Dirka smrti 4

Dirka smrti 4 2018


Vojak Gibson se med tajno operacijo prebije v strogo varovani zapor, da bi opravil z legendarnim voznikom Frankensteinom v nasilni in brutalni dirki.


V orlovem gnezdu

V orlovem gnezdu 1968


Odlična filmska klasika se dogaja v času 2. svetovne vojne. Major John Smith, poročnik Morris Chaffer in šest drugih pogumnih mož, preoblečenih v nemške oficirje, s padalom pristanejo na sovražnikovem ozemlju. Rešiti nameravajo zajetega ameriškega generala, ki naj bi ga nacisti zadrževali v strogo varovanem gradu v Alpah. Pri tem jim pomagata agentki pod krinko, Mary in Heidi, in britanski častnik, ki si je reševalno akcijo izmislil. Toda vse kaže, da se med člani zavezniških sil skriva izdajalec.


The Midwich Cuckoos

The Midwich Cuckoos 2022


A small fictional village in England is completely subdued by an alien presence for an entire day. Upon waking, it is discovered that numerous women in the town are pregnant.


The Last Narc

The Last Narc 2020


In 1985, American DEA agent Enrique “Kiki” Camarena was kidnapped, tortured, and murdered by Mexico’s most notorious drug lords. Thirty-five years later, three former cartel insiders share unprecedented details. This is the story of Camarena, the drug cartel he infiltrated, and the narc who risked everything to discover the truth.



Infiltration 2016


This documentary series makes us discover little-known worlds from the inside. With hidden cameras, the hosts and their crew do everything they can to get into these underworlds that wish to remain closed off, and show what really happens behind the curtains.


Vendetta: Truth, Lies and The Mafia

Vendetta: Truth, Lies and The Mafia 2021


Sicily boasts a bold "Anti-Mafia" coalition. But what happens when those trying to bring down organized crime are accused of being criminals themselves?


Codename: Annika

Codename: Annika 2023


Finnish art fraud investigator, Emma, goes undercover to infiltrate an auction house in Stockholm to investigate the firm’s connection to a notorious money launderer known as Blanko. To go undetected, Emma chooses the cover identity Annika, a hot-headed socialite who lives for wild parties, drugs and alcohol and is the opposite of the cool, calm, and collected Emma. By adopting this wild persona, doors begin to open to the hidden world of high-class art fraud. However, becoming Annika means Emma must confront memories from her past that she has tried to forget.