Neil McCarthy Súboj Titanov Kam orli nelietajú The Hill The Bone Yard Steptoe & Son Ride Again Ten Little Indians Offbeat Sette volte sette Platonov Gugu and Andile Sands of the Desert Zulu The Cuckoo Patrol The Cracksman The Pot Carriers Operation: Daybreak Trapped The Searchers In Deep Water Kidnapped The Young Detectives George & Mildred Doctor Who: The Power of Kroll Trial by Combat Time Bandits The Criminal The Thief of Baghdad When the Bough Breaks We Joined the Navy Measure for Measure Doctor Who: The Mind of Evil Two Left Feet The Professionals Enemy at the Door Who Pays the Ferryman? Catweazle Barnaby Rudge Keep It in the Family Jason King Cilla's World Of Comedy Suspense The Avengers Maigret Department S BBC Play of the Month The Saint Dawson's Weekly Dixon of Dock Green The BBC Television Shakespeare No Hiding Place Doctor Who The Rivals of Sherlock Holmes Doctor Who Softly, Softly Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em International Detective The Ghosts of Motley Hall Return of the Saint Get Lost! Great Expectations A Little Bit Of Wisdom The Saint Shōgun Sykes Sykes The Avengers