Susan Barnes The Vanishing ...All the Marbles Where the Money Is Repo Man Don't Touch My Daughter Lover Girl Freeway Duty Dating Bad Dreams Seduced by Madness: The Diane Borchardt Story They Live Strašidelné Vianoce Switched at Birth Beautiful Dreamer Angel on My Shoulder Nurse Betty Zombie High Meet the Applegates Nebezpečná rýchlosť One Night Stand She's in the Army Now Serving in Silence: The Margarethe Cammermeyer Story Opustiť Las Vegas Nebezpečná rýchlosť 2 - Zásah Kicking & Screaming Bound for Glory Tiptoes The Sitter Nie je čo stratiť Swing Shift The Man from Elysian Fields Inventing the Abbotts Pee-Weeho veľké dobrodružstvo In the Best Interest of the Children National Lampoon's Favorite Deadly Sins Felicity Bez stopy Roswell American Dreams