
Spider-Man 2002


Ešte včera bol Peter Parker obyčajným študentom s výnimočným nadaním na fyziku. To však bolo včera. Jediná návšteva oddelenia pre genetiku na Columbijskej univerzite a malé pohryznutie zmutovaným pavúkom ho radikálne zmenilo. Na druhý deň ráno už nepotrebuje ani silné dioptrie, ani hodiny v posilňovni. Okrem svalov dostal do vienka i superschopnosti pavúčieho rodu. Udrží sa na stene, môže sa hojdať na vláknach, má nadľudskú silu a predovšetkým pavúčí zmysel, ktorý ho varuje pred každým nebezpečenstvom. A ten bude potrebovať. Šialený milionár Norman Osborn vlastniaci chemickú firmu OsCorp, v ktorej prebieha výskum nanotechnológií, sa totiž práve premenil na Zeleného Goblina a hodlá s pomocou ničivých zbraní ovládnuť svet...


Čarodejník z krajiny Oz

Čarodejník z krajiny Oz 1939


Sirota Dorotka vyrastá u svojej tety a strýka na ich farme v Kansase, kde žije jednotvárny a obyčajný život, sníva však o úplne inom svete, až ju raz tornádu spolu s jej psíkom Totom odnesie do zázračnej krajiny Oz. Až tam zistí, ako jej rodina chýba a chce sa vrátiť späť k svojmu bežnému životu. Spolu s novými priateľmi sa vydáva do Smaragdového mesta, kde žije mocný čarodejník z krajiny Oz, ktorý by jej mohol pomôcť vrátiť sa domov.


8. míľa

8. míľa 2002


Biely mladík Jimmy Smith z chudobnej, prevažne černošskej štvrti Detroitu sa pretĺka biednym životom. Pracuje ako obyčajný robotník v továrni, tehotná priateľka sa s ním rozišla a pretože nemá kde bývať, musí sa nasťahovať späť do karavanu, kde býva jeho matka so svojím priateľom, ktorý ho nenávidí. Jeho jedinou radosťou aj vecou, pre ktorú má talent, je rap. Na popud kamoša sa skúsi zúčastniť "battle" pred davom v miestnom rapovom klube. Lenže cesta k rešpektu a snáď aj možnosti obrátiť svoj život je nielen tŕnistá, ale aj neľútostná. Eminem nechcel natočiť vyložene autobiografický príbeh, ale iba do rozprávania zapracovať málo prepojené so svojimi začiatkami pred érou masovej popularity.


Prci, prci, prcičky: Nahá míľa

Prci, prci, prcičky: Nahá míľa 2006


Erik Stifler je možno jediným Stifler, ktorý ukončí strednú školu a bude stále panic. Síce má cez dva roky priateľku Tracy, tá sa ale ešte na sex necíti pripravená. Jedného dňa sa Tracy rozhodne, že sa s Erikom pomiluje, zídu sa v suteréne ich domu, ale takmer v najlepšom je prekvapí Tracyin otec. Eric zase o panictvo neprišiel a Tracy sa vráti k svojmu názoru o nepripravenosti na sex. Eric usúdi, že už to takto ďalej nejde, a preto sa s kamarátmi Ryanom a Grahamen zúčastnia neslávne známeho závodu Nahá míľa, pri ktorom musia prebehnúť školský dvor bez oblečenia. Každý z kamarátov si nájde priateľku a tiež Eric sa začne baviť s pôvabnou blondínkou Brandy. Napriek tomu ale stále myslí na Tracy, a dokonca jej zavolá. Ona mu však opakuje, že tento víkend si môže robiť, čo chce ...



Jumper 2008


V podstate jednoduchý a komorný príbeh je prešpikovaný akčnými scénami a vizuálnymi efektmi mimoriadnej kvality. V hlavných úlohách sa predstavujú dvaja veľmi nádejní mladí herci. Hayden Christensen je slovenským divákom známy predovšetkým z novej série Hviezdnych vojen, Jamie Bell potom z filmov Billy Elliot, Môj miláčik ráže 6,55, King Kong a Zástavy našich otcov. Samuel L. Jackson (Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill, S.W.A.T.) im potom je skutočne démonickým protivníkom.


Mexická jazda

Mexická jazda 2001


Julio a Tenoch sú rovnakí ako väčšina sedemnásťročných chalanov: vzájomné priateľstvo je pre nich posvätné, diktát hormónov možno ešte posvätnejší. Ich nespútaná jazda životom však má svoju konečnú zastávku, a tou je dospelosť. Počas slávnostného popoludnia, ktorého sa obaja zúčastňujú so svojimi rodinami, stretávajú Luisu, vydatú dvadsaťosemročnú Španielka, a začnú ju zvádzať s nadhľadom a ľahkosťou, ktorá zodpovedá ich povahám a veku. Len tak zo srandy pozvú svoju osudovú ženu na výlet na nádhernú pláž Boca del Cielo; pritom však nemajú tušenie, či takéto miesto vôbec existuje. Luisa navštívi lekára, ktorý má pre ňu zlé správy. Žena následne prijatie ponuky prekvapených mladíkov, a všetci traja sa spolu vydajú na cestu. Možno nevedia kam dôjdu, ale určite na túto jazdu nezabudnú. Zvyšky priateľstva a chlapčenské nevinnosti totiž miznú v spätnom zrkadle...


The Perfect Date

The Perfect Date 2019


Najväčším snom Brooksa Rattigana je dostať sa na Yale. Našetriť peniaze na školu, byť prijatý a vypadnúť z rodného mesta, kde ho nič nedrží. Má to len jeden problém. Nie sú peniaze a otec zarába málo na to, aby ho v jeho sne mohol podporiť. Keď však jedného dňa dostane finančnú odmenu za to, že bol s mladou dievčinou na rande, skrsne v jeho hlave nápad. Spolu so svojim kamarátom vytvoria aplikáciu, na základe ktorej si ho môžu dievčatá objednať ako svoje perfektné rande. A môže byť akýkoľvek a kýmkoľvek. Rodeo? Romantika? Rapper? Najhorší chalan, aký existuje? Žiadny problém.



Muška 1967


Svoje detstvo prežívala v chudobe, nepriateľstve a ponížení. Francúzska dráma natočená podľa diela Georgesa Bernanosa.


Bezstarostná jazda

Bezstarostná jazda 1969


Dvaja hippies, Billy a Wyatt, zvaný kapitán Amerika, práve zarobili nejaké peniaze na drogách a tak stočili riadidlá svojich motoriek na východ a vyrazili z horúceho Los Angeles do vzdialeného New Orleans na karneval. A toto je rozprávanie o ich bezstarostnej ceste, kde môžeš kedykoľvek zastaviť a dať si šľuka marihuany, namazať sa v provinčnom zapadákove alebo sa neviazane pomilovať s miestnymi krásavicami. Nič nemožno vopred plánovať a predvídať. raz ich odmietne nedôverčivá recepcia ošúchaného motelu, vzápätí raňajkujú s neznámou farmárskou rodinou a náhodný stopár na chvíľu odkloní ich cestu do osamelej komunity ich spriaznencov. Nové priateľstvá sa tu nadväzujú ľahko a nečakane, a rovnako neodvolateľne končia.


Descendants: Wicked World

Descendants: Wicked World 2015


After Ben's coronation in Descendants, the villain kids Mal, Evie, Carlos and Jay settle in at being good while their villainous parents are still roaming the Isle of the Lost. The story goes deeper at the arrival of new villain kids, Freddie (Dr. Facilier's daughter), CJ (Captain Hook's daughter) and Zevon (Yzma's son).


Revolutionary Girl Utena

Revolutionary Girl Utena 1997


Utena is a tomboyish school girl who attends the prestigious Ohtori Academy. Her strong sense of chivalry pulls her into a series of duels with other members of the Student Council for the possession of the Rose Bride.


I'm Getting Married to a Girl I Hate in My Class

I'm Getting Married to a Girl I Hate in My Class 2025


High school student Saito Hojo is set to inherit his grandfather’s major corporation. First, he must marry Akane Sakuramori, the girl he despises the most, and who hates him just as much. The two are determined to keep their unexpected marriage a secret from their classmates. But as they begin their newlywed life, the distance between them starts to close.


Please Put Them On, Takamine-san

Please Put Them On, Takamine-san 2025


The student council president, Takane Takamine, is a beauty beyond compare, and she would normally never associate with a friendless nobody like Koushi Shirota. After seeing her undressed, however, he's forced to become her walking “closet” as she changes underwear throughout the day. But Takamine's stripping isn't merely to tease—it's the key to unleashing her time-bending powers.


Big Mouth

Big Mouth 2017


Teenage friends find their lives upended by the wonders and horrors of puberty in this edgy comedy from real-life pals Nick Kroll and Andrew Goldberg.


Blue Box

Blue Box 2024


Badminton player Taiki has always admired basketball star Chinatsu from afar. But one spring day, a surprising turn brings them unexpectedly close.


Ao Haru Ride

Ao Haru Ride 2023


At the end of the first year of high school, Futaba Yoshioka meets Kou Tanaka who was her first love. In their middle school days, they attended the same school, but he suddenly transferred to another school. Three years later, he appears in front of her again with the different last name of Kou Mabuchi. His personality also seems to have changed from warm to cold. He is like a totally different person from three years ago. Futaba Yoshioka slowly learns what happened to Kou Mabuchi for the past three years and she become to have feelings for him again.



Girls 2012


The assorted humiliations, disasters and rare triumphs of four very different twenty-something girls: Hannah, an aspiring writer; Marnie, an art gallery assistant and cousins Jessa and Shoshanna.


My Dress-Up Darling

My Dress-Up Darling 2022


Wakana Gojo is a high school boy who wants to become a kashirashi--a master craftsman who makes traditional Japanese Hina dolls. Though he's gung-ho about the craft, he knows nothing about the latest trends, and has a hard time fitting in with his class. The popular kids--especially one girl, Marin Kitagawa--seem like they live in a completely different world. That all changes one day, when she shares an unexpected secret with him, and their completely different worlds collide.


The Dangers in My Heart

The Dangers in My Heart 2023


Kyotaro Ichikawa, a boy barely clinging to the bottom rung of his school's social ladder, secretly believes he’s the tortured lead in some psychological thriller. He spends his days dreaming up ways to disrupt his classmates' peaceful lives and pining after Anna Yamada, the class idol. But Kyotaro's not nearly the troubled teen he pretends to be…and it turns out Anna's a bit odd herself!


Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions!

Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions! 2012


As one of the thousands of Japanese students afflicted with "chunibyo," a state where they're so desperate to stand out that they've convinced themselves that they have secret knowledge and hidden powers, Yuta spent most of his middle school years living in a complete fantasy world. He's finally managing to overcome his delusions but his chunibyo have attracted the attentions of another sufferer, and she's decided that this makes him her soul mate.


Good Morning Call

Good Morning Call 2016


A high school girl finally gets her own apartment, but she has to share it with the most popular boy in school. No one can know they're living together.


Anyway, I'm Falling in Love with You.

Anyway, I'm Falling in Love with You. 2025


It’s the year 2020, and Mizuho is having the worst 17th birthday ever. Her parents forgot it’s her birthday, she still can’t seem to get close to the senior she likes, and all her school trips and tournaments are canceled thanks to a new disease going around. She’s convinced she’ll never have the kind of youth she’s always dreamt of…until her childhood friend, Kizuki, suddenly asks her out.



Clannad 2007


Tomoya Okazaki is a third year high school student resentful of his life. His mother passed away from a car accident when he was younger, causing his father to resort to alcohol and cigarettes. This results in fights between the two until Tomoya's shoulder is injured in a fight. Since then, Tomoya has had distant relationships with his father, causing him to become a delinquent over time. While on a walk to school, he meets a strange girl named Nagisa Furukawa who is a year older, but is repeating due to illness. Due to this, she is often alone as most of her friends have moved on. The two begin hanging out and slowly, as time goes by, Tomoya finds his life shifting in a new direction.


The Wilds

The Wilds 2020


A group of teen girls from different backgrounds must fight for survival after a plane crash strands them on a deserted island. The castaways both clash and bond as they learn more about each other, the secrets they keep, and the traumas they've all endured. But there’s just one twist… these girls did not end up on this island by accident.


Call of the Night

Call of the Night 2022


Nanakusa is a vampire. That's okay with human Ko. He wants to be one too. But transformation doesn't come that easily... When Nazuna invites Ko to spend the night at her place in an abandoned building, he's stoked! But then he awakens to kisses on his neck with a little too much bite to them... Is it just the delicious taste of his blood that makes her meet him night after night for late-night adventures, conversation and...naps? Or something else? Then, when a cute girl from Yamori's past shows up and competes for his attention, his budding relationship with the undead is put to the test!


Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie

Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie 2022


Shikimori seems like the perfect girlfriend: cute, fun to be around, sweet when she wants to be… but she has a cool dark side that comes out under the right circumstances. And her boyfriend Izumi loves to be around when that happens!


I Am Not Okay with This

I Am Not Okay with This 2020


Angsty Syd navigates high school awkwardness, family drama and an unrequited crush on her best friend while trying to rein in her budding superpowers.



Hormones 2013


Follow the lives of nine Thai secondary school students and their friends as they try to find their way through the ups and downs of adolescence.