Marnette Patterson Nočná mora v Elm Street 5: Dieťa sna Vesmírna pechota 3 Ghosts of Goldfield Mŕtvi medzi nami Who's Your Daddy? Cloud 9 Všetko je dovolené! The Kingdom Chums - Original Top Ten Keeping Up with the Randalls Promise Me Tomorrow Clover Bend The Stalking of Laurie Show By Appointment Only Secret Adventures: Snag SECRET ADVENTURES: SPIN SECRET ADVENTURES: SLAM Americký ostreľovač The Charisma Killers It's Christmastime Again, Charlie Brown Censor Addiction Secret Santa Standing Still Sliver It's Spring Training, Charlie Brown Remember the Daze Concrete Kids The Standard Mysli ako pes Nebezpečné hry 4 Tie roky sedemdesiate C.S.I.: Kriminálka Las Vegas Čarodejnice Under Cover Something So Right Movie Stars Takí normálni mimozemšťania Mentalista Hrozba z temnoty Unhappily Ever After Dr. House Touched by an Angel Saved by the Bell: The New Class