Dobri Will Hunting

Dobri Will Hunting 1997


Drama spremlja uporniškega mladeniča Willa Huntinga, ki kot hišnik dela na slovitem inštitutu MIT, čeprav ima fotografski spomin in je matematični genij. Kot gradbenik dela in živi v južnem Bostonu skupaj s prijatelji iz otroštva, posebej s prostodušnim Chuckiejem. V študentskem naselju spozna čedno, inteligentno britansko študentko Skylar in med njima se začne razvijati ljubezen. Univerzitetni profesor in nekdanji državni matematični prvak Lambeau nekoč pripravi poseben izziv za svoje študente: na hodnik pred učilnico razobesi zahtevno matematično nalogo in kdor bi jo pravilno rešil, naj bi imel zagotovljeno oceno pri njegovem predmetu. Will skrivaj opravi preizkušnjo in Lambeau se postopoma dokoplje do briljantnega avtorja pravilne rešitve.


V žrelu pekla

V žrelu pekla 2009


Ambiciozna bančna uslužbenka Christine se v želji po napredovanju skuša dokazati šefu, zato zavrne prošnjo za posojilo revni babici. S tem si na glavo nakoplje grozljiv urok, ki Christinino življenje spremeni v pravo nočno moro, saj jo pričnejo nadlegovati demoni, ki želijo njeno dušo odvleči v pekel. Med pogrezanjem v srhljivi svet nadnaravnih pojavov se Christine naposled znajde pred ključnim vprašanjem, kako daleč je pripravljena iti v iskanju svoje odrešitve.



Uničenje 2018


Zgodba sledi mladi biologinji, ki se odpravi na lov za svojim pogrešanim soprogom. Pot jo zanese na skrivnostno območje, kjer se sreča s pojavi in silami, ki jo presenetijo in na katere ni pripravljena. Na njeni misiji se ji pridružijo še antropolog, psiholog in raziskovalec.


Zbogom, dekleta

Zbogom, dekleta 1997


Forenzični psiholog in izkušeni detektiv iz Washingtona Alex Cross (Morgan Freeman) se odpravi v Durham v Severni Karolini, potem ko prijavijo izginotje njegove nečakinje Naomi, študentke na tamkajšnjem kolidžu. Od krajevne policije izve, da je Naomi najnovejša žrtev v nizu mladih žensk, ki so bile ugrabljene. Kmalu po njegovem prihodu tam najdejo truplo ene izmed njih, potem pa nekdo na njenem domu ugrabi mlado pripravnico Kate McTiernan (Ashley Judd). Čez čas se Kate zbudi iz omamljenosti in odkrije, da je ujetnica skrivnostnega zamaskiranega moža, ki si pravi Casanova, in poleg nje so v njegovem skrivališču še druge mlade ženske. Nekako ji uspe pobegniti in pri skoku v reku se resno poškoduje. Potem ko nekoliko okreva, združi moči s Crossom, da bi skupaj poiskala in ujela serijskega morilca. Med preiskavo odkrijeta, da ima psihopat morda celo sodelavca.


Batman za vse čase

Batman za vse čase 1995


V mračnem Gothamu na Batmana prežita odštekani znanstvenik Riddler in odvetnik Harvey. Oba imata razlog, da se ga za vselej znebita. Medtem se junak zaljubi v lepo zdravnico Chase Meridian, ki preučuje pojav razcepljenih osebnosti.



Uteha 2015


Preiskava umorov bega FBI agenta Joeja in Katherine zaradi morilčeve nenavadne metode neboleče smrti. Joe pokliče na pomoč starega prijatelja, upokojenega zdravnika in vidca Johna. Z Johnovo pomočjo se agenta vse bolj približujeta morilcu, ko postaja vse bolj jasno, da je tudi zločinec videc ter da je vedno korak pred oblastmi.



Exam 2009




Nell 1994


Nell (J. Foster) je dekle, ki je odraslo z materjo in sestro dvojčico v popolni izolaciji v gozdni kolibi na planinskem jezeru. Nikoli ni srečala kakšnega tujca in ko jo po sestrini in mamini smrti obiščeta mladi zdravnik dr. Jerome Lovell (l. Nelson) in šerif Todd Peterson (N. Searcy), je njena reakcija panična. Lovell, ki je profesionalno zainteresiran za primer divjega dekleta, poišče pomoč pri psihologinji dr. Paule Olsen (N. Richardson), ki s štipendijo za proučevanje obnašanja osebe, nesposobne za komunikacijo z zunanjim svetom, odide z njim v gozdno divjino. Po začetnem nerazumevanju zdravnik in znanstvenica uspeta vzpostaviti stik z Nell in med njimi se ustvari poseben odnos zaupanja in prijateljstva. Ko zgodbo odkrijejo novinarji, lačni senzacije, postane oddaljeno dekličino bivanje v izolaciji postane, prihod v civilizacijo pa je skoraj usoden...



Evil 2019


Skeptical forensic psychologist Kristen Bouchard joins priest-in-training David Acosta and technology expert Ben Shakir as they investigate supposed miracles, demonic possessions, and other extraordinary occurrences to assess for a scientific explanation or if something truly supernatural is at work.



Bull 2016


Dr. Jason Bull is the brilliant, brash, and charming founder of a hugely successful trial consulting firm.



Shrinking 2023


Jimmy is struggling to grieve the loss of his wife while being a dad, friend, and therapist. He decides to try a new approach with everyone in his path: unfiltered, brutal honesty.



Psychologist 2021


Due to negative feedback to a public service announcement on suicide prevention that she created, psychologist He Dun experiences a blow to her career. To cheer up, she meets her best friend at a restaurant where she runs into Qian Kai Yi. He is now hosting a radio program dealing with emotional issues. At his insistence, He Dun agrees to be his collaborator and co-host. As the show gains listenership He Dun's counseling clinic becomes equally busy.


Profiling Paris

Profiling Paris 2009


Chloé Saint-Laurent is a profiler and works with a police team to solve murders in Paris. She's very sweet, she wears very colored clothes and a huge yellow bag. She looks like a little girl who need a doll, but she's very smart and a very good profiler. Step by step, she fit in the team and her colleagues, very reserved at first, became her best friends.


The Bob Newhart Show

The Bob Newhart Show 1972


The Bob Newhart Show is an American situation comedy produced by MTM Enterprises, which aired 142 original episodes on CBS from September 16, 1972, to April 1, 1978. Comedian Bob Newhart portrays a psychologist having to deal with his patients and fellow office workers. The show was filmed before a live audience.



Cracker 1993


The wise-cracking Fitz is a brilliant but flawed criminal psychologist with a remarkable insight into the criminal mind.


You Me Her

You Me Her 2016


An unusual, real-world romance involving relatable people, with one catch - there are three of them! You Me Her infuses the sensibilities of a smart, grounded indie rom-com with a distinctive twist: one of the two parties just happens to be a suburban married couple.


Wire in the Blood

Wire in the Blood 2002


Clinical psychologist Dr Tony Hill's uncanny ability to see into the minds of murderers means he finds it difficult to distance himself from disturbing cases.



Twilight 2023


Writer Qi Lianshan (played by Ren Jialun) wants to adapt his psychological reasoning novel into a script. After seeing Liu Xia (played by AngelaBaby), who successfully guide a woman who wants to jump off a bridge with her psychological knowledge, he invites her to be a consultant . In the process of adapting the novel, Qi Lianshan gets deeply attracted by Liu Xia, and in the end, the two gained a successful career and a beautiful love story.



Psych-Hunter 2020


Jiang Shuo is in the business of buying haunted houses and selling them. He crosses paths with Qin Yi Heng, a psychologist searching for his father, and Yuan Mu Qing who is the daughter of a warlord. Together, they partner up to fight against mysterious forces. Jiang Shuo suffers from amnesia but is well-versed in the affairs of the occult. Qin Yi Feng receives a letter that contains the countdown to Jiang Shuo's time of death and evidence of his father's abduction when he went missing one year ago, sealed with the six-finger seal. Qin Yi Heng becomes determined to track down the only clue that might lead him back to his father.



Epitaphs 2004


Epitafios is a 2004 13-episode, Argentinian crime fiction TV mini-series with the tagline: El Final Está Escrito ... The End Is Written. The series, which takes place in an unnamed South American city, was shot in Buenos Aires. The series was produced by HBO Latin America and Argentinian TV/film company Pol-Ka Producciones. It was written by Marcelo Slavich and Walter Slavich and directed by Alberto Lecchi and Jorge Nisco. Although all of the actors were Argentinian, a neutral Spanish was used instead of the local Rioplatense Spanish, avoiding colloquialisms such as the local vos in favor of the more common tú. The series debuted in Australia on SBS in May 2007 under the title If The Dead Could Speak. It premiered in Poland on Cinemax on November 6, 2008. In Germany, it premiered on November 6, 2009 on pay TV channel FOX under the title Epitafios - Tod Ist Die Antwort.


The Eleventh Hour

The Eleventh Hour 1962


The Eleventh Hour is an American medical drama about psychiatry starring Wendell Corey, Jack Ging, and Ralph Bellamy, which aired sixty-two new episodes plus selected rebroadcasts on NBC from October 3, 1962, to September 9, 1964.



Cracker 1997


Crime drama based on the UK TV series about Gerry "Fitz" Fitzgerald, a brilliant but troubled criminal psychologist working alongside the Los Angeles police department.


En thérapie

En thérapie 2012


Philippe Jacob has acquired a reputation as the best psychologist in the city. And yet, at almost fifty, he finds himself facing a serious existential crisis. Can psychology really save the world? What if he’s wasted his life? Only a thin line lies between his own anxiety and that of his patients. It’s no surprise that at the end of the week, Philippe needs to go see his own psychologist with whom he maintains a serious love-hate relationship.



Cupid 1998


Trevor Hale is an attractive, sarcastic and irreverent man who claims to be Cupid, the Roman god of love, and has descended from Mount Olympus to work on Earth.



Correlli 1995


Correlli was an Australian television series first broadcast by ABC TV in 1995. It starred Deborra-Lee Furness as prison psychologist Louisa Correlli. The series also featured her future husband Hugh Jackman in one of his earliest roles. The first episode entitled "The Rat Tamer" has been released on to DVD. The creators and Associate Producers of the show were actress Denise Roberts from the ABC's G.P., and Carol Long. Roberts also played the role of prison warden Helen Buckley in episodes four and five.


Seven Year Switch

Seven Year Switch 2015


Four married couples try to save their marriages by entering into a social experiment. During this experiment, the four couples switch spouses and live with another participants spouse for two weeks as husband and wife.


I Dated a Psycho

I Dated a Psycho 2013


Girl meets guy; girl falls for guy; guy turns out to have a dark and deadly secret. You know the drill. As women tell their real-life "I Dated An Axe Murderer" stories, police, psychologists and dating experts help unravel the mystery and explain how these relationships went tragically wrong.