
Substanca 2024


Elisabeth Sparkle, 50-letna zvezdnica v zatonu kariere se odloči uporabiti zdravilo s črnega trga, snov za razmnoževanje celic, ki začasno ustvari mlajšo, lepšo in popolnejšo različico nje same. Vendar pa uporaba te substance ni brez stranskih učinkov, saj so pogoji za njeno uporabo zastrašujoči in groteskni.


A Different Man

A Different Man 2024


Ambiciozni igralec Edward se podvrže radikalnemu medicinskemu posegu, s katerim drastično spremeni svoj videz. Toda njegov novi sanjski obraz se hitro spremeni v grozljivo nočno moro, zaradi česar izgubi vlogo, za katero je bil kot rojen. Postane obseden s tem, da si povrnil izgubljeno.


Mulholland Drive

Mulholland Drive 2001


Mlada in upanja polna Betty Elms se vseli v tetino hišo v Los Angelesu, kjer namerava uspeti kot igralka. Betty ohranja optimizem kljub spoznavanju krutega obraza Hollywooda in šovbiznisa. Življenje se ji spremeni, ko v hiši najde neustavljivo privlačno Rito, ki trpi za amnezijo zaradi avtomobilske nesreče. Skupaj se podata na detektivsko misijo, katere cilj je izvedeti resnico o Ritini identiteti.


Naključni morilec

Naključni morilec 2024


Po neverjetni resnični zgodbi. Gary je resnobni profesor filozofije, ki študentom predava o teoriji morale, v prostem času pa za neworleanško policijo igra vlogo plačanega morilca. Neobičajno nadarjen za vživljanje v različne like nastavlja past nesrečnikom, ki upajo, da se bodo znebili nezvestega zakonca ali zlobnega šefa. Nekega dne pa se znajde na moralno vprašljivem terenu, ko se zaplete v vročo romanco z eno od potencialnih zločink, lepo mladenko po imenu Madison…


Vroča bejba

Vroča bejba 2002


Zelo priljubljena in privlačna, a slaba najstnica se nekega dne zbudi v moškem telesu. Ko poskuša odkriti, kaj se je zgodilo, in kako se vrniti v prejšnje stanje, potem spozna, kako kruta in huda je bila do drugih do drugih.


Srečnež Slevin

Srečnež Slevin 2006


Sreča je opoteča, kar spozna tudi naivni Slevin, ki zaradi zamenjave pristane sredi mafijske vojne med Šefom in Rabinom. Dogodke dodatno zapleteta poklicni morilec Goodkat in detektiv Brikowski, Slevinu pa skuša pomagati le prijazna soseda Lindsey, ki jo nevarnost nenavadno privlači. V glavnih vlogah nastopajo Josh Hartnett, Morgan Freeman, Ben Kingsley, Bruce Willis, Stanley Tucci in Lucy Liu.


Infinity Pool

Infinity Pool 2023


James in Em Foster uživata v popolnih all-inclusive počitnicah na izmišljenem otoku La Tolqa ter uživata na nedotaknjenih plažah, izjemnem osebju, brezskrbnem predajanju soncu. Toda ko se pod vodstvom zapeljive in skrivnostne Gabi odpravita izven letovišča, se znajdeta v perverzni subkulturi turizma, polni brezobzirnega nasilja, hedonizma in neizmerne groze.


Angleški pacient

Angleški pacient 1996


Angleški pacient, dobitnik devetih Oskarjev, je briljantni unikat ter zadnji delikatni potomec vrste, ki je že zdavnaj izumrla. Zgodba se odvija med drugo svetovno vojno. Medicinska sestra Hana (Binoche) verjame, da je prekleta in da so vsi njeni ljubimci obsojeni na smrt. Zateče se v samostan, kjer pomaga madžarskemu grofu (Fiennes). Skrivnostnega pacienta brez obraza in spomina so rešili beduini iz gorečega letala, zaradi nesreče pa je opečen do nerazpoznavnosti. Njegova edina vez s preteklostjo je knjiga grškega zgodovinarja Herodota. Hana začne pacientu brati iz knjige, ob poslušanju pa se ta začne spominjati dogodkov iz svoje preteklosti in razkrivati svojo identiteto.


Slaba vzgoja

Slaba vzgoja 2004


Madrid, 1980. 27-letni filmski režiser Enrique Goded, ki je svoji mladosti navkljub režiral že tri uspešnice, v časopisih išče navdih za svoj četrti film. Obišče ga privlačen bradati mladenič, ki trdi, da je njegov prijatelj iz šole Ignacio Rodriguez. Enrique se prijatelja dobro spominja, in ga v obiskovalcu ne prepozna. Res pa se nista videla že 16 let. Enrique se ne zaveda, da ima zgodbo za naslednji film pred nosom: Ignacio mu ponuja svojo črtico Obisk, ki govori o njunem otroštvom, šolskih letih, težavah z duhovniki, represiji, nogometnih tekmah … Pod pogojem, da v filmu prav Ignacio odigra glavno vlogo, vlogo transvestita Zahara …



Sense8 2015


One gunshot, one death, one moment out of time that irrevocably links eight minds in disparate parts of the world, putting them in each other's lives, each other's secrets, and in terrible danger. Ordinary people suddenly reborn as "Sensates."



Dollhouse 2009


Echo is a member of a highly illegal and underground group of individuals whose personalities have been wiped clean so they can be imprinted with any number of new personas. Confined between missions to a secret facility known as the Dollhouse, the "Actives" are hired by the wealthy, powerful and connected to wholly become—with mind, personality and physiology—whomever the client wants or needs them to be. They know no other life than the specific engagements they are in at that time—or do they?



Beforeigners 2019


In the near future a new phenomenon starts happening all over the world with powerful flashes of light occurring in the ocean and people from the past mysteriously reappearing. Called "beforeigners," these people come from three separate time periods: the Stone Age, the Viking era and late 19th century. A couple of years later, Alfhildr – who comes from the Viking Age – has to partner up with a burned-out police officer, Lars Haaland, to investigate the murder of a beforeigner. The pair begins to unravel a larger conspiracy behind the origin of the mysterious mass arrivals.


The Bourne Identity

The Bourne Identity 1988


An unconscious man is washed ashore on the beach of a small French village during a heavy storm. A retired doctor takes care of the unconscious stranger. When the mysterious man recovers, he can't remember a thing...he does not know his name, he does not know where his flashback memories come from, and he does not know why the access code for an anonymous Swiss bank account is implanted in his thigh. As he seeks his own identity, things quickly become dangerous. There are attempts to kill him, he is well known in first class hotels across Europe, and worst of all, there are strange similarities between his memories and reported actions of the notorious terrorist, Carlos the Jackal.



Lace 1984


A young actress gathers three former school friends to find out which one is her natural mother, who gave her up for adoption as a newborn.


Grayson Perry’s Big American Road Trip

Grayson Perry’s Big American Road Trip 2020


Artist and social commentator Grayson Perry crosses the US, exploring its biggest fault lines, from race to class and identity, making art as he goes


Union with David Olusoga

Union with David Olusoga 2023


National identity, social class, inequality. David Olusoga shines a light on our fractured modern society through the lens of the past, exposing the fault lines dividing the UK.


The Most Dangerous Animal of All

The Most Dangerous Animal of All 2020


Soon after his birth-mother contacted him for the first time, Gary L. Stewart decided to search for his biological father. His disturbing identity would force Stewart to reconsider everything he thought he knew about himself.