South Park: Peklo na zemi

South Park: Peklo na zemi 1999


Štvorica spolužiakov si vyrazí do kina na nový kanadský film nazvaný Ohnivé prdele. Film má na mestečko zničujúci dopad. U detí je síce veľmi úspešný, rodičia však požadujú zákaz jeho premietania, pretože sprosté slová sa v mestečku rozmáhajú ako lavína. Ďalšia návšteva kina sa stane osudnou Kennymu, ktorý si rovnako ako postavy vo filme skúsi zapáliť prd. S popáleninami je odvezený do nemocnice, kde však zomrie, keď mu lekári namiesto srdca transplantujú zemiak. Kým Kenny ako väčšina ľudí skončí v pekle, Stan žiarlivo sleduje svoju lásku Wendy, ktorá dala prednosť jednotkárovi Gregorymu a nahnevané ženy založia združenie Matky proti Kanade. Vylákajú hrdinov sprostého filmu Terrenca a Phillipa na talkshow, kde sú obaja vzápäti zatknutí. Kanada vznesie protest, ale pretože jej to nie je nič platné, zbombarduje dom Baldwinovcov. Spojené štáty ako odpoveď vyhlásia Kanade vojnu a ministerkou vojny menujú Kyleovu matku, ktorá stoji v čele hnutia Matky proti Kanade.



Duch 1990


Úspešný bankár Sam Wheat žije spokojne v New Yorku so svojou priateľkou Molly a majú krátko pred svadbou. Ich šťastný život je však násilne zničený: zistenie, že jeho kolega spreneveruje firemné peniaze, totiž stojí Sama život. Pritom však dočasne získal výsadu, že ako neviditeľný sa môže pohybovať medzi živými. Ako duch sa pokúša nadviazať kontakt s Molly, ktorá ho však ani nevidí ani nepočuje. Keďže zistí, že jeho smrť nebola vôbec náhodná, chce nejakým spôsobom varovať Molly. Nadviazať spojenie so svetom živých chce prostredníctvom tak trochu bizarnej černošskej jasnovidky Oda Mae, ktorá funguje ako médium a pomôže tak sprostredkovať správy od Sama.


Doom: Annihilation

Doom: Annihilation 2019


Doom: Annihilation pokračuje skupinou kozmických mariňákov, ktorí reagujú na núdzové volanie zo základne na marťanskom mesiaci, len aby zistili, že bola prepadnutá démonickými stvoreniami a hrozí, že vytvoria peklo na Zemi.


Vzkriesenie Valhaly

Vzkriesenie Valhaly 2009


Okolo roku 1000 n. l. žil barbar Jednooký, nemý bojovník s nadprirodzenou silou, štyri roky v zajatí nórskeho náčelníka Bardea. Neskôr sa mu podarilo uniknúť a väzniteľa zabiť. Spolu s chlapcom, ktorého tiež držali v zajatí, sa vyberie na cestu do srdca temnoty. Na púti stretnú „bojovníkov Krista", s ktorými sa na ich lodi plavia do nového sveta. Smerujú na západ, v ústrety brehom neprebádanej Ameriky, a možno aj bájnej Valhaly. Ďaleký kraj odkryje svoje tajomstvá, bojovníkov čaká smrť a Jednooký odhalí svoje ja.


Jonah Hex

Jonah Hex 2010


Americká armáda má pre tuláka a nájomného vraha Jonaha Hexa (Josh Brolin), na ktorého čaká smrť, ponuku, ktorá sa nedá odmietnuť. Výmenou za slobodu musí zastaviť teroristu Quentina Turnbulla (John Malkovich), ktorý je pripravený rozpútať na zemi peklo.


The Good Place

The Good Place 2016


Eleanor Shellstrop, an ordinary woman who, through an extraordinary string of events, enters the afterlife where she comes to realize that she hasn't been a very good person. With the help of her wise afterlife mentor, she's determined to shed her old way of living and discover the awesome (or at least the pretty good) person within.



Spawn 1997


Todd McFarlane's Spawn is an animated television series which aired on HBO from 1997 through 1999. It is also released on DVD as a film series. It is based on the Spawn comic series from Image Comics, and was nominated for and won an Emmy in 1999 for Outstanding Animation Program. An unrelated series titled Spawn: The Animation is in production since 2009, with Keith David reprising his role as the titular character. Like the comic book, the series features graphic violence, sexual scenes, and extensive use of profanity. Todd McFarlane's Spawn was ranked 5th on IGN's list of The Greatest Comic Book Cartoons Of All Time.


Hazbin Hotel

Hazbin Hotel 2024


In attempt to find a non-violent alternative for reducing Hell's overpopulation, the daughter of Lucifer opens a rehabilitation hotel that offers a group of misfit demons a chance at redemption.


Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun

Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun 2019


Fourteen-year-old Iruma Suzuki has just been abandoned and sold to a demon by his irresponsible parents! Surprisingly, the next thing he knows he's living with the demon who has adopted him as his new grandson and has been transferred into a school in the Netherworld where his new demon grandfather works as the principal. Thus begins the cowardly Iruma-kun's extraordinary school life among the otherworldly as he faces his true self, takes on challenges, and rises to become someone great.


Hell Girl

Hell Girl 2005


A supernatural system allows people to take revenge by having other people sent to Hell via the services of a mysterious entity and her assistants who implement this system. Revenge, injustice, hatred, and the nature of human emotions are common themes throughout the series.


Devil May Cry

Devil May Cry 2007


The adventures of the demon hunter Dante who himself is half demon and half human.


Saint Seiya: The Hades Chapter

Saint Seiya: The Hades Chapter 2002


Hades is planning to take over the world, to achieve that goal, he sends out deceased Gold Saints to take Athena's head. Seiya and the other Bronze Saints come to help but their help isn't appreciated by the remaining Gold Saints that are still alive.


My Daemon

My Daemon 2023


To save his mother, a kind-hearted boy and his tiny daemon friend set out on a journey across post-apocalyptic Japan as dark forces close in.


Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell 2013


A live-action workplace comedy about Gary, an associate demon, as he attempts to capture souls on earth in order to climb the corporate ladder of the underworld. Gary hopes to advance in Hell, but he may be too stupid, lazy and kind-hearted to realize his dreams of promotion. Meanwhile, Gary's intern Claude is more talented, more devious and will do whatever it takes to impress Satan.


Hozuki's Coolheadedness

Hozuki's Coolheadedness 2014


Hōzuki is the aide to the great king of Hell, King Enma. Calm and super-sadistic, Hōzuki tries to resolve the various problems in Hell, including a rampaging Momotarō and his companions. However, he also likes spending his free time on his hobbies, such as fawning over cute animals and raising "Goldfish Flowers."


Everyone Else Burns

Everyone Else Burns 2023


Meet the Lewises: your average, everyday Manchester family who belong to an ultra-religious order. Oh, and they reckon the world's going to end in the next 10 years.


Devil May Care

Devil May Care 2021


Beans, a Gen Z kid, is sent to a newly gentrified and urban hell, where he works as Devil's social media manager as the two navigate their personal lives while forming an unlikely friendship and making hell the best place to live in the universe.


Ghastly Prince Enma Burning Up

Ghastly Prince Enma Burning Up 2011


Tokyo in the 1970s. Evil spirits are threatening the human world and the only ones who can stop them are a group known as the Spirit Patrol. Sent from the underworld the team consists of the hot-headed Enma, the stuck-up Yukiko, the half-water sprite Kapael and Chapeau-jii — the old man spirit in the form of a hat, who guides the group. This may not bode well... though.


The Furious Yama

The Furious Yama 2020


Xiao Luo, a young yama (god and judge of the dead), is afraid of ghosts. In order to properly reign in the underworld, she will have to face her fears.


Kurayami Santa

Kurayami Santa 2015


In the midst of Shouwa era Japan, greed runs rampant through the bustling cities and communities of the nation. King of Hell Enma Daiou summons an envoy into his office in the form of a small boy named Kurayami Santa. Through Enma's debriefing, Santa learns that the amount of greed and selfish behavior produced by humans will soon create an enormous wave of souls entering into Hell simultaneously, which would be catastrophic for Hell itself. Santa is given one mission: do something about it. With neither guidelines nor rules, Santa is tasked to handle the situation as he sees fit. In the human world, a rampaging thunderstorm strikes a nearby cemetery with a bolt of lightning, and the envoy of Hell appears. Teleported into the human world, Santa quickly realizes that humans are just as wicked as Enma had described. Without upsetting the balance between light and dark, Santa begins his quest to complete the mission from Hell and restore order to the human world.