Ključna beseda Reporter
Zodiak 2007
V filmu, posnetem po resničnih dogodkih, sledimo ustvarjalcu stripov Robertu (Gyllenhaal), ki v svojem delu za časopis ne vidi pravega izziva. Sprememba nastopi, ko se v mestu pojavi skrivnostni morilec, ki pri vsaki žrtvi pusti nenavadno sporočilo, ki ga nihče ne more razvozlati. Toda Robert je že od nekdaj reševal podobne uganke, zato razreši šifro in kmalu postane povsem obseden s primerom, nad čemer policija ni navdušena, še manj pa njegova partnerica. Robertu postane jasno, da ne gre zgolj za zabavno igro, ko Zodiak, kot se morilec poimenuje, z njim vzpostavi neposreden stik.
Megaum 2010
Super-zločinec Megaum premaga svojega sovraga Metromana, ... a mu brez tekmecev postane dolgčas. Ko se pojavi nova grožnja in mestu zavlada zmeda, je Megaum edino upanje za svet.
Krik 3 2000
Medtem ko Sidney Prescott živi v skrbno varovani osami, se začnejo kopičiti trupla na hollywoodskem prizorišču snemanja "Rezila 3", zadnjega v seriji filmov o umorih v Greenboru. Ko jih naraščajoča groza naposled izbeza iz skrivališča, so Sidney in njeni prijatelji še enkrat prisiljeni v resnično in nadvse krvavo igro poznavanja "pravil" filmskih grozljivk. Prav tedaj, ko že mislijo, da so jih obvladali, na svojo grozo ugotovijo, da v tokratnem pokolu v resnici ni več nikakršnih pravil.
Dnevnik Bridget Jones 2001
Bridget Jones je tišina nekaj samostojnega in polnega kompleksov, katerih sentimentalno življenje je katastrofa. Ima samo dve ambiciji: shujšati in najti pravo ljubezen. Novoletni dan sprejema dve odločitvi: shujšati in napisati dnevnik. Toda njeno ljubezensko življenje se kmalu spet zaplete, saj se znajde razdeljeno med obema mošema. Po eni strani Daniel Cleaver, njegov šef, očarljiv in seksi fant, vendar nevaren; na drugi pa Mark Darcy, stari družinski prijatelj, ki se sprva zdi preveč zadržan in mučen.
Pobegla nevesta 1999
Ike Graham je newyorški kolumnist, ki ga pesti prenekatera težava. Ko se skrije v svoje najljubše pribežališče, da bi si malce pretegnil možgančke in dobil navdih, sliši zgodbo o mladenki na podeželju v Marylandu po imenu Maggie, ki je, kaže, zelo rada zaročena, poroke pa se boji kot hudič križa. Ker se mu zdi zadeva zanimiva, Ike o Maggie spesni članek, s katerim sproži plaz dogodkov, ki ga privedejo do njenega rojstnega kraja. Maggie Carpenter tudi pesti ena težava - Ike Graham. Članek in njen avtor jo strašansko razjezita, zato načrtuje maščevanje. Ike zlagoma ugotovi, da se v Maggijinem svetu ne vrti vse okrog strahu pred resno zvezo in nazadnje mu v naročje pade celo najboljša zgodba njegovega življenja.
27 Dresses 2008
Tintin in njegove pustolovščine 2011
Steven Spielberg in Peter Jackson prinašata epsko pustolovščino Tintina, v kateri najslavnejši stripovski poročevalec in njegov zvesti pasji tovariš odkrijeta modelček ladje z eksplozivno skrivnostjo. Radovednost ju žene v svet starodavnih skrivnosti in nemilost neusmiljenega zlikovca Ivana Ivanoviča – ki meni, da je Tintin ukradel neprecenljivi zaklad strahopetnega pirata Reda Rackaha. S pomočjo svojega psička, nergaško zbadljivega kapitana Haddocka ter detektivske dvojice Thompson & Thompson se Tintin poda na pot okrog sveta, da bi z bistroumnostjo in iznajdljivostjo prehitel svoje sovražnike v lovu na poslednje počivališče Samoroga; ladijske razbitine, ki menda skriva velikansko bogastvo, a se je drži starodavno prekletstvo.
Prestrašeni 1996
Univerzalni vojak 1992
Leta 1969 so v popolni tajnosti zamrznili ubite elitne vietnamske komandose. Petindvajset let kasneje jih s pomočjo posebnih drog ponovno oživijo in tako s projektom UniSol postanejo nova supervojska ljudi-avtomatov. Kljub naporom nove tehnologije začnejo v zavest dveh supervojakov prodirati spomini iz Vietnama. Če temu dodamo še neubogljivo in radovedno televizijsko novinarko, je prizorišče za prvovrstno akcijo pripravljeno.
The Insider 1999
Piranha 1978
Network 1976
The Dead Pool 1988
Critters 2 1988
The Paperboy 2012
Grotesquerie 2024
A series of heinous crimes have unsettled a small community, and Detective Lois Tryon feels they are eerily personal, as if someone—or something—is taunting her.
Record of Youth 2020
In a cutthroat world where the life you’re born into decides your success, three aspiring youths are determined to change that perception as they fight for their dreams.
Hilda Furacão 1998
After stirring society by leaving her groom at the alter and going directly to a prostitution house, a young model becomes the city's most famous harlot, known as "Hilda the Hurricane", in the 50's Brazil. She could do fine if it wasn't for Malthus, a young novice said to be a saint, for whom she falls in love. However, the boy is kept under the strict, severe doctrine of Father Nelson, a conservative priest intolerant even to every minor sin. Things start getting harder when Roberto, Malthus' old friend and a communist reporter (the actual author of the story), tries to interview Hilda and disclosure the real reasons behind her radical change of mind. In the meantime, the middle-classes are terrified by the "leftist threat" in Brazilian politics.
Uppdrag granskning 2001
Swedish investigative journalism series known for the use of concealed cameras and microphones.
All of Us 2003
Robert James, an entertainment reporter for a local Los Angeles television station, is handsome, smart and thoroughly modern in his thinking. Recently divorced from the somewhat self-absorbed Neesee, the mother of their endearing 6-year-old son, Robert refuses to buy into the old stereotype that being divorced means you can't get along with the ex.
Telecat 1983
Created by French surrealist artist Roland Topor and director Henri Xhonneux, Telecat is a news show parody hosted by a tomcat named Groucha (who always had his arm in plaster) and an ostrich named Lola. It featured a variety of sentient objects and revolved around the idea that the real-life elementary particles known as gluons were “the souls of objects”.
Delayed Justice 2020
A reporter and a public defender fight for judicial victims who are falsely accused.
Sharp Objects 2018
Reporter Camille Preaker confronts the psychological demons from her past when she returns to her hometown to investigate the murders of two young girls.
Adamas 2022
Twin brothers Woo-sin and Soo-hyun lose their father in a murder case. Twenty-two years later, the brothers seek to clear their father's name.
Strangers from Hell 2019
Unpleasant events disturb the life of an aspiring crime fiction writer when he becomes a resident of an apartment building teeming with shady neighbors.
Healer 2014
A star reporter, a second-rate journalist and a man by the code name "Healer" are brought together by a long-buried incident that hides dark truths.
The Journalist 2022
A journalist known as the maverick of news media defiantly chases the truth in this series adaptation of the hit movie of the same name.
Recipe for Youth 2021
Jeon Seong Ki works as a dating coach who is a professional at creating scandals. Cha Soo Bin is an entertainment reporter who disguises herself as a rookie actress. She pretends to need help on her road to stardom but is actually looking for juicy scoops. However, the process leads to Jeon Seong Ki finding true love.
My Favorite Martian 1963
Newspaper reporter Tim O'Hara finds a crashed alien spaceship that contains one live alien. Not wanting to be discovered by the authorities, the Martian assumes the identity of Tim's Uncle Martin and begins to repair his spaceship so that he can return to Mars.
The Missing 2014
A gripping anthological relationship thriller series exploring the emotional fallout of a child's abduction not only on the family but on the wider community, told over two time frames.
The Sealer 2022
In this world, there exist demon swords. Those who have the sword will have their will taken over, and they will lust for human blood and keep on killing indiscriminately. The sealer is who searches for those blades that haunt people and seal them with his scabbard.
The Hour 2011
A behind-the-scenes drama and espionage thriller in Cold War-era England that centers on a journalist, a producer, and an anchorman for an investigative news programme.
Drop the Dead Donkey 1990
Drop the Dead Donkey is a situation comedy that first aired on Channel 4 in the United Kingdom between 1990 and 1998. It is set in the offices of “GlobeLink News”, a fictional TV news company. Recorded close to transmission, it made use of contemporary news events to give the programme a greater sense of realism. It was created by Andy Hamilton and Guy Jenkin. The series had an ensemble cast, making stars of Haydn Gwynne, Stephen Tompkinson and Neil Pearson. The series began with the acquisition of GlobeLink by media mogul Sir Roysten Merchant, an allusion to either Robert Maxwell or Rupert Murdoch. Indeed, Andy Hamilton and Guy Jenkin note on their DVDs that it was fortunate for their libel lawyers that the two men shared the same initials. The series is mostly based on the on-going battle between the staff of GlobeLink, led by editor George Dent, as they try to maintain the company as a serious news organisation, and Sir Roysten’s right-hand man Gus Hedges, trying to make the show more sensationalist and suppress stories that might harm Sir Roysten’s business empire. The show was awarded the Best Comedy Award at the 1994 BAFTA Awards. At the British Comedy Awards the show won Best New TV Comedy in 1990, Best Channel 4 Comedy in 1991, and Best Channel 4 Sitcom in 1994.
Stay Close 2021
When Carlton Flynn vanishes 17 years to the night after Stewart Green did, it sets off a chain reaction in the lives of people connected to both men.
Strange Heroes 2009
Passionate reporters working for a third-rate newspaper fight against corruption and inequality.