Ann Ryerson Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives Getting Married Príchod z minulosti The Late Shift Skautky Beverly Hills The Deliberate Stranger A Perfect Couple Three of Hearts Minority Report Love and Betrayal The Go-Getter Svadba Flatbed Annie & Sweetie Pie: Lady Truckers Caddyshack Caddyshack: The 19th Hole Crystal Lake Memories: The Complete History of Friday the 13th HealtH Láska na stráženie Constantine Caddyshack: The 19th Hole Sledge Hammer! The Division Murphy Brownová Zúfalé manželky Empty Nest Family Matters The Huntress Grosse Pointe Pohotovosť Private Benjamin Good Trouble Pohotovosť Oh Baby Záhady Sylvestera a Tweetyho Klinika Grace Dream On Mad Men Curb Your Enthusiasm Medzi nebom a zemou The West Wing Strong Medicine Eisenhower and Lutz Caroline in the City