Wild Oranges

Wild Oranges 1924


Millie Stope lives with her grandfather on a remote island. Man-child Nicholas, a fugitive from justice, also lives there and is terrorizing them - and he's interested in Millie. One day widower John Woolfolk, sailing on his yacht, happens upon the island. Soon he and Millie fall in love. Will jealous Nicholas stand for this?


The Ace of Hearts

The Ace of Hearts 1921


A romantic rivalry among members of a secret society becomes even more tense when one of the men is assigned to carry out an assassination.


The Penalty

The Penalty 1920


Blizzard, deranged from a childhood operation in which both his legs were needlessly amputated after an accident, becomes a vicious criminal, and eventually mob leader of the San Francisco underworld.


Three Wise Fools

Three Wise Fools 1923


Sydney Fairchild, the daughter of a woman who was once loved by three bachelors, surprises the men with a visit. Findley, Trumbull, and Gaunt honor their former sweetheart's last request by becoming Sydney's guardians.


A Double-Dyed Deceiver

A Double-Dyed Deceiver 1920


Most of the scenes are laid in a parrot-and-monkey country in South America, a land where "it is always after dinner." The Llano Kid, a Texas bad man, flees there from justice. The consul persuades him to play the long-lost son of a Castilian family, and tattoos a coat of arms on the back of the Kid's hand to make the deception complete. The Kid is taken into the household, trusted and loved by the gladdened mother. For the first time he has a home. The romance develops. And when the time comes to rob and flee he has too much manhood to break the loving mother's heart. The surprise comes when it is revealed that the man the Kid killed in Texas was the real son.


True As Steel

True As Steel 1924


Successful middle-aged manufacturer Frank Parry takes a business trip to New York, where he becomes infatuated with Eva Boutelle, manager of the Swansea Cotton Mills. For a time, their affair develops, but Eva remains true to her husband ...


Honest Hutch

Honest Hutch 1920


Ort Hutchins is a confirmed loafer who spends all of his time fishing while his wife toils over the washtub. One day, while digging for worms, Hutch uncovers a box containing $100,000 in bills, the loot of a bank robbed in the next town. Realizing that he cannot spend the money without arousing suspicion, Hutch resigns himself to taking a job for cover. ...


Edgar's Jonah Day

Edgar's Jonah Day 1920


Edgar is called upon by his mother to execute a disagreeable errand, has to mind his troublesome younger brother, and runs away.


Dodging a Million

Dodging a Million 1918


Mabel plays Arabella Flynn, a shop girl who mistakenly thinks she is an heiress. She gets in a jam on a spending spree only to discover that she actually is an heiress and can marry the heir of a corset manufacturer.


Souls for Sale

Souls for Sale 1923


A young woman hits Hollywood, determined to become a star.


Guile of Women

Guile of Women 1921


A naive young Swede is repeatedly victimized by predatory women. When finally he meets a young woman who seems sincere and true, he wonders if he can trust her.


Edgar's Sunday Courtship

Edgar's Sunday Courtship 1970


On the way to Sunday school, Edgar meets the lady of his heart--and his hated rival. The Sunday-school lesson on David and Goliath so intrigues Edgar that he sees himself as David, saving the entire school, sweetheart and rival included, from Goliath's sword. Edgar's answer to the teacher's question proves his straying thoughts. As a result he is placed on the platform, where he sees himself descending to the "lower regions" as the "worst boy in the school." Edgar's Sunday adventures end with him at peace with the world, after two helpings of pie.


The World and Its Woman

The World and Its Woman 1919


A Russian peasant girl rises to fame as an operatic diva. She becomes beloved of a Russian prince. When the 1917 revolution overthrows the czar's government, the pair attempts to cross the icy steppes and find their way to America.


Watch Your Step

Watch Your Step 1922


Elmer Slocum has just served a jail sentence for speeding. On his first day of liberty he encounters a physician whose car has broken down and offers to take him to his patient; he is pursued by motorcops for speeding, wrecks his car in a closed street, and knocks down and believes he has killed a policeman. Elmer boards a freight train and makes his way to a small town in Iowa, where he meets Margaret Andrews.....


The Woman on the Index

The Woman on the Index 1919


Sylvia Martin is a destitute young woman who is taken home by Louis Gordon. She doesn't realize he's the leader of a gang of crooks until after she marries him.


Edgar Takes the Cake

Edgar Takes the Cake 1920


Edgar delivers a cake to his sister's ill friend. The cake arrives safely, but not sound, and Edgar is taken to task for his careless handling of the article.


What Happened To Rosa?

What Happened To Rosa? 1920


A fortune teller tells a store clerk with a romantic disposition that she was a Spanish noblewoman in an earlier life. The girl begins to live the part of the Spanish noblewoman and romance and comedy ensue.


Don't Neglect Your Wife

Don't Neglect Your Wife 1921


The wife of a prominent San Francisco doctor, feeling neglected by her husband, finds herself attracted to a young newspaper reporter. ...


Bunty Pulls the Strings

Bunty Pulls the Strings 1921


A woman named Bunty Bigger struggles to keep her family in line in a small Scottish village. For one, her brother Jeemy faces jail time for robbing a bank. Meanwhile, her father, Tammas, pays back the stolen money with funds given him by Susie Simpson, a woman who hopes to marry him. Susie gets angry, so Bunty borrows money to pay her back. Things turn out well when Bunty gets married in a double-wedding ceremony—during which her father not only gives her away but gets married himself. The movie is based on a play by Graham Moffat. The film is lost.


The Glorious Fool

The Glorious Fool 1922


Billy Grant, a wealthy young playboy, drunkenly crashes his car and appears near death. Afraid that his greedy and unpleasant relatives will get his estate, he convinces his nurse, Jane Brown, to marry him. When Billy regains his health, Jane finds herself in a situation she never imagined nor intended.