Bes 2014
Vojna akcija. V glavni vlogi Brad Pitt. April, 1945. Iz zgodovine znan Shermanov tank in njegovih pet mož, ki se bojuje na sovražnikovi črti. Mlad vojak se prvič poda v boj, v samo srce Nacistov
Vojna akcija. V glavni vlogi Brad Pitt. April, 1945. Iz zgodovine znan Shermanov tank in njegovih pet mož, ki se bojuje na sovražnikovi črti. Mlad vojak se prvič poda v boj, v samo srce Nacistov
Režiser filmov Volkodlak in Jurski park 3 predstavlja zgodbo o rojstvu legende, prvega maščevalca najbolj znanih stripovskih junakov. Steve je krmežljav mladenič, ki ga zavrnejo na naboru za vojsko, toda ker se želi boriti proti nacistom, sprejme ponudbo sodelovanja pri nenavadnem poskusu. S pomočjo nenavadnega sevanja prejme nadnaravne moči in se poda na nevarno misijo, ki ga popelje v osrčje spopadov in tik pred vrata pekla.
Film po resnični zgodbi elitne gasilske enote iz Prescotta v Arizoni, ki se je junija 2013 borila s požarom v Yarnellu, v katerem je izgubilo življenje 19 gasilcev. V akcijski drami spremljamo resnično zgodbo enote lokalnih gasilcev, ki je postala ena najpomembnejših elitnih gasilskih enot v državi. Ko večina izmed nas beži pred nevarnostjo, se oni odpravijo naravnost vanjo - bdijo nad našimi življenji, domovi in vsem, kar nam je ljubo, ter tvorijo bratsko skupnost, osredotočeno na gašenje požarov.
Tri tedne potem, ko v ameriško-ruski vojni akciji ujamejo kazahstanskega diktatorja, generala Ivana Radeka, ameriški predsednik James Marshall med službenim obiskom v Moskvi nastopi s čustvenim, vendar tudi zelo odločnim govorom. S tem preseneti svoje svetovalce na čelu z Lloydom Shepherdom. Medtem ko se predsednik z ženo Grace in hčerko Alice vrača proti predsedniškemu letalu Air Force One, v letalo prispe šest ruskih novinarjev, ki jih vodi Ivan Korshunov. Predsednika iz dremeža kmalu prebudi streljanje v letalu. Ob pomoči agenta Gibbsa namreč Korshunov in njegovi ljudje prevzamejo nadzor nad letalom...
A superhero-admiring boy without any powers enrolls in a prestigious hero academy and learns what it really means to be a hero.
A major incident has occurred in the peaceful Sky Land!? The young Princess Ellee has been kidnapped by the monsters of Underg Empire! A brave young girl, Sora, follows the princess through a mysterious hole. "TV"? "Cars"? Are those some kind of magic tools!?!? But there's no time to be surprised! She has to get the princess back to the castle...! Flying between two worlds! The adventure with the Pretty Cure begins now!
Mégantic is inspired by the events that occurred during the Lac-Mégantic rail tragedy in 2013. This fiction follows the destinies of Méganticois marked by bereavement and trauma, but also by solidarity, courage and heroism.
In this four-part documentary series, leading Hollywood actors undertake a fascinating journey into their family's past by re-tracing the footsteps of their grandparents during World War Two. We follow the moving, personal stories of Helena Bonham Carter, Mark Rylance, Kristin Scott Thomas, and Carey Mulligan as they travel to historic locations, from the beaches of Dunkirk to prisoner of war camps in Asia, to learn about the war their grandparents experienced. All of the actors have unanswered questions about the scars war left on their grandparents, and in each episode one of the actors explore how six years changed the lives of their family and the world forever while learning about the life and death decisions that their grandparents faced.
The incredible stories of some of the many men and women who have received America's highest military award, the Medal of Honor, authorized by President Lincoln on March 25, 1863 for bravery above and beyond the call of duty.
Electrifying true stories and remarkable acts of bravery and heroism of real kids who find themselves in harrowing situations. From a twelve-year-old girl who fights off a shark to an 18-year-old who overcomes his fear of heights to rescue a little girl dangling from a chair lift.
Against All Odds is an NBC reality series hosted by Lindsay Wagner and Everett McGill. The series showcased people and animals who overcame enormous odds to survive in life-threatening situations or rescued others at great risk to their own lives.