Polárny expres

Polárny expres 2004


Je Štedrý večer, vonku plno snehu. Malý chlapec leží vo svojej posteli, ale nespí. Načúva, či nezačuje zvuk, ktorý ešte nikdy predtým nepočul, roľničky na Santových saniach. Zostáva päť minút do polnoci. Chlapec je náhle vyľakaný búrlivým hlukom. Utrie zahmlené okno a naskytne sa mu úžasný pohľad. Trblietavý čierny vlak s burácaním zastavuje pred ich domom, para z jeho motora syčí na nočnej oblohe posiatej miliónmi snehových vločiek. Chlapec vybehne von a stretne sa so sprievodcom vlaku, ktorý akoby čakal iba na neho. Tak začína zázračný vianočný príbeh o výlete do Zeme Santa Clausa na Severnom póle. Nastúpite do polárneho expresu tiež?



Pixels 2015


Keď si medzigalaktickí mimozemšťania chybne vyložia videozáznamy klasických videohier ako vyhlásenie vojny, zaútočia na Zem s armádou jednotiek, ktoré sú inšpirované objektami zo spomínaných videohier. Prezident Will Cooper je nútený zavolať na pomoc svojho najlepšieho kamaráta z detstva a neprekonateľného hráča videohier, Sama Brennera, ktorý v súčasnosti vykonáva inštalácie domácich kín, aby sa ujal vedenia tímu ostrieľaných hráčov s cieľom votrelcov poraziť a zachrániť tak našu planétu. Pripája sa k nim tiež podplukovníčka Violet Van Pattenová, špecialistka, ktorá hráčom dodáva jedinečné zbrane, určené na boj s mimozemšťanmi.



Superbad 2007


Príbeh o dvoch dospievajúcich chlapcoch, ktorých čaká maturita. Sú od seba obrovským spôsobom závislí, no teraz by mal každý z nich ísť na inú vysokú školu a čaká ich odlúčenie. Evan je milý, šikovný a hanblivý. Seth je drzý, náladový a posadnutý dievčatami. Vo filme sledujeme ich zúfalé pokusy zapôsobiť v priebehu jednej bláznivej noci na osoby, po ktorých túžia, v priebehu jedinej príšernej, potupnej noci, na ktorú po zvyšok života vďačne spomínate.


21 Jump Street

21 Jump Street 2012


V akčnej komédii s názvom 21 Jump Street sa Schmidt (Jonah Hill) a Jenko (Channing Tatum) pevne rozhodli, že hodia problémy z mladosti za hlavu. Pripoja sa k polícii a k jej tajnej jednotke Jump Street. Obaja vyzerajú dosť mlado a tak využijú svoj vzhľad a v utajení pracujú na miestnej strednej škole. Schmidt a Jenko vymenia zbrane a odznaky za školské tašky, riskujú svoje životy, aby odhalili násilný a nebezpečný drogový gang. Neskôr zisťujú, že stredná škola sa od doby, kedy ju pred pár rokmi navštevovali, vôbec nezmenila - a ani jeden nečaká, že budú musieť čeliť hrôze, že sú opäť teenagermi a všetkým tým problémom, o ktorých si myslia, že ich majú už dávno za sebou.


Krotitelia duchov

Krotitelia duchov 1984


Hlavnými hrdinami príbehu sú vedci Peter Venkman (Bill Murray), Raymond Stantz (Dan Aykroyd) a Egon Spengler (Herold Ramis), ktorí sa ako absolventi Kolumbijském univerzity zaoberajú paranormálnymi javmi. Ich výskum je ale považovaný za zbytočný, a tak si radšej založia v bývalej požiarnej stanici súkromnú kanceláriu Krotitelia duchov. V New Yorku sa začnú diať čudné veci. Priehľadná zelená príšera sa zabývala v mestskej knižnici, čelistku Danu (Sigourney Weaverová) poriadne vystrašia nadprirodzené úkazy v jej chladničke a duch striekajúci ohavný sliz si beztrestne vyvádza v jednom z hotelov. Čoskoro vysvitne, že tieto prípady majú tajomnú súvislosť.


Agent Cody Banks

Agent Cody Banks 2003


Cody Banks je typickým tínedžerom. Miluje skateboard, nevie ako na dievčatá, ale má veľké tajomstvo. Je agentom CIA a má pred sebou misiu, ktorá môže zachrániť celý svet.


DOA: Na život a na smrť

DOA: Na život a na smrť 2006


Štyri krásne, sexy ženy sú sokyňami v tajnom zápase bojových umení, ale čoskoro sa spoja proti zlým silám. Tina Armstrong je superstar v oblasti ženského wrestlingu. Christie je okúzľujúca zlodejka a nájomná vrahyňa. Princezná Kasumi je ázijskou majsterkou bojových umení. Helena Douglas je milovníčkou extrémnych športov a jej tragická minulosť ju spája s malým palácom v juhovýchodnej Ázii, kde sa tiež odohráva turnaj Dead or Alive.


Secret Origins

Secret Origins 2020


Melancholický detektív s ostrými rysmi musí nájsť sériového vraha. Jediný, kto dokáže rozlúštiť stopy, je ale čudný syn jeho učiteľa, ktorý miluje komiksy.



Nepobozkaná 1999


Josie je mladá, dvadsaťpäťročná začínajúca redaktorka známych chicagskych novín a chce byť reportérkou. Svoje povolanie zvláda dokonale, svoj súkromný život už menej. Na škole bola knihomoľkou, čudáčkou a nikdy nechodila so žiadnym chlapcom. Josie nikdy nikto ozajstne nepobozkal. Všetko sa má zmeniť spôsobom presahujúcim aj jej najdivokejšie predstavy, keď sa jej sen o reportérskej práci stane skutočnosťou. Jej prvá úloha nemohla byť horšia - má sa inkognito dostať na miestnu strednú školu a napísať reportáž o dnešnej mládeži. Teraz, keď má o osem rokov viac ako najstarší žiak školy, musí Josie napísať svoju reportáž - a možno aj nájsť svoju novú lásku. Čaká ju zápas s vlastnými spomienkami aj nástrahami študentského života.


Obchodík hrôzy

Obchodík hrôzy 1986


Kvetinárstvo pána Mushnika nemá šťastie na zákazníkov. Obchody idú zle až do okamihu, kedy dá predavač Seymour jednej rastline niekoľko kvapiek vlastnej krvi. Nevie, že jej špecifické vlastnosti pochádzajú z vesmíru. Kvetinu pomenuje Audrey II. Podľa kolegyne, po ktorej túži. Chcel by s ňou žiť, ale Audrey chodí sa sadistickým zubárom. Cestu ku šťastiu by mohla otvoriť zázračná rastlina. Pán Mushnik má vďaka nej neuveriteľný obrat. Ukáže sa však, že je nielen mäsožravá, ale aj nenásytná. Pripraví síce Seymoura o protivníkov, ale láka ju aj Audrey.


Tvrďas Taylor

Tvrďas Taylor 2008


Ryan, Wade a Emmit nastupujú na strednú školu. Ich prvý deň prebieha dobre, až dokým sa nestretnú s Filkinsom, vychýreným školským bitkárom, ktorý sa správa ako malý Hannibal Lecter. Predtým, ako budú úplne vtiahnutí do Filkinsovej ríše teroru, potrebujú si nájsť niekoho, kto ich bude chrániť. Dajú si inzerát do vojenského časopisu Soldier of Fortune. Najlepšia a najlacnejšia ponuka príde od bývalého žoldniera Drillbita Taylora. Zoberie si ich do parády a fyzický a duševný tréning na možné školské nástrahy sa môže začať.


The Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang Theory 2007


Physicists Leonard and Sheldon find their nerd-centric social circle with pals Howard and Raj expanding when aspiring actress Penny moves in next door.



Scorpion 2014


Based on a true story, Scorpion is a high-octane drama about eccentric genius Walter O’Brien and his team of brilliant misfits who comprise the last line of defense against complex, high-tech threats of the modern age. As Homeland Security’s new think tank, O’Brien’s “Scorpion” team includes Toby Curtis, an expert behaviorist who can read anyone; Happy Quinn, a mechanical prodigy; and Sylvester Dodd, a statistics guru.



Chuck 2007


When Buy More computer geek Chuck Bartowski unwittingly downloads a database of government information and deadly fighting skills into his head, he becomes the CIA's most vital secret. This sets Chuck on a path to become a full-fledged spy.


Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley 2014


In the high-tech gold rush of modern Silicon Valley, the people most qualified to succeed are the least capable of handling success. Partially inspired by Mike Judge’s own experiences as a Silicon Valley engineer in the late ‘80s, Silicon Valley is an American sitcom that centers around six programmers who are living together and trying to make it big in the Silicon Valley.


The IT Crowd

The IT Crowd 2006


Two I.T. nerds and their clueless female manager, who work in the basement of a very successful company. When they are called on for help, they are never treated with any respect at all.


WATAMOTE ~No Matter How I Look at It, It's You Guys Fault I'm Not Popular!~

WATAMOTE ~No Matter How I Look at It, It's You Guys Fault I'm Not Popular!~ 2013


Fifteen year old Kuroki Tomoko has dated dozens of boys and is easily the most popular girl around-- inside her dating games. In reality, she gets tongue tied just talking to people, and throughout middle school she's only had one actual friend. As she enter high school, she desperately wants to be popular, but doesn't understand that real-life doesn't work like her games. Her artificial successes pave the way to real folly and failure. But why drop this strategy when there's always someone else to blame?!


Halt and Catch Fire

Halt and Catch Fire 2014


During the rise of the PC era in the early 1980s, an unlikely trio - a visionary, an engineer and a prodigy - take personal and professional risks in the race to build a computer that will change the world as they know it.


The Guild

The Guild 2007


Fantasy and reality collide when a surprisingly diverse group of online video-game addicts struggle to balance the game with personal relationships.


Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist

Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist 2020


After an unusual event, Zoey Clarke, a whip-smart computer coder forging her way in San Francisco, suddenly starts to hear the innermost wants, thoughts and desires of the people around her through popular songs.


The Angry Video Game Nerd

The Angry Video Game Nerd 2004


The Angry Video Game Nerd is an adult web television series of comedic retrogaming video reviews created by and starring James Rolfe. The show's format revolves around his commentary and review of older, but unsuccessful video games which are deemed to be of particularly low-quality, unfair difficulty or poor design. The series began as a feature on YouTube and later became a program on ScrewAttack Entertainment before moving to GameTrailers exclusively. The show was renamed The Angry Video Game Nerd to prevent any trademark issues with Nintendo and due to the fact he started reviewing games from non-Nintendo consoles such as those made by Atari and Sega. Rolfe's character, "The Nerd" is a short-tempered and foul-mouthed video game fanatic. He derives comic appeal from excessive and inventive use of anger, profanity, and habitual consumption of alcohol while reviewing video games.


Head of the Class

Head of the Class 1986


Head of the Class is an American sitcom that ran from 1986 to 1991 on the ABC television network. The series follows a group of gifted students in the Individualized Honors Program at the fictional Monroe High School in Manhattan, and their history teacher Charlie Moore. The program was ostensibly a vehicle for Hesseman, best known for his role as radio DJ Dr. Johnny Fever in the sitcom WKRP in Cincinnati. Hesseman left Head of the Class in 1990 and was replaced by Billy Connolly as teacher Billy MacGregor for the final season. After the series ended, Connolly appeared in a short-lived spin-off titled Billy. The series was created and executive produced by Rich Eustis and Michael Elias. Rich Eustis had previously worked as a New York City substitute teacher while hoping to become an actor.


Welcome to the N.H.K.

Welcome to the N.H.K. 2006


Sato's life – or what's left of it – is a paranoid mess of conspiracy theories and social anxieties. He's terrified of the outside world; his apartment is overflowing with the remnants of cheap take-out food; and his retinas have been permanently scarred by a steady diet of internet porn. But maybe it's not all his fault. After all, the nefarious N.H.K. is out there, and they’re determined to turn society's fringe-dwellers into a brainwashed lot of jobless, hopeless, futureless recluses. Enter Misaki – a mysterious girl-next-door type who is Sato's last chance to beat-down his inner demons and venture out into the light of day. She's ready to help him overcome his crippling phobias, but Sato would rather cower in his existential foxhole and pretend to work on the demo for his virtual sex game. He’s afraid to face the world. She's strangely desperate to fix a total stranger. Maybe together they can be normal.


Honey, I Shrunk the Kids: The TV Show

Honey, I Shrunk the Kids: The TV Show 1997


Honey, I Shrunk the Kids: The TV Show is an American syndicated science fiction sitcom based on the 1989 film, Honey, I Shrunk the Kids. It expands upon the original film's concept of a shrinking experiment gone wrong to include a myriad of experiments gone awry. It debuted in first-run syndication on September 1, 1997 and ran for three consecutive seasons, concluding with the 66th episode on May 20, 2000. Peter Scolari took over the role as Wayne Szalinski, the wacky inventor in the original film, played by Rick Moranis. Each episode incorporates new technologies and digital effects to feature the family in various new adventures. The series was filmed in Calgary, Alberta, with its main studios located in Currie Barracks, a decommissioned Canadian Forces dormitory.


Nerd: DragonSlayer666

Nerd: DragonSlayer666 2017


Nineteen year old high-schooler has one dream: to become a professional esport player. However, there are many obstacles in the way of his dream, like nagging mother, niggling principal, and getting kicked out of the team.



BaseBoys 2018


Four boys enter a music contest, hoping to win money for gaming equipment. But they are surprised when they do so well that they become a popular boy band.


Otaku no Video

Otaku no Video 1991


A mockumentary featuring an animated tale of an average person who slowly becomes an otaku (obsessive fanatic) and eventually becomes the "Otaking"! Between story segments, live action interviews with fictional die-hard otakus take place.


King of the Nerds

King of the Nerds 2013


King of the Nerds is the ultimate nerd-off. The series follows fierce competitors from across the nerd spectrum as they set out to win $100,000 and be crowned the greatest nerd of them all. King of the Nerds takes the glory of geekdom to a whole new level as the competitors live together in "Nerdvana." Each week, they must face challenges that will test their intellect, ingenuity, skills, and pop culture prowess. One competitor is eliminated each week until one nerd stands alone as the ultimate champion of all things nerdy.


Hyperion Bay

Hyperion Bay 1998


Hyperion Bay is an American drama series that ran for one season on The WB Television Network from September 1998 to March 1999.


The Completely Mental Misadventures of Ed Grimley

The Completely Mental Misadventures of Ed Grimley 1988


The Completely Mental Misadventures of Ed Grimley is an American animated television series, starring Martin Short's Ed Grimley, that aired on NBC from September 10 to December 3, 1988.