Ivan Sharrock The Last Emperor Swan Song Secrets Atlas mrakov Návrat do Cold Mountain Bol raz jeden zločin Anglický pacient A Horse Called Nijinsky And Then There Were None Swan Song Onegin Casanova The Alf Garnett Saga Stealing Beauty Krull The Dogs of War Takí istí špióni ako my Rape Talent pána Ripleyho Things Fall Apart White Man's Country Mau Mau Kenyatta Kráľ Ralph Kliatba bratov Grimmovcov The Creative Person: Satyajit Ray 'Til the Butcher Cuts Him Down Divoká rieka The Optimists of Nine Elms Da Vinciho kód Something to Believe In Navždy a ďaleko Reggae March or Die Night Call Hnev Titanov Gangy New Yorku Krvavý diamant Ponorka U-571 Frankenstein Osvietenie Aces High The French Lieutenant's Woman Ishtar Nido de viudas The Holcroft Covenant Did Britain Murder Hanratty? Americký vlkolak v Londýne Flash Gordon Špinaví, prehnití grázli Bronco Bullfrog Murder East - Murder West