Rodrigo Prieto 21 Grams: In Fragments The Evolution of an American Filmmaker The Audition Skrotená hora Making 'The Irishman' Common Ground: Under Construction Notes Láska je kurva 8. míľa Skrotená hora Babel 21 gramov Frida 25. hodina Kúpili sme ZOO Voda pre slony Alexander Veľký Siedmy hriech 色‧戒 Argo Edipo alcalde Vlk z Wall Street Likeness Likeness Fuera de este mundo R&R Sila života R&R R&R Birdman Los abrazos rotos Pasažieri Perfume, efecto inmediato Mlčanie Pedro Páramo Sólo con tu pareja Barbie The Irishman Comandante Persona Non Grata Looking For Fidel A Midsummer Night's Dream Voce umana Likeness Biutiful Un embrujo Fibra óptica Dama de Noche El Asesino del Zodiaco Objetos Perdidos Paty chula The Audition Wall Street: Peniaze nikdy nespia Na odstrel Pedro Páramo Gloria na ceste Vrahovia mesiaca kvetov Ten Tiny Love Stories Sobrenatural Together Pedro Páramo Common Ground: Under Construction Notes Ricky 6 Apparat MaNyfaCedGod Close Up with The Hollywood Reporter Close Up with The Hollywood Reporter Close Up with The Hollywood Reporter