Ameriške prevare

Ameriške prevare 2013


Režiser neizprosnih dram Trije kralji, Borec in Za dežjem posije sonce predstavlja napeto kriminalko, prežeto s prevarami, nepričakovanimi preobrati in dvoličnimi karakterji. Mojster prevar Irving je skupaj z malce manj izkušeno, toda zelo odločno partnerko Sydney prisiljen v sodelovanje z FBI-jem. Z agentom Ritchiejem se vtihotapijo v ameriško mafijsko podzemlje, kjer ne manjka zabav, denarja in drugih vznemirljivih izzivov, vendar so stalno soočeni s smrtonosnimi nevarnostmi in lažmi.



Karv 2020



Tabatha Takes Over

Tabatha Takes Over 2008


The straight-talking, perfectly coifed Tabatha Coffey lends her sound advice and styling expertise to help desperate salon owners turn their struggling businesses around.



Snip 1976


Snip was a 1976 comedy starring David Brenner about a hairdresser living in Cape Cod, Massachusetts who has his ex-wife, daughter and former aunt living with him in his apartment. He and his ex-wife are both in the same hairdressing business under their boss and friend who's an openly gay man. It was a take-off of the movie Shampoo and was created by James Komack, the creator of Chico and the Man and Welcome Back Kotter. The series was to premiere September 30, 1976 on NBC, but was cancelled at the last minute and never made it to air in the U.S. The cancellation was so abrupt even TV Guide was caught off guard, and listed the show in its "Fall Preview" issue for that year. Five episodes had already been produced and were aired in Australia.