Ključna beseda Firefighting
Samo za pogumne 2017
Film po resnični zgodbi elitne gasilske enote iz Prescotta v Arizoni, ki se je junija 2013 borila s požarom v Yarnellu, v katerem je izgubilo življenje 19 gasilcev. V akcijski drami spremljamo resnično zgodbo enote lokalnih gasilcev, ki je postala ena najpomembnejših elitnih gasilskih enot v državi. Ko večina izmed nas beži pred nevarnostjo, se oni odpravijo naravnost vanjo - bdijo nad našimi življenji, domovi in vsem, kar nam je ljubo, ter tvorijo bratsko skupnost, osredotočeno na gašenje požarov.
Backdraft 1991
Brigada 49 2004
Lestev 49 se osredotoča na življenje gasilca Jacka Morrisona (Joaquin Phoenix), ko visi v tehtnici. V prizadevanju za reševanje ujetega državljana je Jack vržen v globok del skladišča, ki je zdaj preoblikovan v kotlo prasketajočih se plamenov, nepropustnega črnega dima in propadajočih naplavin. Izoliran od vse pomoči, se Jack bori za preživetje, medtem ko se zunaj njegovega mentorja in poveljnika ognja Mikea Kennedyja (John Travolta) bori, da bi svojega najboljšega prijatelja izživel. Medtem ko se dva moška potekata še zadnjič, Jack pregleda svoje življenje od začetka do tega groznega zadnjega trenutka.
Огонь 2020
Savage 2011
Burn 2012
Fires of Kuwait 1992
Prisoners of Fire 2025
Firehouse 1973
Apache 8 2011
水戸黄門 1960
The Fourth Alarm 1926
Answer the Call 2024
A Man's Game 1934
Anchor Point 2021
Station 19 2018
A group of heroic firefighters at Seattle Fire Station 19—from captain to newest recruit—risk their lives and hearts both in the line of duty and off the clock. These brave men and women are like family, literally and figuratively, and together they put their own lives in jeopardy as first responders to save the lives of others.
Vollies 2021
The series centres on the Essex-West-Essex Fire Department, a smalltown volunteer fire department with too much time on their hands because their town never has any actual fires to fight.
Nood 2021
Grey Home 1986
A moving story about the residents of correctional facility, rejected by parents and environment. Going through a strict regimen of life in the home, they are constantly trying to reverse the fate in their favor. Although they were given a chance to change, their actions always return to the beginning. Constantly on the border between personal whims and once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to become humans, they remain as wolves who find hard to change their mood. What finally remains is a perpetual dilemma whether their fate is innate, or is it forced by the communities in which they grew up...
Fire Boys 2004
A young boy is saved by firemen in a fire. His name is Daigo Asahina. Now he's a grown-up and has recently received his credentials as a firefighter. He has wanted to become a firefighter like the hero who saved him…
Kotka 10 2023
The C More original series Kotka 10 is an intimate drama about the rescuers of the Kotka central fire station, their exciting and dangerous tasks and their mutual relationships. The rescue missions seen in the series are based on real cases.
Rising in The Fire 2025
In times of crisis, the protagonists join hands with many comrades in arms to fight against evil with professional abilities and endless courage. In the end, justice is served and darkness has nowhere to hide...