Elmer Bernstein Music for the Movies: Bernard Herrmann The Making of 'Cape Fear' Fearful Symmetry Making 'Taxi Driver' From Noon Till Three Guns for Hire: The Making of 'The Magnificent Seven' Innocence and Experience: The Making of 'The Age of Innocence' The Bible According to Hollywood The Yearbook: An Animal House Reunion Frank Sinatra Memorial Sedem statočných Sweet Smell of Success The Man with the Golden Arm The Blues Brothers To Kill a Mockingbird Krotitelia duchov Pripútajte sa, prosím! Americký vlkolak v Londýne Strelení Birdman of Alcatraz Mad Dog and Glory Vek nevinnosti Moja ľavá noha Stripes Čierny kotol Desire Under the Elms The Comancheros The Buccaneer Far from Heaven Rabín, kňaz a krásna blondína Big Jake The Great Santini The Tin Star Veľký útek From Noon Till Three Oscar ¡Three Amigos! Hud Takí istí špióni ako my Wild Wild West Diabol v modrom Dobrý synček Heavy Metal Cast a Giant Shadow The Shootist Kolty siedmich statočných Návrat siedmych statočných Legal Eagles This Year's Blonde God's Little Acre Cat-Women of the Moon Robot Monster The Magnificent Seven Ride! The Sons of Katie Elder Love with the Proper Stranger Gold Cecil B. DeMille: American Epic The Story on Page One True Grit Zulu Dawn The Grifters IBM at the Fair Toccata for Toy Trains Computer Perspective Make Haste to Live Frankie Starlight Storm Fear The Good Mother Cannon for Cordoba Never Wave at a WAC The Miracle Imagining 'Heavy Metal' Leonard Part 6 Midas Run The Tell-Tale Heart Saturn 3 The Caretakers The Amazing Mr. Blunden Bringing Out the Dead Battles of Chief Pontiac Čarodejník The View from Pompey's Head Výmena The Eternal Sea Cahill: United States Marshal Walk on the Wild Side Vesmírny lovec An Introduction to Feedback Nicholas Copernicus See No Evil A Rough Sketch for a Proposed Film Dealing with the Powers of Ten and the Relative Size of Things in the Universe Da House: After Five Years of Living The Scalphunters Ellery Queen: Too Many Suspects The Fabulous Fifties McQ Introducing Dorothy Dandridge Cezanne The Silencers Serpico: The Deadly Game Charleston Saddle the Wind Anna Lucasta Sudden Fear Class Hawaii The Hallelujah Trail Most pri Remagene A Communications Primer Drango Hollywood and the Stars Hollywood and the Stars Nightmare Honeymoon The Carpetbaggers Baby the Rain Must Fall Topology: Jordan's Curve Theorem Tops Airplane II: The Sequel The Liberation of L.B. Jones Bloodbrothers Powers of Ten A Computer Glossary Gold Stratení v mori The Chosen It's a Dog's Life Hoodlum Buddy Silent Raiders Miss Robin Crusoe Men in War Canadian Bacon Twilight Four Days In November Mys hrôzy Dom na vidieku Kings Go Forth Bringing Out the Dead Meatballs The Bold Men A Walk in the Spring Rain Doctors' Wives A Girl Named Tamiko Summer and Smoke Eames Lounge Chair The Making of the President 1960 Prince Jack Boots Malone The Naked Eye Where's Jack? From the Terrace Saturday's Hero The Rat Race Puppies for Sale Roommates Roommates Amazing Grace and Chuck Lost in Yonkers Lost in Yonkers Babe Amazing Grace and Chuck Search and Destroy The World of Henry Orient Michael Jackson's Thriller Taking The Wheel Men in War Fear Strikes Out Thoroughly Modern Millie Mys hrôzy Five Days One Summer Animal House Chinese Coffee Desať božích prikázaní Honky Tonk Freeway Walk on the Wild Side The Rookies Report to the Commissioner 7 Women Incident on a Dark Street A Rage in Harlem Kings of the Sun I Love You, Alice B. Toklas! Rambling Rose The Young Doctors The Field Calypso's Search for the Britannic The Reward Marie Ward - Zwischen Galgen und Glorie A Storm in Summer Some Came Running The Information Machine Men of the Dragon The Incredible Sarah The Old Curiosity Shop Slipstream The Cemetery Club Appointment With Destiny: The Last Days of John Dillenger Honky Tonk Freeway Baby the Rain Must Fall The Gypsy Moths Rampage The Magnificent Seven Ride! Billy Jack Goes to Washington The Trial of Billy Jack Legal Eagles The 3,000 Mile Chase Walk on the Wild Side Chlpaté dedičstvo Genocide Genocide By Love Possessed Kolty siedmich statočných Walt Whitman: Poet for a New Age Sweet Smell of Success 2ⁿ: A Story of the Power of Numbers The Oscars The Oscars The Oscars The Oscars The Oscars The Oscars The Oscars