Bob Gunton Vykúpenie z väznice Shawshank Dokonalá búrka Doktor Flajster Netopiere Scenes of the Crime Adam: His Song Continues Matewan Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil Ace Ventura 2: Volanie divočiny Demolátor Bleskový muž The Lazarus Project Dallas 362 Kliatba Krotitelia duchov: Dedičstvo Elvis Meets Nixon Player 5150 Rollover Anjeli s oceľovým hlasom The Trial Prekliata farma Believe in Me Argo Scarlett Moje letné prázdniny Diablov obhajca Zabiť zabijaka When Billie Beat Bobby The Pact Späť v hre Mission of the Shark: The Saga of the U.S.S. Indianapolis Changing Habits V mene cti Highland Park Buffalo Soldiers Vysoká hra Live at the Foxes Den Jimmy Missing Pieces Kingfish: A Story of Huey P. Long Ghostkiller Glory Ned Blessing: The True Story Of My Life I ♥ Huckabees Broadway's Lost Treasures Veronica in the FBI Dolores Claiborneová Judas Born on the Fourth of July The Siege at Ruby Ridge Alex & the List Numb The Gettysburg Address Cosmic Slop 33 životov The Inheritance Unconquered JFK Tenure Judgment Static Plnou parou vzad! Running Mates Soldiers in Hiding Lois Gibbs and the Love Canal The Bride in Black Roswell Hry patriotov The Pick-up Artist Finnegan Begin Again Nezlomný: Cesta vykúpenia Mountain Top The Least of These Okamih zlomu Jennifer 8 61* Cookie Ladykiller Decoding Annie Parker Larry Gaye: Renegade Male Flight Attendant Forever James Dean The Public Eye Father Hood Dead Ahead: The Exxon Valdez Disaster Perry Mason: The Case of the Glass Coffin Unesený Purgatory Station Operácia Zlomený šíp 24: Redemption L.A. Law Greg the Bunny Zákon a poriadok Vražedné čísla C.S.I.: Kriminálka Las Vegas Griffinovci Star Trek: Nová generácia Zúfalé manželky Ally McBealová The Batman Judging Amy E-Ring Touched by an Angel Monk Miami Vice Všetci starostovi muži 24 24 Nip/Tuck Wild Palms Women's Murder Club Peacemakers Mister Sterling The Equalizer Pepper Dennis Boston Legal Family Law Sinatra The Court A Woman Named Jackie Krajné medze Hothouse Courthouse Mentalista Project Blue Book Marvel's Daredevil Nové dievča World War Two: Behind Closed Doors Pandemic Čierny zoznam Zákon a poriadok: Špeciálna jednotka Up All Night Trial & Error Ako malé deti Sherlock a Watsonová