories involving DNA.


Dark Desire

Dark Desire 2020


Married Alma spends a fateful weekend away from home that ignites passion, ends in tragedy and leads her to question the truth about those close to her.


A Million Little Things

A Million Little Things 2018


A group of friends from Boston who feel stuck in life experience an unexpected wake-up call after one of their friends dies unexpectedly.


Lucky's First Love

Lucky's First Love 2019


A story about first love and romances from the perspective of three couples in the workplace. Because of the prosperous meaning behind her name, Xing Yun is recruited by Xia Ke to work at his gaming company. In her journey from a sketch artist to a gaming designer, she experiences many extremes and jumps many hurdles in dealing with her black-bellied boss. Their continuous bickering brings them closer and the girl who has never been in love before finds that the last hurdle is love.


School Days

School Days 2007


A rumor states that if you take a photo of someone you like with your cellphone and keep it hidden, they'll fall for you. Will Makoto win his love by taking a picture of Kotonoha without anyone knowing?


Gaano Kadalas ang Minsan

Gaano Kadalas ang Minsan 2008


"Gaano Kadalas Ang Minsan?" or Love Me Again is a Philippine drama on GMA Network, and the ninth installment of Sine Novela. The original movie was released back in 1982. From June 30, 2008 until November 14, 2008, the series was aired with a one-week delay on GMA Pinoy TV worldwide.


Buzzer Beat

Buzzer Beat 2009


Buzzer Beat is a Fuji TV Japanese television drama, which stars Yamashita Tomohisa, Keiko Kitagawa, and Aibu Saki. The series primarily focuses on two characters, Naoki Kamiya, a professional basketball player, and Riko Shirakawa, an aspiring violinist. Over the course of the series Naoki faces difficulties trying to succeed in the world of basketball, and Riko struggles to become a successful violinist. Eventually the two meet and the series chronicles their relationship and struggles, as well as those of their friends.


The Project 17 : Side by Side

The Project 17 : Side by Side 2019


Ping An is an autistic teenager who gains recognition for being a badminton prodigy. Zihao is his younger brother and a fellow badminton player. Xiao Na is a bright and cheery young woman who helps out at her grandpa's badminton court for the summer. She gets close to both brothers and becomes attracted to Zihao. However, their journey is not as smooth-sailing as they'd hope and the two brothers are pushed to a difficult crossroad.



Mistresses 2013


Meet Savi, a successful career woman working toward the next phase in her life—both professional and personal—simultaneously bucking for partner at her law firm while she and her husband, Harry, try to start a family of their own. Savi's free-spirited and capricious baby sister, Josselyn, couldn't be more different—living single, serial dating and partying, and regularly leaning on her big sister along the way. Their common best friend, April, a recent widow and mother of two, is rebuilding her life after tragedy and learning to move forward, with the support and guidance of her closest girlfriends. And friend Karen, a successful therapist with her own practice, reconnects with the girls after her involvement in a complicated relationship with a patient goes far too deep.


Dogs of Berlin

Dogs of Berlin 2018


A politically sensitive murder forces two disparate detectives into a battle with the Berlin underworld and a confrontation with their own corruption.


Wag Mong Agawin Ang Akin

Wag Mong Agawin Ang Akin 2022


Two tough women, a private escort and a company CEO, are bound by a secret - they share the same man, but a bigger secret is yet to explode.


I Have Three Boyfriends

I Have Three Boyfriends 2019


The amnesia that came with the accident, and the three boyfriends that appeared in front of you. A triple romance story with three men. When I opened my eyes, I saw three boyfriends


A Próxima Vítima

A Próxima Vítima 1995


A young law student starts to work as a detective, decided to uncover the identity behind a series of murders, as well as who is next.


From Here to Eternity

From Here to Eternity 1979


The lives of the men and families of G Company, 24th Infantry Division, United States Army, on the eve of the attack on Pearl Harbor.


Avengers Social Club

Avengers Social Club 2017


Women gather power to revenge on targets, as well as uncover social injustice.