Mary E. McLeod Armáda jedného Gold Diggers: The Secret of Bear Mountain Vianočný príbeh Bye Bye Birdie Halloween 9 Smrtonosná jazda 3000 míľ na úteku Pokrvní bratia Meatballs Resident Evil: Apokalypsa Dvaja proti gangu Texaský masaker motorovou pílou 3D A New Life Venus & Vegas Major League: Back to the Minors Halloween 10 The Shape of Things to Come The Cold Heart of a Killer Payoff A Child Is Missing Indefensible: The Truth About Edward Brannigan Porky's 88 minút Keby sa pohľadom dalo zabiť Trapped in Paradise Americká divočina When a Stranger Calls Back How It Ends The Longshots الموصل Spoils of War He's Fired, She's Hired Formula! Deadly Matrimony Switching Channels Porky's II: The Next Day Whispers