Bournova zapuščina

Bournova zapuščina 2012


Novi junak se zaplete v smrtonosno igro, ki so jo sprožili pretekli dogodki; s pomočjo genskih zmožnosti se mora boriti za življenje in razkriti zaroto. Legenda o skrivnostnem agentu Bournu, tokrat skozi oči in doživetja podobnega odpadniškega agenta Crossa. Kot se izkaže, je bil Bourne zgolj vrh ledene gore spletk in zarot, zato skuša agencija uničiti vse sledi njihovega nezakonitega vohunskega programa. Na seznamu za uničenje je tudi tajni agent Cross, toda s pomočjo neverjetnih borilnih spretnosti in gensko določenih zmožnosti mu uspe pobegniti. Na begu pred odločnim vodjo čiščenja Byerjem skuša Cross ugotoviti lastno identiteto in razkriti dvolično početje svojih delodajalcev, ki ga hočejo na vsak način ustaviti.


Neposredna nevarnost

Neposredna nevarnost 1994


Neposredna nevarnost je izvrsten politični triler, tretji v nizu filmskih adaptacij vohunskih romanov Toma Clancyja, avtorja lika vrhunskega agenta Jacka Ryana, ki predstavlja ameriški odgovor na britanskega agenta 007. Agent Jack Ryan se tokrat preiskusi kot svetovalec predsednika ZDA in skuša razrešiti smrt predsednikovega znanca, vplivnega poslovneža. Z umorom je povezan kolumbijski preprodajalec drog Ernesto Escobedo, predsednik pa mu iz maščevanja napove vojno. Ryan se s tem ne strinja in poseže v njegov načrt, s čimer si pridobi še dodatne sovražnike v vladnih vrstah. Tako se znajde v begu za svoje življenje.... Film Neposredna nevarnost je v letu 1995 prejel nagrado ASAP, istega leta pa je bil nominiran tudi za oskarja v dveh kategorijah. Harrison Ford je za svojo vlogo prejel nagrado Blockbuster Entertainment.


Street Fighter

Street Fighter 1995


A new challenger approaches with this Street Fighter II The Animated Series boxed set which contains both seasons of the television series! Discipline! Justice! Commitment! That's the code that the secret international peacekeeping force "Street Fighter" adheres to! Made up of the top martial artists from around the world, Street Fighter opposes criminal activities anywhere, at any time. William F. Guile, the leader of Street Fighter, conducts himself with honor even as he blows away bad guys at the speed of sound with his "Sonic Boom"! Meanwhile, the bestial Blanka shocks his opponents all too literally, and Chun-Li's furiously flying fleet feet take down anything that gets between her and justice! They'll need all the help they can get against the villainous Shadaloo, whose leader M.Bison is one of the strongest, most vile criminals around! Fortunately for Street Fighter, they've got Ryu and Ken to back them up.



Ascension 2014


In 1963, the U.S. government launched a covert space mission sending hundreds of men, women and children on a century-long voyage aboard the starship Ascension to populate a new world. Nearly 50 years into the journey, as they approach the point of no return, a mysterious murder of a young woman causes the ship’s population to question the true nature of their mission.


The Undeclared War

The Undeclared War 2022


In the post-pandemic world of 2024 during an upcoming British general election involving the UK’s first Black Conservative prime minister, a leading team of analysts at the heart of the UK’s NSA-style spy agency GCHQ attempt to ward off a cyber-attack on the country’s electoral system.