Kľúčové slovo Michigan
Anatomy of a Murder 1959
Jerry a Marge: Tajomstvo lotérie 2022
V malom mestečku Evart v Michigane žijú Jerry a Marge Selbeeovci pokojným životom. Jerry, ktorý nedávno odišiel do dôchodku po štyridsiatich dvoch rokoch tvrdej práce, trávi voľné dni pri jazere a vylepšuje svoj motorový čln. Jedného dňa si Jerry na čerpacej stanici vypočuje, že predaj lotérie WinFall sa do niekoľkých týždňov pomaly skončí. Keďže je srdcom matematik, rýchlo si uvedomí štatistickú nevyhnutnosť, že nákup veľkého počtu tiketov počas rolldownu zaručuje takmer istú výhru. Marge je spočiatku skeptická, ale čoskoro sa s mužovým plánom stotožní. Začínajú s malými sumami, ale Margie nástojí na tom, aby podnikanie rozbehli naplno.
Hardcore 1979
Game of Death 2011
The Upside of Anger 2005
The Visitor 2008
Grosse Pointe Blank 1997
Tu to musí byť 2011
Cheyenne je bývalá rocková hviezda, ktorá žije z autorských honorárov v Dubline. Smrť jeho otca, s ktorým tridsať rokov nekomunikoval ho zavedie do New Yorku. Tam zistí, že jeho otec bol po celý život posadnutý pomstou za utrpenie, ktorému bol vystavený v koncentračnom tábore. Cheyenne sa rozhodne pokračovať tam, kde jeho otec skončil, a vydáva sa na cestu naprieč USA.
Eloise 2016
Tape 2001
Poloprofesionál 2008
V roku 1976 sa Americká basketbalová asociácia ABA ocitá na pokraji kolapsu. A práve vtedy sa vracia do rodného mesta Jackie Moon, ktorý sa presadil vďaka úspešnému hitu Love Me Sexy. Teraz chce naplniť svoj "dávny sen" a koučovať basketbalový tím. Lenže ten, na ktorý získal licenciu - Flint Michigan Tropics - je najhorší tím v lige a hrozí mu vypadnutie.
The Last Shift 2020
The Fab Five 2011
Disfluency 2025
Burn 2012
Saginaw Trail 1953
Mayor of Kingstown 2021
In a small Michigan town where the business of incarceration is the only thriving industry, the McClusky family are the power brokers between the police, criminals, inmates, prison guards and politicians in a city completely dependent on prisons and the prisoners they contain.
Off the Record 1970
Off the Record is a weekly, political talk program produced by Michigan public television station WKAR-TV in East Lansing, Michigan, and broadcast statewide on PBS member stations throughout Michigan. Off The Record is hosted by Michigan's senior capitol correspondent, Tim Skubick. The program covers the governor, legislature, political campaigns and state government. Off the Record has two segments, opening with a panel of reporters discussing recent news for 15 minutes followed by a roundtable interview with a politician or newsmaker.
Battle Creek 2015
In this mismatched buddy cop dramedy, an amazingly handsome, happy-go-lucky FBI agent is paired with a local, hard scrabble Michigan homicide detective. As they solve crimes together, their polar opposite methods only slightly outweigh their disdain for each other.
Flint Town 2018
Over a two-year period, filmmakers embedded with cops in Flint, Michigan, reveal a department grappling with volatile issues in untenable conditions.
All or Nothing: The Michigan Wolverines 2018
All or Nothing: The Michigan Wolverines goes behind-the-scenes of the winningest program in college football to chronicle Michigan's 2017 season. Head coach Jim Harbaugh leads his alma mater's young team as the series provides an intimate look at the lives, both on the field and off, of the student athletes charged with carrying on Michigan's legacy.
Inside Michigan Football 1975
Longtime Michigan broadcaster Jim Brandstatter breaks down the previous day's football action with post-game interviews with the players and coaches, along with special features on the University of Michigan. Michigan Replay was the broadcasts of weekly (in season) coach's shows for University of Michigan football and men's basketball. The football Michigan Replay Show went on the air in 1975 with twelve to sixteen programs per year. Larry Adderley was the host from 1975 to 1979. Jim Brandstatter took over starting in 1980. In 2008 the title was changed to Inside Michigan Football. The basketball coach's show was first broadcast in 1990 under the title Michigan Basketball Preview and became Michigan Replay in 1999/2000. The format of the half-hour show was a host and the head coach in a studio setting reviewing the previous weeks games and previewing the upcoming games. Typically there would be one or more guests and often a short topical story.