Žaga X

Žaga X 2023


Dogajanje je postavljeno v obdobje med Žago in Žago II, prikazuje pa Ugankarjevo najbolj osebno igro Žage do sedaj. John Kramer je takrat namreč odpotoval v Mehiko, kjer se je udeležil tveganega eksperimentalnega medicinskega postopka, ki naj bi čudežno ozdravil njegovega raka, žal pa je hitro ugotovil, da je bila operacija in celoten medicinski postopek zgolj prevara za goljufanje najbolj ranljivih...


Creed: Rojstvo legende

Creed: Rojstvo legende 2015


Vročekrvni mladenič Adonis poskuša postati profesionalni boksar, vendar ne želi svoje kariere zgraditi na slavi svojega očeta Apolla Creeda. Ker ne najde pravega trenerja, se obrne na očetovega starega nasprotnika in kasnejšega prijatelja, legendarnega Rockyja Balboa. Ta je zapustil svet boksa in želi mirno preživeti starost v svoji restavraciji, toda vztrajni Adonis mu znova vzbudi boksarske strasti. Rocky poskuša med neizprosnimi pripravami na spopad z angleškim prvakom Adonisa naučiti svoje filozofije boksanja, a se dvojec ob tem sooča z nepričakovanimi zdravstvenimi in ljubezenskimi težavami.



Uničenje 2018


Zgodba sledi mladi biologinji, ki se odpravi na lov za svojim pogrešanim soprogom. Pot jo zanese na skrivnostno območje, kjer se sreča s pojavi in silami, ki jo presenetijo in na katere ni pripravljena. Na njeni misiji se ji pridružijo še antropolog, psiholog in raziskovalec.


Trije plakati pred mestom

Trije plakati pred mestom 2017


Minilo je že več mesecev, odkar so Mildred Hayes umorili hčerko, a policiji še vedno ni uspelo najti morilca. Jezna mati se zato odloči za drzno potezo: najela bo tri velike reklamne panoje ob cesti, nanje pa bo z velikimi črkami napisala očitajoča sporočila, namenjena šefu lokalne policije Williamu Willoughbyju. Nenavadni primer nepokorščine prevzame nezrel policist Dixon, ki ima za seboj bogato zgodovino rasističnih in nasilnih izpadov. Boj med Mildred in policijskimi silami v Ebbingu se neizogibno stopnjuje do neslutenih razsežnosti.


Iz/ sebe

Iz/ sebe 2015


Ko bi le imel več časa, da živim…Vsi tako razmišljamo in vse nas preveva ta občutek. Kaj pa, če bi si ta čas lahko - kupili? V provokativni psihološki znanstveno-fantastični srhljivki Iz/sebe režiser Tarsem Singh raziskuje posledice odvzema življenja nekomu, da lahko nekdo drug živi večno.


Nočne ptice

Nočne ptice 2016


V srhljivem psihološkem trilerju sledimo uspešni lastnici galerije Susan, katere življenje se zdi na prvi pogled idealno. Toda v njeni preteklosti se skrivajo temačne sence, ki jih na površje privabi roman njenega bivšega moža Edwarda. V nasilni zgodbi, polni najtemnejših človeških čustev, Susan prepozna zloveščo grožnjo in poskus maščevanja, zato se odpravi po starih sledeh svojega življenja. Vendar v temačnih delih njene duše ležijo skrivnosti, ki ne bi nikoli smele priti na dan, posledice razkritij pa so uničujoče za vse spletene.


Zvesti vrtnar

Zvesti vrtnar 2005


V odmaknjenem kraju severne Kenije je brutalno umorjena izredno zavzeta aktivistka Tessa Quayle (Rachel Weisz). Na poti jo je spremljal lokalni zdravnik, ki pa je zbežal, in vse kaže na zločin iz strasti. Sandy Woodrow (Danny Huston), Sir Bernard Pellegrin (Bill Nighy) in drugi člani Britanskega veleposlaništva domnevajo, da bo njihov sodelavec, miren in neambiciozen vdovec Justin Quayle (Ralph Fiennes), zadevo prepustil njim. Izkaže se, da se ne bi mogli bolj motiti ...


Prvi človek

Prvi človek 2018


Biografska drama predstavlja življenje astronavta Neila Armstronga in legendarno vesoljsko misijo, s katero je Armstrong postal svetovno znan, saj je postal prvi človek, ki je stopil na Luno 20. julija 1969.


Velika riba

Velika riba 2003


"Velika riba" pripoveduje zgodbo med umirajočim očetom Edwardom Bloomom (Albert Finney) in sinom Willom (Ewan McGregor), ki se trudi izvedeti več o svojem očetu, zbere različne zgodbe, ki jih je pripovedoval. Tako Will poustvari svoje življenje v nizu legend in mitov, navdihnjenih z nekaj dejstvi, ki jih pozna. Toda iz želje svoje matere Sandy, da bi očeta ponovno združil s sinom, začne razumeti očetov razplet. V njegovih zgodbah so potovanja po svetu in blodnje, ki vključujejo velikane, tornada in čarovnice.


Kalne vode

Kalne vode 2019


Po resničnih dogodkih posnet in srh vzbujajoč dramatični triler o korporativnem odvetniku, ki je v imenu zastrupljenih prebivalcev vložil tožbo proti veliki ameriški korporaciji zaradi dolgotrajne zgodovine onesnaženja okolja z nevarnimi nenadzorovanimi kemikalijami.


Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad 2008


Walter White, a New Mexico chemistry teacher, is diagnosed with Stage III cancer and given a prognosis of only two years left to live. He becomes filled with a sense of fearlessness and an unrelenting desire to secure his family's financial future at any cost as he enters the dangerous world of drugs and crime.


The Summer I Turned Pretty

The Summer I Turned Pretty 2022


Every summer, Belly and her family head to the Fishers’ beach house in Cousins. Every summer is the same ... until Belly turns sixteen. Relationships will be tested, painful truths will be revealed, and Belly will be forever changed. It’s a summer of first love, first heartbreak and growing up — it's the summer she turns pretty.


A Million Little Things

A Million Little Things 2018


A group of friends from Boston who feel stuck in life experience an unexpected wake-up call after one of their friends dies unexpectedly.


Alexa & Katie

Alexa & Katie 2018


Lifelong best friends Alexa and Katie are eagerly anticipating the start of their freshman year of high school. The pals confront a crisis that leaves them feeling like outsiders at a time when what seems to matter most is fitting in.


The Big C

The Big C 2010


A suburban mother faces her cancer diagnosis while trying to find humor and happiness as well.


Amor Fati

Amor Fati 2021


A divorcee with cancer and a penniless single father meet and heal their wounds with the help of each other. Do Yeon-Hee (Choi Jung-Yoon) is the only daughter-in-law of a family, who runs the Rara Group. She has a perfect life, but her husband cheats on her. Due to the other woman, Do Yeon-Hee’s life changes completely. Han Jae-Kyeong (Ahn Jae-Mo) used to be a professional golfer. To let his wife achieve her dream and support her while she studies abroad, he quit playing golf and became a golfing instructor at a practice facility. He raises his son by himself, while his wife is away. When his wife returns to South Korea, she asks him for a divorce.


Uncontrollably Fond

Uncontrollably Fond 2016


The memory of their painful breakup still fresh in their minds, two former lovers reunite years later as a top actor and a documentary producer.



Mayflies 2022


A friendship forged between James and Tully in a small Scottish town in 1986. One weekend, they make a vow to each other to go at life differently. But then, 30 years on, half a life away, the phone rings. Tully has the worst kind of news.


BET Her Presents: The Waiting Room

BET Her Presents: The Waiting Room 2019


In these two short films we will follow the lives of two women in a doctor's waiting room as they await to hear if they have breast cancer. Each short story will follow their journey after receiving the life changing diagnosis. All stories are written and directed by black women.


Zac & Mia

Zac & Mia 2017


"Zac and Mia", based on the novel by A.J. Betts, about 2 teens battling cancer in the same hospital. In the real world, Zac and Mia would have pretty much nothing in common, but in the hospital, where they're the only 2 teens on the ward, they develop an unbreakable bond. If cancer is the variable that changed everything, the only constant is their ever-deepening need for one another.


Chasing Life

Chasing Life 2014


April, an aspiring journalist, is balancing her ambitious career with her family and a new office romance. In an unexpected twist of fate, April learns that she has leukemia.


The Oath of Love

The Oath of Love 2022


Lin Zhixiao's entire world is turned upside down just before graduation. Her father is hospitalized after being diagnosed with cancer which leaves her no choice but to give up an important job opportunity. She and her boyfriend also break up. In an instant, all of her hopes and dreams for the future are gone. At this time, Gu Wei, her father's attending physician, walks into Lin Zhixiao's life. Love has the tendency to creep up on you when you're not looking. Two people who have been hurt before gradually get to know each other and fall in love. They go through doubts and hit road bumps, they experience misunderstandings and trying times, but in the process of falling in love, they realize that they are made for each other.


Dear My Friends

Dear My Friends 2016


Life is ever-delightful — and ever-challenging — for a group of friends in their twilight years as they rediscover themselves through love and family.


The Girls at the Back

The Girls at the Back 2022


Five women in their 30s, friends since their school days, go on their annual getaway. But this year, one of them has just been diagnosed with cancer.


Life Sentence

Life Sentence 2018


When Stella finds out her terminal cancer is cured, she's going to have to learn to live with all the choices she's made when she decided to "live like she was dying".


The Checkup with Dr. David Agus

The Checkup with Dr. David Agus 2022


A-list celebrities share their personal health issues in a series of intimate conversations with Dr. David Agus, a world-renowned medical authority and cancer specialist. With their deeply honest and thoughtful conversations serving as the narrative spine of the show, Dr. Agus will take viewers on an eye-opening and inspirational journey that sheds new light on the most important medical topics from today’s headlines. Full of personal revelations, cutting-edge breakthroughs, game-changing technologies and accessible take-aways, The Checkup with Dr. David Agus will not only change lives, it will save lives.



Sick 2021


26-year-old Alice has been through the impossible, an absolute one in a million scenario (or okay type over 70% chance of survival but still): SHE HAS SURVIVED CANCER! Too bad she got rid of the job, dumped by her boyfriend and forced to move home to the family and start life again…


The Cazalets

The Cazalets 2001


The Cazalets is a 2001 five-episode television drama series about the life of a large privileged family in the years 1937 to 1947. Most of the action takes place in London, and at the family's large estate in Sussex. The drama was based on the novels of Elizabeth Jane Howard, and adapted by the screenwriter Douglas Livingstone. The series was originally produced by Cinema Verity for BBC One and is available on DVD.