Ledeno kraljestvo

Ledeno kraljestvo 2013


Ustvarjalci zabavne animacije Zlatolaska so pripravili nepozabno zimsko pustolovsko zgodbo o kraljičnah Ani in Elsi. Slednja premore čarovno moč ustvarjanja snežnih metežev, toda ko se njena magija nekega dne ponesreči, celotno kraljestvo ogrne v večni sneg in led. Dvolični grof, ki se želi polastiti prestola, ljudi naščuva proti kraljični, zato se njena sestra skupaj z izkušenim hribolazcem, zabavnim jelenom in čudaškim snežakom poda na neverjetno reševalno akcijo, polno nepričakovanih nevarnosti in kaotične snežne zabave.


Igre lakote: Balada o pticah pevkah in kačah

Igre lakote: Balada o pticah pevkah in kačah 2023


To so desete Igre lakote, dogajanje pa poteka 64 let pred prvim filmom. Coriolanus Snow je mentor Lucy Gray Baird, predstavnici obubožanega 12. okrožja. Kljub začetni zadregi in razočaranju, Coriolanus začne verjeti, da imata z Lucy morda priložnost, da verjetnost zmage obrneta v svojo korist. Z mešanico svoje teatralnosti in novoodkrite politične modrosti, Snow in Lucy tekmujeta s časom, da bi preživela in odkrila, kdo je pevka in kdo je kača.


Edward Škarjeroki

Edward Škarjeroki 1990


Peg Beggs se iz primestja vseli v stari grad visoko v gorah. Tam spozna samotarskega Edwarda, umetno ustvarjenega človeka, ki ima namesto rok škarje.



Povratnik 2015


Film, posnet po resničnih dogodkih osvajanja ameriške divjine, prikazuje skupino trdoživih lovcev pod vodstvom izkušenega Hugha, ki se znajdejo na begu pred divjim indijanskim plemenom. Na poti preko neizprosne divjine Hugha napade in težko poškoduje medvedka, nato pa doživi še izdajstvo preračunljivega pomočnika Johna, ki umori njegovega sina, Hugha pa pusti umreti v mrazu. Toda odločni gorjan se zoperstavi smrtonosni naravi in okrutnim zasledovalcem ter se sam odpravi do postojanke, pri življenju pa ga ohranjata neomajno kljubovanje smrti in goreča želja po maščevanju.


Ledeno maščevanje

Ledeno maščevanje 2019


Življenje mirnega družinskega človeka se bo iz korenin spremenilo po skrivnostni smrti njegovega sina. Sledenje pravičnosti ga bo iz vzornega državljana spremenilo v hladnega in morilskega maščevalca. Odpravi se na lov na voditelja mamilarske mafije, za katerega verjame, da je povezan s smrtjo njegovega sina.


Vesele nogice

Vesele nogice 2006


Vesele nogice se dogajajo na Antarktiki, deželi cesarskega pingvina, kjer vsak pingvin potrebuje srčno pesmico, da privabi sorodno dušo. Tam se rodi pingvinček, ki ne zna peti. Glavni junak Fuši, sin Memphisa in Norme Jean, je najslabši pevec na svetu... zato pa je izvrsten plesalec stepa!



Togo 2019


Film o vlečnem psu, ki je leta 1925 rešil mesto pred epidemijo davice. Potovanje psa Toga, ki se je boril z ledenimi viharji, je bilo dolgo 420 kilometrov in je vključevalo prečkanje Norton Sounda, kjer je s plavanjem čez zlomljeni led rešil celotno odpravo.


Umor na Orient ekspresu

Umor na Orient ekspresu 2017


Film Umor na Orient ekspresu je nastal po istoimenskem romanu "kraljice kriminalk” Agathe Christie, z glavnim likom Herculom Poirotom. Hercule Poirot je na Orient ekspresu, kjer prepozna dobrega prijatelja. Zaradi snega so po dveh nočeh po Istanbulu obtičali na Balkanu. Naslednje jutro najdejo Samuela Edwarda Ratchetta zabodenega (z 12 vbodi z nožem) v njegovem kupeju. Na vlaku je bilo s Poirotom 13 oseb, ki nimajo na videz ničesar skupnega, kar pa se spremeni, ko odkrijejo pravi identiteto umorjenega in večine drugih na vlaku.


Dan po jutrišnjem

Dan po jutrišnjem 2004


Jack Hall je strokovnjak za podnebne spremembe. Njegove raziskave kažejo, da lahko segrevanje našega planeta sproži nenadno in katastrofalno spremembo podnebja ter prinese novo ledeno dobo. To se je pred deset tisoč leti že zgodilo. Jack posvari Belo hišo, da se lahko zgodi ponovno, če ne bodo hitro ukrepali. Vendar njegovo opozorilo naleti na gluha ušesa, dokler ni prepozno. Ko se velik kos ledu odlomi z ledene plošče na Antarktiki, to po vsem svetu sproži nenavadne vremenske pojave, ki napovejo velikanske globalne spremembe...


The Duke of Death and His Maid

The Duke of Death and His Maid 2021


Due to a childhood curse, anything that the Duke touches will die - which makes his flirty maid’s behavior all the more shocking! Can the Duke and his companions break the curse, or is he doomed to a life where love is forever out of his reach?


Uncontrollably Fond

Uncontrollably Fond 2016


The memory of their painful breakup still fresh in their minds, two former lovers reunite years later as a top actor and a documentary producer.


Silver Fang: The Shooting Star Gin

Silver Fang: The Shooting Star Gin 1986


Gin is a striped Akita-Inu puppy named after his silver coat. Shortly after being born, he watches his father, Riki, get killed by Akakabuto, a bear that terrorizes everything in his path. Being the third-generation of bear-dogs to try to stand up against Akakabuto, he ventures out to find dogs to join him in his fight against the demon bear.


Wild Hokkaido!

Wild Hokkaido! 2017


Be immersed in nature's beauty. Discover Hokkaido at its wildest and best as our presenter guides you through its amazing experiences.


Storm of the Century

Storm of the Century 1999


When a blizzard hits an isolated island town it brings with it a mysterious stranger intent on terrorizing the people for a sinister purpose.


No Math School Trip

No Math School Trip 2023


A legendary combination of six out-of-control guys go on a special romantic and hectic school trip.



Wireless 2020


A 20 year old, self-obsessed college student is stranded off a snow covered Colorado road after he crashes his car — and his only hope of being rescued is his quickly dying phone.



Kråkguldet 1969


The story takes place during the weeks before Christmas, in the small mining town of fictitious Granhyttan in Bergslagen, Sweden. One day a suspicious couple, Signe and Orvar, arrives in the small town and retires in an abandoned hut. Nobody knows what they up to; but strange things starts to happen as Staffan finds a gold nugget while playing in a disused mine at the Kråkberget Mountain during a skiing trip with his schoolmates. Staffan believes the nugget is a part of Skarp-Erik's gold, as his grandpa had told exciting stories about. The news about the gold discovery spread quickly and Staffan and his friends are soon pursued by curious schoolmates, school staff and also the mysterious strangers. All this happens as the students are rehearsing for the nativity play before Christmas break.


Jul på Månetoppen

Jul på Månetoppen 2002


Christmas on the Moontop is a Norwegian christmas series. It was produced and sent on NRK in 2002 with replays in 2005, 2010 and 2014. Idea and screenplay by Gudny Ingebjørg Hagen. Christmas on the Moontop was the successor to Christmas in Blåfjell and Amalies Christmas. Directed by Torunn Calmeyer Ringen.


Honkai Impact 3rd Golden Courtyard: New Year Wishes in Winter

Honkai Impact 3rd Golden Courtyard: New Year Wishes in Winter 2023


On this wintry day, I'll stay with everyone at Golden Courtyard to do adorable things and create special memories, and then we'll embrace the new year in our unique way. Haha, does this sound ceremonious? After all, I want to create more such wonderful memories with every one of you, because I love you all ♪


The Pole

The Pole 2021


After a scandal involving Saint Nick rocks the holly jolly foundations of the North Pole, all hell breaks loose as the future of Christmas turns into a twisted power struggle for the Red Suit.


En pleine tempête

En pleine tempête 2016


The Vanderzon family has been working in snow removal since the 1950s. Three generations later, the sons, grandsons and cousins are still clearing streets and driveways in and around Boucherville for institutional, commercial and individual clients.


Through the Homeland of Ice and Storms

Through the Homeland of Ice and Storms 1990


In 1989, the German polar explorer Arved Fuchs and the South Tyrolean mountaineer Reinhold Messner set out together to reach the South Pole on skis without sled dogs or motor technology and then cross the entire Antarctic. There are problems right from the start because the onward transport to the starting point by plane cannot be carried out on time. Finally, the adventurers set off from Patriot Hills Base Camp on the Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf to the Pole. The completely different character traits of the two men quickly emerge. Messner is impetuous and pushes for speed. The calm Fuchs divides his strength and consistently follows his pace during all planned breaks. On New Year's Eve 1989, the two men are warmly welcomed by the crew of the US Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station. But the much larger and more dangerous part of their adventurous continental crossing still lies ahead of them. The 3-part documentary shows one of the last great adventures of modern times in impressive pictures.