Kód Enigmy

Kód Enigmy 2014


V zime roku 1952 dostala britská polícia hlásenie o vlámaní do domu profesora matematiky a kryptoanalytika Alana Turinga. Namiesto páchateľa tohto zločinu však v putách odviedli samotného Turinga, ktorý bol obvinený zo sexuálneho deliktu a čakal ho zničujúci súdny proces. Takmer nikto zo zúčastnených nevedel, že ide o vojnového hrdinu, ktorý sa spolu so svojím tímom podieľal na prelomení kódu legendárneho nemeckého šifrovacieho stroja Enigma. Kód Enigmy rozpráva príbeh matematického génia, ktorý vďaka svojmu úžasnému talentu pomohol skrátiť 2. svetovú vojnu a zachránil tak milióny ľudských životov. V septembri 2009 sa britský premiér Brown v mene vlády Alanovi Turingovi ospravedlnil za všetky neprávosti a 24. decembra 2013 mu kráľovná Alžbeta II. udelila kráľovskú milosť.


Dobrý Will Hunting

Dobrý Will Hunting 1997


Film o osudoch dvadsaťročného matematického génia, ale zároveň aj krčmového flákača Willa Huntinga. Ten pochádza z chudobných pomerov a svoj život strávil prevažne v sirotincoch. Mladíkove neuveriteľné akademické nadanie vyjde najavo keď ako upratovač na bostonskej univerzite vyrieši zložitý matematický príklad, ktorý ostal na tabuli. Citovo vyprahnutý Will však odmieta využiť svoj obrovský talent a zmeniť svoj život.


Čistá duša

Čistá duša 2001


John Nash je nadaný matematik vymýšľajúci teórie na pomedzí fantazmagórie. V päťdesiatych rokoch pracuje na tajnej vládnej úlohe, ktorej cieľom je dešifrovať ruské sprisahania. Životopisná dráma – inšpirovaná skutočným príbehom – sa prelína s úvahami o hraniciach geniality a šialenstva.


Parfum: Príbeh vraha

Parfum: Príbeh vraha 2006


Jean- Babtiste Grenouille má vlastnosť génia - vie zachytiť, detailne opísať a charakterizovať všetky vône, ktoré sa okolo neho mihnú. Okamžite poznáva ich zloženie, mieru použitých komponentov a nosom ako jemným, citlivým radarom "vidí", kam a pokiaľ siaha ktorá vôňa a kde sa začína ďalšia. Načisto zbavený citu sa rozhodne vytvoriť démonickú vôňu, ktorej základnou esenciou bude vôňa mladých dievčat, nevinných a čistých. A urobí pre to všetko, aby mohol milovať a byť milovaný.


Smrtonosná pasca 4.0

Smrtonosná pasca 4.0 2007


Počas osláv Dňa nezávislosti napadne Spojené štáty americké mimoriadne rafinovaný útočník. Zneuznaný počítačový génius Thomas Gabriel využíva najmodernejšie technológie, aby napáchal čo najväčšie škody na americkej infraštruktúre a uvrhol krajinu do totálneho chaosu. Jeho model deštrukcie zvaný „výpredaj pod tlakom“ spôsobí kolaps dopravných sietí, paralelnú destabilizáciu energetických a bezpečnostných systémov štátu a napokon zničí počítačové zálohy kľúčových finančných údajov. Jeho premyslený plán však má vážnu trhlinu. Neráta s tým, že sa na scéne objaví poctivý policajt John McClane, ktorý je aj po rokoch služby v prekliato skvelej forme. Počítačom síce nerozumie, ale proti teroristom vie použiť iné prostriedky. Napokon, na počítače má niekoho iného – mladého počítačového hackera Matta, ktorého mal pôvodne iba dopraviť ako delikventa na oddelenie FBI.



Fenomén 1996


Až do svojich tridsiatich siedmich narodenín bol George celkom obyčajným automechanikom v malom kalifornskom mestečku Harmon. Avšak do chvíle, keď si odskočil z oslavy von pred krčmu, aby sa nadýchal čerstvého vzduchu, zmenila jeho život. Na jasnej nočnej oblohe sa medzi miliónmi hviezd objavil žiariaci bod a blížil sa priamo k Georgeovi. Oslepujúca žiara ho na okamih pripravila o vedomie. Keď sa potom vrátil medzi svojich priateľov, bol iným človekom.



Pi 1998



Jimmy Neutron: Geniálny chlapec

Jimmy Neutron: Geniálny chlapec 2001


JIMMY NEUTRON je geniálny chlapec, ktorý má jeden veľký sen: nadviazať spojenie s mimozemskou civilizáciou. Z toastovača si zostrojí satelit a raz v noci na ňom naozaj zachytí signál neznámeho druhu. V mestečku Retroville sa potom objaví podivná vesmírna vojnová loď. Čoskoro sa stratia rodičia Jimmyho aj ostatných detí z mesta a lietadlo neznámej civilizácie opäť mizne vo vesmíre. Jimmyho teraz čaká úloha náročná pre druhé deti, nie však pre neho. Je predsa génius! Musí zachrániť všetkých dospelých! A tak zostrojí vesmírne plavidlo a spolu s elektronickým psom Goddardom, svojím najlepším priateľom Carlom a ostatnými deťmi vyráža na obežnú dráhu, nahor k cudzím svetom a dobrodružstvám ...


The Chase

The Chase 2009


The Chase isn’t just a quiz… it’s a race, where the players must ensure they stay one step ahead of ‘The Chaser’, a ruthless quiz genius determined to stop them winning at all costs.



Scorpion 2014


Eccentric genius Walter O’Brien and his team of brilliant misfits comprise the last line of defense against complex, high-tech threats of the modern age. As Homeland Security’s new think tank, O’Brien’s “Scorpion” team includes Toby Curtis, an expert behaviorist who can read anyone; Happy Quinn, a mechanical prodigy; and Sylvester Dodd, a statistics guru.



Sherlock 2010


A modern update finds the famous sleuth and his doctor partner solving crime in 21st century London.



Chuck 2007


When Buy More computer geek Chuck Bartowski unwittingly downloads a database of government information and deadly fighting skills into his head, he becomes the CIA's most vital secret. This sets Chuck on a path to become a full-fledged spy.



Numb3rs 2005


Inspired by actual cases and experiences, Numb3rs depicts the confluence of police work and mathematics in solving crime as an FBI agent recruits his mathematical genius brother to help solve a wide range of challenging crimes in Los Angeles from a very different perspective.


Crocodile and the Plover Bird

Crocodile and the Plover Bird 2019


A story about young people hoping to pioneer architectural improvements that will benefit the generations to come. A stone-faced genius meets his opposite and they clash from the start. Hate turns to love between these two people who first meet at the animal research society. Li Na Nen is a young woman from a small town who has always been passionate about Chinese culture and traditional architecture. After graduating, she heads to Bordeaux University to pursue her studies in the field. She somehow ends up joining the animal research society where she meets Zhou Er Wen. He is a young man who advocates ecological preservation. Given his interest in modern architecture, he is devoted to finding synergies in both. Li Na Nen and Zhou Er Wen start out at odds with each other and Gao Mu finds himself to be the constant mediator. Their experiences bring them together as they strive to bring to fruition a project referred to as the hanging garden.



Eureka 2006


The sleepy Pacific Northwest town of Eureka is hiding a mysterious secret. The government has been relocating the world's geniuses and their families to this rustic town for years where innovation and chaos have lived hand in hand. U.S. Marshal Jack Carter stumbles upon this odd town after wrecking his car and becoming stranded there. When the denizens of the town unleash an unknown scientific creation, Carter jumps in to try to restore order and consequently learns of one of the country's best kept secrets.



Perception 2012


Dr. Daniel Pierce, a neuroscientist and professor, is recruited to help the federal government crack difficult cases. His intimate knowledge of human behavior and masterful understanding of the mind give him an extraordinary ability to read people, but his eccentric view of the world and less-than-stellar social skills can often interfere with his work.



Genius 2017


The life stories of history's greatest minds. From their days as young adults to their final years we see their discoveries, loves, relationships, causes, flaws and genius.


Bloody Monday

Bloody Monday 2008


A genius high school student and also a hacker uses his sophisticated hacking techniques to fights against "Bloody Monday", the worst and most evil form of viral terrorism, in order to save his family, friends, and the entire world.


The Pretender

The Pretender 1996


Raised in a secret facility built for experimenting on children, Jarod is a genius who can master any profession and become anyone he has to be. When he realizes as an adult that he's actually a prisoner and his captors are not as benevolent as he's been told, he breaks out. While trying to find his real identity, Jarod helps those he encounters and tries to avoid the woman sent to retrieve him.


Liar Game

Liar Game 2014


This drama is about various contestants who take part in a game show with a prize of 10 billion won wherein contestants are encouraged to cheat and lie. The contestants who able to cheat the others will wins the prize but but be in debt if he/she loses the game. Contestants include genius swindler Cha Woo-jin and naive college student Nam Da-jung. Meanwhile, Kang Do-young will play the MC and planner of this game show.


Fermat’s Cuisine

Fermat’s Cuisine 2023


After Gaku Kitada, a talented mathematics scholar, suffers setbacks on his dream of becoming a mathematician, he meets Kai Asakura, a young but similarly talented chef, as he is running his own food business, and joins Kai in an attempt at something new.


The Kidnapping Day

The Kidnapping Day 2023


A father turned clumsy kidnapper and a genius child get tangled in unexpected circumstances.


Doogie Howser, M.D.

Doogie Howser, M.D. 1989


Doogie Howser is a doctor. He is also a 16-year-old genius who graduated college at age 10 and finished medical school at age 14. But he is still a teenager, with normal teenage friends and problems. But unlike a normal teenager, he is just learning to drive while also consulting on serious medical cases like heart transplants.


Beethoven Virus

Beethoven Virus 2008


Two musicians who retired from their musical careers for different reasons join together with a demanding and difficult genius conductor to form an orchestra against all odds. Although it requires a lot of hard work to form their orchestra, they keep chasing their dreams of doing what they love the most in the world and this gives them great satisfaction. Three young and old people with different personalities and life experiences gather together under a common dream and they find love and the room to forgive each other as they eventually earn each other’s respect.



Einstein 2017


Felix Winterberg is the great-great-grandson of the famous Albert Einstein and himself a recognized physics genius. Because of a deadly hereditary disease, the brilliant researcher only has a few years left - which he wants to make as labor-intensive as possible thanks to various illegal stimulants.


Kyle XY

Kyle XY 2006


A suburban family that takes in a mysterious teen naive to the world around him. As Kyle begins to show signs of brilliance, solving the mystery of his origin and potential abilities becomes the family's mission.





Nao Kanzaki, a student, was blackmailed into joining a "Liar Game" and ended up losing 100 million yen. In order to repay the debt, she enlists the help of Shin'ichi Akiyama, a genius swindler who was only recently released from jail for bankrupting one of Japan's largest scam companies.