Rdeče nebo

Rdeče nebo 2023


Počitnice ob Baltskem morju dobijo nepričakovan obrat, ko se Leon in Felix pojavita v počitniški hiši Felixove družine in tam odkrijeta skrivnostno Nadjo. Ko vedno večji gozdni požar ogroža njihovo bivanje, so odnosi na preizkušnji in vnamejo se romance.


Božična koča

Božična koča 2017


Mlada Lacey Quinn je nad ljubeznijo že obupala, saj je bil njeno srce prevečkrat zlomljeno. Ko jo najboljša prijateljica Ava prosi, da bi bila njena poročna priča, mora poskrbeti, da bo koča družine Callahan popolna za medene tedne. Legenda namreč pravi, da če mladoporočenca tam preživita prvo noč, ju čaka večna ljubezen in sreča. Lacey temu ne verjame. Toda ko ostane ujeta v zasneženi koči s Charliejem, Avinim bratom, začne verjeti, da je v majhni hiški vendarle nekaj čarovnije – še posebej za božič.



Bait 2019



The Vicar of Dibley

The Vicar of Dibley 1994


Reverend Granger is assigned as the Vicar of the rural parish of Dibley, but she is not quite what the villagers expected.


The Lake

The Lake 2022


After returning from abroad after a break-up with his long-term partner, Justin plans to connect with his teenage daughter he gave up for adoption. His plans to make new memories with his daughter at the family cottage go awry when he discovers his parents left it to his picture-perfect step-sister, Maisy-May.


Man in an Orange Shirt

Man in an Orange Shirt 2017


A love story in two films charts the very different challenges to happiness for Michael and Thomas in the aftermath of World War 2, and to Adam and Steve in the present day.