Kathleen Kinmont Halloween 4: Návrat Michaela Myersa Fraternity Vacation Phoenix the Warrior The Black Mass Žiacka hliadka Bare Witness Láska na Havaji Bride of Re-Animator Rush Week Požívač hadov 2: Pomsta Posledný úder Gangland Roller Blade Warriors: Taken by Force C.I.A. II: Target Alexa The Art of Dying C.I.A. Code Name: Alexa Back to Basics: The Making of Halloween 4 Sweet Justice Night of the Warrior The Corporate Ladder Stranger in the House Final Round Prank Stormswept Texas Payback Dead of Night Punctul zero Hardbodies Nightforce Midnight Winners Take All A Merry Christmas Match Psychotic The Silent Natural Hriešne pohľady That Thing You Do! C.I.A. II: Target Alexa Mortal Kombat: Conquest Renegade V.I.P. Silk Stalkings Pobrežná hliadka The Master Cinema Insomnia Cinema Insomnia