Brad Loree Halloween 8: Zmŕtvychvstanie Timecop The Only Way Out Ikarus Futuresport American Dragons Crackerjack Lazarus: Apocalypse Mr. Hush The Night She Came Home!! The Long Way Home When Danger Follows You Home Pomstiteľ Heart of America The Keeper Blackburn The Final Cut Niekto to rád blond X-Men 2 Them Battle in Seattle Turbulence 3: Heavy Metal Halloween: Resurrection - WebCam Special Crackerjack My Father's Other Family X-Men: Posledný vzdor Vikingovia Pozor hryzie! Freeway II: Confessions of a Trickbaby Festival of the Living Dead Chaos Halloween 8: Zmŕtvychvstanie Šialení zabijaci Ignition Tron: Dedičstvo Josie and the Pussycats Už sme tam? Pavučina snov Freddy Got Fingered The Fear: Resurrection The Invader Scooby-Doo 2: Nespútané príšery Sweet Deception Bones Šiesty deň Avalanche Catwoman Detská hra Little Fish Hlas smrti 2 2012 Ominous Péčko pre začiatočníkov Mačky a psy Zúbková víla Zastavte Cartera Kód smrti Sliders Hviezdna loď Galactica UC: Undercover Akty X Smallville Akty X The Crow: Stairway to Heaven Krajné medze Dark Angel Dark Angel Zmija Zmija Hrozba z temnoty Highlander: The Series Dead Boy Detectives Smallville Arrow Arrow