
Shrek 2001


Dolgo, dolgo nazaj je v odročnem močvirju živel okras okrasov po imenu Shrek. Toda nenadoma nekega dne njegovo absolutno samoto prekine invazija presenetljivih pravljičnih likov. V njegovi hrani so slepe male miši, ogromen, hud volk v postelji, trije mali brezdomni prašiči in številna druga neverjetna bitja, ki jih je hudobni Lord Farquaad deportiral iz njegovega kraljestva. Da bi rešil svojo zemljo in v tem času, Shrek sklene pakt s Farquaadom in se odloči, da bo lepa princesa Fiona Gospodova nevesta. Na tej pomembni misiji ga spremlja smešen osel, pripravljen storiti karkoli za Shreka. Vse, a bodi tiho. Reševanje princese iz ljubezenskega zmaja, ki diha ogenj, bo neumno v primerjavi s tistim, ki se zgodi, ko se razkrije temna skrivnost, ki jo je mlada ženska hranila.


Shrek 2

Shrek 2 2004


Ko se Shrek in princesa Fiona vrneta z medenih tednov, ju starši povabijo, da obiščejo kraljestvo daleč stran, da bi proslavili poroko. Za Shreka, ki ga njegov zvesti prijatelj Donkey nikoli ne zapusti, je to velika stvar. Fionini starši niso pričakovali, da bo njihov zet izgledal tako, kaj šele, da se je hči tako spremenila. Vse to moti kraljeve načrte za prihodnost kraljestva. Potem pa pridejo v oči makiveljska pravljična botra, njen arogantni sin princ očarljiv in prav posebna mačka, Puss in Boots, strokovnjak za lovca na ogrevanje.


Shrek Tretji

Shrek Tretji 2007


Mladoporočenca Shreka in princeso Fiono preseneti kraljeva smrt, zaradi katere bi moral Shrek prevzeti vodenje dežele, poleg tega pa mu Fiona sporoči, da bosta dobila otroka.


Harry Potter in ognjeni kelih

Harry Potter in ognjeni kelih 2005


To je četrto leto Harryja Potterja na čarovniški šoli Bradavičarki.Harry, Ron in Hermione se veselijo mednarodnega finala v qidditchu.


Hobit: Bitka petih vojska

Hobit: Bitka petih vojska 2014


Bitka petih vojska je veličastna sklenitev pustolovščin Bilba Bisagina, Thorina Hrastoščita in druščine škratov, ki so si od zmaja Smauga spet priborili svojo domovino, a so pri tem nehote osvobodili smrtonosno silo. Razbesneli Smaug se v svojem ognjenem besu znese nad nemočnimi možmi, ženami in otroki Jezernega mesta. A druščino čakajo še hujše nevarnosti. Sovrag Sauron, ki ga vidi le Gandalf, je v pritajeni napad na Samotno goro poslal vojske orkov. Bliža se spopad, zato se morajo škratje, vilinci in ljudje odločiti, ali bodo združili moči ali pa sprejeli uničenje. Bilbo se znajde sredi boja za svoje življenje in življenje prijateljev v bitki petih vojska, od katere je odvisna prihodnost Srednjega sveta.


Kako izuriti svojega zmaja

Kako izuriti svojega zmaja 2010


Hiccup je sin mogočnega vikinškega poglavarja, toda mladenič zaradi majhne postave kljub vsem prizadevanjem ne more postati pravi heroj, ki bi se spoprijel z nadležnimi zmaji. Ko se udeleži treninga boja s krilato nadlego, uspe Hiccup s pomočjo svojega najnovejšega izuma ujeti majhnega zmaja. Ker ga ne more pokončati, se med njima razvije nenavadno prijateljstvo, toda ko želi deček resnico o zmajih posredovati preostalemu plemenu, naleti na številne težave in posmeh.


Dungeons & Dragons: Čast med tatovi

Dungeons & Dragons: Čast med tatovi 2023


Film prinaša bogat svet in igriv duh legendarne igre igranja vlog na velika platna v smešni in akcijski pustolovščini. Očarljiv tat in skupina neobičajnih pustolovcev se lotijo epskega ropa, da bi dobili nazaj izgubljeni predmet, vendar gredo stvari nevarno narobe, ko naletijo na napačne ljudi.


Kung Fu Panda 3

Kung Fu Panda 3 2016


Zabavni mojster borilnih veščin Po je soočen z enim največjih izzivov - postati mora učitelj kung fuja. Nerodnemu in neresnemu pandi se zdi naloga povsem nemogoča, življenje pa mu dokončno obrne na glavo prihod dolgo pogrešanega očeta. Po se z očetom poda v odmaknjeno vasico pand, da bi odkril svoje korenine, toda Kitajsko začne pestiti nov zlobnež. Bikovsko besni Kai si z nadnaravnimi silami podjarmi vse bojevnike, ki si mu drznejo prekrižati pot. Poju ne preostane drugega, kot da sprejme vlogo učitelja in na svoj zabaven način nove prijatelje pande nauči, kako se lahko tudi preprosti posamezniki zoperstavijo močnejšemu nasprotniku.


Kako izuriti svojega zmaja 2

Kako izuriti svojega zmaja 2 2014


Minilo je pet let, odkar sta mali neustrašni Viki in njegov zmaj Brezzobi poskrbela za mir med zmaji in Vikingi. Toda med tem, ko vaščani uživajo v zabavnih tekmah z zmaji, Viki s svojim letečim prijateljem raje raziskuje nova ozemlja. Po zavrnitvi očetove želje, da bi prevzel vlogo poglavarja, Viki odleti na dolgo potovanje, med katerim naleti na skrivnostno ledeno votlino s številnimi nepoznanimi zmaji. Ker želi zlobni lovec na zmaje izkoristiti odkritje za stvaritev uničujoče vojske, s katero bi si pokoril cel svet, čaka Vikija in njegove prijatelja nova nepozabna pustolovščina.



Mulan 1998


Da bi rešila svojega očeta pred smrtjo v vojski, mlada Mulan na skrivaj zasede njegovo mesto med vojaki pod pretvezo, da je moški. Nevede se odpravi na pustolovščino, ki jo bo povzdignila med največje junakinje Kitajske.


Hobit: Smaugova pušča

Hobit: Smaugova pušča 2013


V drugem delu nadaljujemo popotovanje druščine škratov in hobita Bilba, ki se morajo na poti proti Samotni gori prebiti preko temačnega gozda Mrkolesja, polnega smrtonosnih velikanskih pajkov in neprijaznih gozdnih vilincev. Številne drzne avanture in divji spopadi jih vodijo vedno bliže k največjemu preizkusu njihovih spretnosti in poguma - soočenju z neusmiljenim zmajem Smaugom. Medtem vešč Gandalf raziskuje skrivnost nepričakovanega vstajenja temačnih sil iz preteklosti, ki želijo znova preplaviti svet in si ga pokoriti.


Kako izuriti svojega zmaja 3: Skriti svet

Kako izuriti svojega zmaja 3: Skriti svet 2019


Potem ko je bilo njuno prijateljstvo sprva zelo malo verjetno, sta mladi Viking Viki in zmaj Brezzobi kmalu postala prava zaveznika in skupaj doživljala pravo epsko avanturo. V tretjem delu bosta končno odkrila svojo usodo.



Damsel 2024


Poslušno mlado dekle privoli v poroko s čednim princem, a nato ugotovi, da jo je kraljeva družina izbrala kot žrtev za poplačilo starodavnega dolga. Vržena v jamo z ogenj bruhajočim zmajem se mora zanašati na svojo pamet in voljo, da preživi.


Zgodbe iz Narnije: Potovanje Potepuške zarje

Zgodbe iz Narnije: Potovanje Potepuške zarje 2010


Po dveh nepozabnih dogodivščinah se Lucija in Edmund Pevensie znova vrneta v čarobno Narnijo in s seboj pripeljeta nadležnega bratranca Evstahija. Pridružijo se princu Kaspijanu, ki s kraljevo ladjo Potepuška zarja pluje na rob sveta, da bi rešil magično domovino pred grozečim propadom. Na poti se morajo spopasti s temačnimi trgovci s sužnji, čarobnimi škrati, divjimi zmaji in uročenimi bitji iz morskih globin, cilj pa lahko dosežejo le tisti, ki premorejo največ poguma, premetenosti in srčnosti.


Kako izuriti svojega zmaja

Kako izuriti svojega zmaja 2025


Na odročnem Otoku gumpcev, kjer so Vikingi in zmaji že več generacij zagrizeni sovražniki, se mladi Viking Viki razlikuje od drugih. Iznajdljivi, a spregledani sin poglavarja Stoika Silnega se upre stoletni tradiciji, ko se spoprijatelji z zmajem po imenu Brezzobi, strah vzbujajočim zmajem Nočnega besa. Njuna neverjetna vez razkrije pravo naravo zmajev in izzove temelje vikinške družbe.


Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones 2011


Seven noble families fight for control of the mythical land of Westeros. Friction between the houses leads to full-scale war. All while a very ancient evil awakens in the farthest north. Amidst the war, a neglected military order of misfits, the Night's Watch, is all that stands between the realms of men and icy horrors beyond.


That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime

That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime 2018


37-year-old corporate worker Mikami Satoru is stabbed by a random killer, and is reborn to an alternate world. But he turns out to be reborn a slime! Thrown into this new world with the name Rimuru Tempest, he begins his quest to create a world that’s welcoming to all races. Broken free from ordinary, stale past life, his fresh adventure in a fantasy world as a slime monster with unique abilities begins.


High School D×D

High School D×D 2012


High school student Issei Hyoudou is your run-of-the-mill pervert who does nothing productive with his life, peeping on women and dreaming of having his own harem one day. Things seem to be looking up for Issei when a beautiful girl asks him out on a date, although she turns out to be a fallen angel who brutally kills him! However, he gets a second chance at life when beautiful senior student Rias Gremory, who is a top-class devil, revives him as her servant, recruiting Issei into the ranks of the school's Occult Research club. Slowly adjusting to his new life, Issei must train and fight in order to survive in the violent world of angels and devils. Each new adventure leads to many hilarious (and risqué) moments with his new comrades, all the while keeping his new life a secret from his friends and family in High School DxD!



Merlin 2008


The unlikely friendship between Merlin, a young man gifted with extraordinary magical powers, and Prince Arthur, heir to the crown of Camelot.


The Ancient Magus' Bride

The Ancient Magus' Bride 2017


Hatori Chise has lived a life full of neglect and abuse, devoid of anything resembling love. Far from the warmth of family, she has had her share of troubles and pitfalls. Just when all hope seems lost, a fateful encounter awaits her. When a man with the head of a beast, wielding strange powers, obtains her through a slave auction, Chise's life will never be the same again. The man is a "magus,"a sorcerer of great power, who decides to free Chise from the bonds of captivity. The magus then makes a bold statement: Chise will become his apprentice--and his bride!


Record of Lodoss War: Chronicles of the Heroic Knight

Record of Lodoss War: Chronicles of the Heroic Knight 1998


Five years after the death of the Emperor of Marmo in the War of Heroes, Parn is now the Free Knight of Lodoss, he and his old allies now famous through the land. However, the Emperor's right-hand-man, Ashram, seeks the Scepter of Domination to re-unify Lodoss under his former leader's banner. Meanwhile, beyond his attempts at conquest lies a more sinister force beginning to set the stage for the resurrection of the goddess of death and destruction...


Dragon Ball Z

Dragon Ball Z 1989


The adventures of Earth's martial arts defender, Son Goku, continue with a new family and the revelation of his alien origins. Now Goku and his allies must defend the planet from an onslaught of new extraterrestrial enemies.


Fairy Tail

Fairy Tail 2009


Lucy is a 17-year-old girl, who wants to be a full-fledged mage. One day when visiting Harujion Town, she meets Natsu, a young man who gets sick easily by any type of transportation. But Natsu isn't just any ordinary kid, he's a member of one of the world's most infamous mage guilds: Fairy Tail.


House of the Dragon

House of the Dragon 2022


The Targaryen dynasty is at the absolute apex of its power, with more than 15 dragons under their yoke. Most empires crumble from such heights. In the case of the Targaryens, their slow fall begins when King Viserys breaks with a century of tradition by naming his daughter Rhaenyra heir to the Iron Throne. But when Viserys later fathers a son, the court is shocked when Rhaenyra retains her status as his heir, and seeds of division sow friction across the realm.


Tai Chi Chasers

Tai Chi Chasers 2007


After a strange and devastating attack on his home, a young boy named Rai is shocked to discover he’s a secret descendent of the Tigeroids: an ancient race of peaceful beings locked in a struggle with the ruthless and cunning Dragonoids. In a parallel universe called Suhn, the Tigeroids and Dragonoids are battling furiously to recover 500 lost tai chi characters. Whoever retrieves these precious and potent symbols will possess the ultimate power to rule their realm... and destroy their enemies. As Rai hones his innate tai chi skills to fight the Dragonoids, he must find the lost tai chi and battle to become one of the champion Tai Chi Chasers!


Dragons: The Nine Realms

Dragons: The Nine Realms 2021


Set 1,300 years after the events of How to Train Your Dragon, dragons are now just a legend to the modern world. When a geological anomaly opens an immense, miles-deep fissure in the Earth’s surface, scientists from all over the world gather at a new research facility to study the mysterious phenomenon. Soon a group of misfit kids, brought to the site by their parents, uncover the truth about dragons and where they’ve been hiding -- a secret they must keep to themselves to protect what they’ve discovered.


Dragon Ball

Dragon Ball 1986


Long ago in the mountains, a fighting master known as Son Gohan discovered a strange boy whom he named Son Goku. Gohan raised him and trained Goku in martial arts until he died. The young and very strong boy was on his own, but easily managed. Then one day, Goku met a teenage girl named Bulma, whose search for the mystical Dragon Balls brought her to Goku's home. Together, they set off to find all seven and to grant her wish.


Yona of the Dawn

Yona of the Dawn 2014


The legend of the Four Dragons and the origin of the land has been passed down for generations in the land of Kouka. Currently, Hiryuu Palace has no one else next in line for the throne other than the fifteen year old princess, Yona, who had been raised with care. Finally, the night of her sixteenth birthday arrives. She expects it to be a wonderful day spent with her peace-loving father, Il, her servant and friend Hak, and her cousin Soo-won, who she had feelings for... However... That night, Yona goes to visit her father to tell him how she really feels, because he opposes to her getting married to Soo-won. However, when she gets to her room, she encounters a shocking truth. The destinies of Yona and the Four Dragons entwine in this period drama fantasy romance!


Dragons: Race to the Edge

Dragons: Race to the Edge 2015


Unlock the secrets of the Dragon Eye and come face to face with more dragons than anyone has ever imagined as Hiccup, Toothless and the Dragon Riders soar to the edge of adventure.


Amagi Brilliant Park

Amagi Brilliant Park 2014


Seiya Kanie, believes that the beautiful but reserved Isuzu Sento has invited him on a date at an amusement park called Amagi Brilliant Park. Much to his chagrin, not only is the location a run-down facility, the supposed date is merely a recruitment tour where Sento and Princess Latifa Fleuranza, the owner of the theme park, ask him to become the park's new manager. Their cause for desperation? As stipulated in a land-use contract, Amagi has less than three months to meet a quota of 500,000 guests, or the park will be closed for good and the land redeveloped by a greedy real-estate company. Seiya is won over by the revelation that Amagi is no ordinary amusement park; many of its employees are mysterious magical beings who live in the human world and are nourished by the energy created by people having fun. Entrusted with the hopes and dreams of this far-off enchanted land, Seiya must now use his many skills to bring Amagi back on its feet, or watch it crumble before his eyes.


Cautious Hero: The Hero Is Overpowered but Overly Cautious

Cautious Hero: The Hero Is Overpowered but Overly Cautious 2019


There is a popular saying: "you can never be too careful." It is very important to prepare for every situation you may face, even if it seems like an unnecessary waste of time. Also, in games like RPGs, it is good to exceed the level of your enemies to achieve total victory. These words describe Seiya Ryuuguuin a little too perfectly. After being summoned by the goddess Ristarte to save the world of Gaeabrande from destruction, the hero prepares himself for his noble journey. While this might be normal, he spends a very long time training himself, despite having overpowered stats. He fights weak enemies using his strongest skills and buys excessive amounts of supplies and potions—all to stay safe. While his attitude may be a bit annoying, it might just be the saving grace of Gaeabrande, especially considering that it is a world where the forces of evil dominate each and every expectation.


The Rising of the Shield Hero

The Rising of the Shield Hero 2019


Iwatani Naofumi, a run-of-the-mill otaku, finds a book in the library that summons him to another world. He is tasked with joining the sword, spear, and bow as one of the Four Cardinal Heroes and fighting the Waves of Catastrophe as the Shield Hero. Excited by the prospect of a grand adventure, Naofumi sets off with his party. However, merely a few days later, he is betrayed and loses all his money, dignity, and respect. Unable to trust anyone anymore, he employs a slave named Raphtalia and takes on the Waves and the world. But will he really find a way to overturn this desperate situation?


Dragon Crisis!

Dragon Crisis! 2011


Ryuji Kisaragi is a normal high school boy living a peaceful life, which is turned into an adventure when his second cousin Eriko suddenly returns from overseas. He gets recruited into her organisation, the Seven Tails, in order to help her find artefacts called Lost Precious. Ryuuji and Eriko manage to seize a relic box from a black broker named Fang. Inside the box they find a girl whom Ryuuji names Rose because of the rose like pattern on her left hand. When it turns out that Rose is in fact a Red Dragon, Ryuuji decides to protect her from the black organisation using his powers as a level 10 Breaker.


The Dragon Prince

The Dragon Prince 2018


An extraordinary discovery inspires two human princes and an elven assassin to team up on an epic quest to bring peace to their warring lands.


Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai

Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai 2020


Young Dai embarks on an epic journey to become a legendary hero, training with his loyal companions to save the world from the resurrected Demon King.