The Silent Hour

The Silent Hour 2024


Naglušni policijski detektiv se mora med reševanjem primera kot tolmač soočiti s skupino kriminalcev, ki skušajo eliminirati gluho pričo umora v njeni stanovanjski hiši.


Rebel Ridge

Rebel Ridge 2024


Nekdanji marinec se spopade s korupcijo v majhnem mestu, ko mu lokalni policisti neupravičeno zasežejo vrečko z denarjem, ki ga potrebuje za plačilo varščine za svojega bratranca.


Krik VI

Krik VI 2023


Po več kot desetletju od zadnjega dela končno prihaja Krik VI, ki s seboj prinaša novo generacijo preživelih in svež pogled na ikonično franšizo grozljivk. Film sledi zgodbi štirih preživelih pokola v Woodsboru, ki poskušajo nadaljevati s svojim življenjem v New Yorku. Začne se z umorom filmskega profesorja in se hitro stopnjuje, ko Ghostface nadaljuje svoj morilski pohod. Osrednji štirje liki, Samantha, Tara, Mindy in Chad se združijo s povratnikoma Gale Weathers in Kirby Reedom z namenom, da se spopadejo z zloglasnim morilcem.


Osumljenih pet

Osumljenih pet 1995


V pristanišču Long Beach se nahaja 27 trupel, umirajoča priča pa uspe v grozi izgovoriti samo eno ime ... Kayser Soze. Carinski agent Daniel Kujan (Chazz Palminteri) mora najti strašnega morilca, odgovore pa morda pozna samo en človek - Verbal Kint (Kevin Spacey), majhen goljuf, ki je edini preživel pokol na Long Beachu. Verbal pove Kujanu neverjetno zgodbo. Vse se je začelo pred šestimi tedni, ko je nekdo sredi New Yorka oropal kamion, poln orožja. Zaradi morebitne indentifikacije policija pridrži peterico zakrnelih kriminalcev - Keatona (Gabriel Byrne), Mc McManusa (Stephen Baldwin), Hockneyja (Kevin Pollak), Fensterja (Benicio Del Toro) in Kinta. Med čakanjem v zaporniški celici pa eden od njih predlaga sodelovanje pri pri največjem podvigu njihovih karier. Keaton, nekdanji policist in najizkušenejši od peterice, ideji najprej nasprotuje, nato pa nanjo le pristane.


Podli fantje

Podli fantje 1995


Marcus in Mike sta prijatelja in partnerja v službi policije. Marcus je poročen in ima dva otroka, Mikeu pa resne zveze ne dišijo. Delata na oddelku za mamila v Miamiju in nekega dne preprodajalcem zaplenita heroin, vreden sto milijonov dolarjev. Njuno veselje pa traja le kratek čas, saj jima plen pred nosom nekdo ukrade. Fanta imata le tri dni časa, da mamilo najdeta in zaključita primer. Na sled prideta zloglasnim preprodajalcem, pot pa jima prekriža tudi edina priča, ki bi jima lahko pomagala. Zgodba se še dodatno zaplete, ko Marcus svoji ženi ne pove, da se ukvarja s tem primerom, po spletu okoliščin pa sta z Mikeom prisiljena zamenjati identiteto.


Dan za trening

Dan za trening 2001


Policijski narednik Alonzo Harris je veteran oddelka za narkotike s 13-letnim stažem, čigar vprašljive metode brišejo mejo med zakonitostjo in korupcijo. Izkušnje z ulice so že zdavnaj zatrle ves njegov optimizem. Zatiranje kriminala te lahko stane glavo, če vestno spoštuješ pravila, zato so Alonzo in njegovi kolegi pogosto prisiljeni sami kršiti zakon, v službi katerega so. Trda, realistična akcijska drama Dan za trening je postavljena v svet dvoumne morale policistov, ki pod krinko preganjajo malopridneže. Idealistični novinec Jake Hoyt, čigar nazori se precej razlikujejo od Alonzovih, ima natanko en dan časa, da se dokaže svojemu karizmatičnemu šefu. Pri tem se pogreza vse globlje v svet Alonzove neizprosne logike. V teh 24 urah oba moža postavita na kocko življenje in kariero.


Trije plakati pred mestom

Trije plakati pred mestom 2017


Minilo je že več mesecev, odkar so Mildred Hayes umorili hčerko, a policiji še vedno ni uspelo najti morilca. Jezna mati se zato odloči za drzno potezo: najela bo tri velike reklamne panoje ob cesti, nanje pa bo z velikimi črkami napisala očitajoča sporočila, namenjena šefu lokalne policije Williamu Willoughbyju. Nenavadni primer nepokorščine prevzame nezrel policist Dixon, ki ima za seboj bogato zgodovino rasističnih in nasilnih izpadov. Boj med Mildred in policijskimi silami v Ebbingu se neizogibno stopnjuje do neslutenih razsežnosti.


Pepermint: Angel maščevanja

Pepermint: Angel maščevanja 2018


Akcijski triler režiserja filma Ugrabljena z odlično Jennifer Garner v vlogi mlade matere, ki izgubi vse na tem svetu, zato se odloči poravnati račune s sovražniki in jim vzeti življenja, kot so ga oni vzeli njej.


Spirala bolečine: Nova zapuščina igre Žaga

Spirala bolečine: Nova zapuščina igre Žaga 2021


V eni izmed glavnih vlog novega nadaljevanja bo Samuel L. Jackson, poleg njega pa nihce drug kot igralska legenda Chris Rock, ki se je tokrat postavil tudi v vlogo scenarista. Rock bo igral policaja za petami serijskemu morilcu, odgovornemu za številne groteskne smrti, njegov partner bo Max Minghella, Samuel L. Jackson pa bo igral Rockovega oceta.


Žaga 5

Žaga 5 2008


Skoraj vse, ki so se doslej znašli v pasteh Ugankarja ali pa so skušali odkriti njegove skrivnosti in ozadje, je doletela boleča in tragična smrt. Čeprav truplo srhljivega Johna, ki naj bi se skrival za krvnikovo masko, leži v mrtvašnici, se znova pojavijo izmaličena trupla. Miselne igrice, ki se večinoma končajo z zelo nasilno smrtjo udeležencev, so se znova začele! Odgovori in edina možnost rešitve ležijo v rokah detektiva Hoffmana, toda resnica je včasih še bolj kruta in nenavadna kot najhujša nočna mora.


True Detective

True Detective 2014


An American anthology police detective series utilizing multiple timelines in which investigations seem to unearth personal and professional secrets of those involved, both within or outside the law.


The Shield

The Shield 2002


The story of an inner-city Los Angeles police precinct where some of the cops aren't above breaking the rules or working against their associates to both keep the streets safe and their self-interests intact.



Renegade 1992


Framed for murder, Detective Reno Raines becomes a fugitive bounty hunter who fights crime while trying to clear his name. His troubles began after he testified about police corruption, leading Lt. Donald Dixon to set him up.


Power Book II: Ghost

Power Book II: Ghost 2020


Picking up just days after the “Power” finale, this sequel series follows Tariq navigating his new life, in which his desire to shed his father’s legacy comes up against the mounting pressure to save his family.



Undercover 2011


Just an ordinary boy from the Sofia suburbs becomes the first bulgarian undercover cop. Forced by his father when he was young to lie and cheat, Martin becomes the perfect liar. That skill, and also the hatred of the 'underworld' makes him the perfect match for a dangerous mission - to infiltrate the crime organisation of a rich and powerful businessman. While infiltrating and living in fear of being uncovered, Martin falls in love with the most inappropriate woman - Djaro's girlfriend, Suni. Just when he gains the trust of the mobsters, it appears that the real enemy is in the police. Martin is alone against all, facing difficult decisions.


Line of Duty

Line of Duty 2012


A drama about the investigations of AC-12, a controversial police anticorruption unit.


Highs and Lows

Highs and Lows 2012


Gordon Heung and Wai Sai-Lok have been long-time collaborators in the police force, frequently working with each other to solve drug trafficking cases in the city. During an operation, Sai-Lok discovers clues that point to Gordon being a corrupt cop in a collusion conspiracy with drug dealers. Suspicious about Gordon's true intentions, Sai-Lok launches a secret investigation on him.


Batman: Caped Crusader

Batman: Caped Crusader 2024


Welcome to Gotham City, where the corrupt outnumber the good, criminals run rampant and law-abiding citizens live in a constant state of fear. Forged in the fire of tragedy, wealthy socialite Bruce Wayne becomes something both more and less than human—the Batman. His one-man crusade for justice attracts unexpected allies within the GCPD and City Hall, but his heroic actions spawn deadly, unforeseen ramifications.



Memorist 2020


When Dong Baek was a high school student, he suddenly gained a supernatural power. Whenever he touches somebody, he can read that person's memory. Dong Baek reveals his memory reading ability to people and he becomes a detective. He is gung-ho to catch as many criminals as possible. He encounters a mysterious serial murder case.


The Responder

The Responder 2022


Under pressure, fraying at the edges. In relentless night-time Liverpool, copper Chris is paired with a rookie. Will they save or destroy each other?



Cardinal 2017


Detective John Cardinal attempts to uncover the mystery of what happened to the missing 13-year-old girl whose body is discovered in the shaft-head of an abandoned mine. At the same time, he comes under investigation by his new partner, Lise Delorme, a tough investigator in her own right.



Decoy 2023


A 17-year-old case, known as the scam of the century, reemerges as a serial murder case in the present year 2023. It's a nationwide crime case thriller revolving around three people.


Between the Lines

Between the Lines 1992


Detective Superintendent Tony Clark is an ambitious member of the Complaints Investigation Bureau, an internal organisation that investigates claims of corruption inside the police in England and Wales. Along the way Clark overcomes strong influence from his superiors and problems in his private life, most notably the break-up of his marriage following an affair with WPC Jenny Dean.


RoboCop: The Series

RoboCop: The Series 1994


RoboCop: The Series is a 1994 television series based on the film of the same name. It stars Richard Eden as the title character. Made to appeal primarily to children and young teenagers, it lacks the graphic violence that was the hallmark of RoboCop and RoboCop 2. RoboCop has several non-lethal alternatives to killing criminals, which ensures that certain villains can be recurring. The OCP Chairman and his corporation are treated as simply naïve and ignorant, in contrast to their malicious and immoral behavior from the second film onward.


We Own This City

We Own This City 2022


The story of the rise and fall of the Baltimore Police Department's Gun Trace Task Force — and the corruption and moral collapse that befell an American city in which the policies of drug prohibition and mass arrest were championed at the expense of actual police work.



Avalanche 2021


Seiichi Habu is a member of the mysterious outlaw group Avalanche. The group exists at a time when moral hazards run rampant among politicians, bureaucrats, businesses, and even among ordinary people.



Brotherhood 2019


An honest lawyer reaches a moral crossroads after the cops force her to inform on her incarcerated brother, the leader of a rising criminal faction.


In the Dark

In the Dark 2017


DI Helen Weeks grapples with pregnancy as she undertakes a very personal abduction case.