Tenká červená čiara

Tenká červená čiara 1998


Vojak Witt si užíva chvíle mieru na ostrove v Pacifiku. Jedného dňa však nastane obrat o 180 stupňov - Witta zadržia členovia námorníckych jednotiek, vypočujú ho a pošlú do boja o Guadalcanal. Jeho život je odrazu horší než nočná mora. Na brehy ostrova putuje jedna americká rota za druhou - vojaci, ktorí opúšťajú svojich milovaných, aby sa vrhli do pazúrov bojov s Japonskom. Bok po boku prežívajú kruté boje vo vnútrozemí ostrova.


Winner Is King

Winner Is King 1970


In the age of the Great Liang Dynasty, the lives of the people were made convenient with steam-powered machines that run on a fuel named Violetstream Gold. Chang Geng, who lived in a small countryside village, shared a distant relationship with his mother while his stepfather was away most of the year round, and the only people he was close to were two little kids, the village teacher, and his yi fu – adoptive father. But his life was flipped upside down one day following the barbaric Man tribes’ invasion, and it turned out that his entire identity had been an illusion. Live adaptation of "Sha Po Lang" by author Priest.