Miluje ma, nemiluje ma

Miluje ma, nemiluje ma 2023


Bea a Ben v minulosti prežili nevydarené rande, od ktorého sa neznášajú. Keď sa po čase stretnú na svadbe v exotickej Austrálii, predstierajú, že tvoria pár, aby sa zbavili svojich dotieravých bývalých. No pod maskou podpichovania, predstierania a doťahovania je jasné, že Bea a Ben k sebe skutočne niečo cítia…


Mad Max: Zbesilá cesta

Mad Max: Zbesilá cesta 2015


Mad Max, prenasledovaný svojou pohnutou minulosťou, je presvedčený, že jediný spôsob ako prežiť je vydať sa na osamelú púť. Narazí však na ozbrojenú skupinu v obrnenom voze, na ktorej čele stojí elitný Imperator Furiosa. Citadelu, odkiaľ utekajú, terorizuje Important Joe, ktorému niekto ukradol niečo nenahraditeľné. Rozzúrený vojenský vodca zvolá všetky svoje gangy a vo vysokooktánovej cestnej vojne nemilosrdne prenasleduje utekajúcich rebelov.


Mary a Max

Mary a Max 2009


Dve rozdielne povahy, dva rozdielne osudy a polovica sveta spája tento animovaný príbeh, ktorý rozpráva o priateľstve dvoch úplne odlišných ľudí, ktorí sa poznajú len prostredníctvom svojich listov. Mary Daisy Dinkel, bacuľaté osemročné dievčatká žijúce na predmestí austrálskeho Melbourne a Maxa Horowitza, veľmi obézneho štyridsaťštyriročného Žida žijúceho v pulzujúcom New Yorku, trpiaceho Aspergerovým syndrómom. Film sleduje Maryno dospievanie a Maxov prechod zo stredného k neskorému veku a objavuje medzi nimi silné puto, ktoré prekoná o veľa viac než obvyklé kamarátske vzostupy a pády. Mary a Max nás vedú cestou neobyčajného priateľstva, ktoré musia čeliť autizmu, Taxidermii, psychiatrii, alkoholizmu, obezite, kleptománii, sexuálnym rozdielom, dôvere, kopulujúcim psom, náboženským rozdielom, agorafóbie a mnohým ďalším životným prekvapeniam.


Wolf Creek 2

Wolf Creek 2 2013


Během dovolené v australském vnitrozemí navštíví trojice baťůžkářů - Rutger, Katarina a Paul - legendární kráter Wolf Creek. Jejich sen o dobrodružství se však promění v děsivou noční můru poté, co natrefí na jednoho z místních, který je postrachem všech turistů: nechvalně proslulého Micka Taylora. Zatímco se před ním partička snaží uprchnout, Mick na ni pořádá nervy drásající hon napříč nehostinnou australskou pustinou. Nakonec přežije jediný - Paul. Toho Mick zatáhne do svého doupěte, kde mu dá naplno pocítit svou krutost. Pokud má mít v zoufalém boji o přežití, z něhož předtím ještě nikdo nevyvázl živý, Paul alespoň nějakou naději, bude muset zapojit všechnu svou vynalézavost, aby přelstil muže, který se za vraždící zrůdou skrývá, a proměnit se ve stejně bezcitné monstrum.



Pomáda 1978


V päťdesiatych rokoch sa Danny Zucco, žiak posledného ročníka strednej školy, po prázdninách opäť stretáva so svojimi spolužiakmi. Ohromí ich rozprávaním o svojom ľúbostnom dobrodružstve pri mori. Aj nová študentka Sandy sa spolužiačkam chváli svojim prázdninovým stretnutím s fantastickým chlapcom, s ktorým prežila krásny ľúbostný príbeh. Keď sa letní milenci stretnú v škole tvárou v tvár, zatají sa im dych. Ale láska v novom prostredí školy má celkom iné pravidlá, ako na osamelej morskej pláži.


Šialený Max

Šialený Max 1979


Vo spustošenej krajine blízkej budúcnosti vládne cestám divoký motorkársky gang. Vyčíňa v uliciach, terorizuje nevinných civilistov a strážcom zákona sa len smeje do očí. Jedného policajta ale podcenia. Keď motorkári brutálne napadnú najlepšieho priateľa a rodinu Maxa Rockatanskyho, zmení sa Max v besniaceho šialenca, ktorý žije len pre jediné - pre pomstu.



Runt 2024



Šialený Max 3: Dóm hromu

Šialený Max 3: Dóm hromu 1985


Dvaja muži vstúpia. Odchádza len jeden. Také sú pravidlá arény v Dóme hromov v meste Bartertown. Zákonodarkyňa Aunty Entity bude musieť čoskoro pridať ešte jedno pravidlo: "Neserte Mad Maxa!" Max tentoraz bojuje proti barbarom post-katastrofické budúcnosti a stáva sa záchrancom kmeňa stratených detí.


Šialený Max 2: Bojovník ciest

Šialený Max 2: Bojovník ciest 1981


Svet spustošila vojna. Nastal boj o zvyšky najcennejšieho zdroja energie - nafty. Max, ktorý stratil rodinu teraz bezcieľne putuje krajinou. Dostane sa do územia, ktorému vládne gang vedený psychopatickým Humungusom. Získava spojenectvo Gyro Kapitána, vlastniaceho vrtuľník. Max potom nachádza samostatnú kolóniu, ktorá vlastní ropný vrt. Tí sa chcú spolu so zásobami ropy dostať k moru. Max ich preto po smrti ich vodcu musí dostať cez Humungusa a jeho motorizovaný gang.



Austrália 2008


Lady Ashly je bohatá anglická aristokratka, ktorá sa rozhodla vzdať sa všetkého svojho komfortu a presťahovať sa do Austrálie, kde práve zdedila statok o veľkosti Marylandu a k tomu dvojtisícové stádo dobytka. Lenže nie všetci jej nový majetok prajú, a tak Lady Ashly musí za pomoci statného, aj keď trochu hrubého dobytkára presunúť celé stádo na druhú stranu Austrálie. Lenže zúri vojna a japonské bombardéry nemajú za cieľ len Pearl Harbor...


Krokodíl Dundee 2

Krokodíl Dundee 2 1988


Austrálsky lovec Mick žije s novinárkou Sue Charltonovou v New Yorku. Bol by spokojný, keby sa mu necnelo po buši alebo keby mal aspoň nejakú prácu. Pomoc mu ponúkne černoch Leroy, obyvateľmi považovaný za ostrého chlapca. Keď ide Mick vybaviť jeho zákazku do úradu nachádzajúceho sa v jednom z najvyšších poschodí mrakodrapu, náhodou zachráni samovraha, ktorý sa chystá skočiť dole. Vzápätí je Sue unesená zločincami, ktorí od nej chcú film so zábermi svojho šéfa Ricka. Na čo by iný potreboval slušný policajný oddiel, Mick zvládne všetko takmer sám. Po oslobodení Sue obaja radšej odchádzajú do austrálskeho buša, dúfajúc, že ich okrem nástrah tamojšej prírody nič nebezpečného nečaká. O ich odchode sa však samozrejme dozvedajú i mafiáni a vydávajú sa po ich stopách.


Tom Yum Goong

Tom Yum Goong 2005


Mlady Thajcan Kam sa vydava na cestu do Australie, aby ziskal naspat svojho ukradnuteho slona. S pomocou prefikaneho policajneho detektiva coskoro zistuje, ze pachatelom je tajomna zena vlastniaca obchod pomenovany Tom Yum Goong. V nerovnom merani sil s mnohymi protivnikmi sa Kamovi hodia jeho vynikajuce bojove schopnosti.



Krajčírka 2015


Tilly Dunnageová, krásna a talentovaná žena, sa po mnohých rokoch práce krajčírky v najlepších parížskych salónoch vracia domov do Dungataru, malého mestečka uprostred austrálskej pustatiny, aby napravila krivdy z minulosti. Nielenže sa zmieri so svojou výstrednou chorou matkou a neočakávane sa zamiluje do dobrosrdečného Teddyho, ale vďaka svojmu šijaciemu stroju a zmyslu pre módu sa jej navyše podarí premeniť zovňajšok a myslenie miestnych žien. A pomstiť sa tým, čo jej kedysi ublížili.



Lion 2016




Homicide 1964


Homicide was an Australian television police drama series The series dealt with the homicide squad of the Victorian Police force and the various crimes and cases the detectives are called upon to investigate. Many episodes were based on real life crime cases.


Heartbreak High

Heartbreak High 1994


The ins and outs of the classroom lives of a group of students who attend the fictional Hartley High School in Sydney.


Out of the Blue

Out of the Blue 2008


Set in Sydney beach suburb of Manly, New South Wales, Out of the Blue is a drama about a group of thirty-year-old friends returning home for a high school reunion, which is brought to an end when someone is murdered. An investigation follows as the group attempts to discover which one of them was the killer.


Carson's Law

Carson's Law 1983


Carson's Law is an Australian television series made by Crawford Productions for the Ten Network between 1983-1984. The series was a period piece set in the 1920s and starred Lorraine Bayly as progressive solicitor Jennifer Carson. The episodes revolved around the cases taken on by Jennifer, and the various personal intrigues of her family. The series' premiere was billed as a 90-minute "movie-length" episode on 24 January 1983, with another two-hour episode in the same timeslot the following night, before settling into its twice-weekly 60-minute (with ads) format the following week. Carson's Law was noted for its quality scripts and period production values, however although the programme was very popular in Melbourne where the series was based and filmed, it did not succeed in Sydney. It was cancelled in 1984 after 184 episodes with the final episode airing on ATV-10 on 1 December 1984.


Water Rats

Water Rats 1996


Water Rats is an Australian TV police procedural broadcast on the Nine Network from 1996 to 2001.


The Bachelorette

The Bachelorette 2015


Australian version of the reality series where an eligible bachelorette must find true love among a group of guys, one rose at a time.


I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here!

I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here! 2002


Twelve celebrities are abandoned in the Australian jungle. In order to earn food, they must perform Bushtucker Trials which challenge them physically and mentally.


Love Child

Love Child 2014


The lives of staff at the fictional Kings Cross Hospital and the wild streets of Darlinghurst in the 1960s. Joan Miller is a smart and sophisticated midwife who returns home from London to take a job at the Kings Cross Hospital. Dr Patrick McNaughton is a charismatic head of obstetrics at Kings Cross Hospital. Frances Bolton is the tough matron who also controls the running of Stanton House, a home for unwed pregnant young women.



Rush 2008


They are trained to be smarter, tactically superior and technologically advantaged - Melbourne's answer for a cutting edge trend in policing worldwide. Rush was an Australian television police drama that first screened on Network Ten in September 2008. Set in Melbourne, Victoria, it focuses on the members of a Police Tactical Response team. It is produced by John Edwards and Southern Star. On 10 November 2011, as with Network Ten setting out DVD promotions for the finale of season 4, David Knox of TV Tonight has announced that Rush would not return after 4 years, as the next episode would be its last.


Ship to Shore

Ship to Shore 1993


Ship to Shore is an Australian children's television series devised by David Rapsey and written by Glenda Hambly, John Rapsey, Mary Morris, Everett de Roche, Jon Stephens and others. The program was shown on the ABC and Channel 9 in Australia, on YTV in Canada, and briefly on Nickelodeon in the United States.


Police Rescue

Police Rescue 1991


Police Rescue was an Australian television series The series dealt with the New South Wales Police Rescue Squad based in Sydney and their work attending to various incidents from road accidents to train crashes.


McLeod's Daughters

McLeod's Daughters 2001


When Jack McLeod passes away, his two daughters inherit Drovers Run, a vast cattle ranch in the Australian outback. Ultimately, Tess and Claire decide to run the ranch together, with their housekeeper, Meg, her teenage daughter, Jodi, and a local girl, Becky. Their lives are hard and the obstacles many, but the rewards are every bit as grand as the wild open land they've inherited.



Rake 2010


Cleaver Greene is not about politics or morality or even justice. Cleaver Greene is about the law. And it is his passion for the law that drives him to use his formidable intelligence to defend people whom society and the justice system might otherwise convict without a fair trial. He uses his encyclopaedic knowledge of human nature and the Byzantine intricacies of our legal codes to guarantee that his clients get what is theirs by the law; the right to a diligent defence.


Heartbreak High

Heartbreak High 2022


A fresh look at Hartley High over 20 years on. With her new friends - outsiders Quinni and Darren - Amerie must repair her reputation, while navigating love, sex, and heartbreak.


Pine Gap

Pine Gap 2018


A team of talented Australian and American intelligence analysts work together to ensure global stability in one of the world's most important and secretive joint intelligence facilities... Pine Gap. But the relationship between the Australian and American intelligence analysts working at Pine Gap isn’t always rosy.


Doctor Doctor

Doctor Doctor 2016


The story of Hugh Knight, a rising heart surgeon who is gifted, charming and infallible. He is a hedonist who, due to his sheer talent, believes he can live outside the rules. His "work hard, play harder" philosophy is about to come back and bite him.


Human Error

Human Error 2024


Follows Detective Holly O'Rourke and her homicide team as a seemingly open-and-shut murder investigation threatens to destroy her career, her family, and her faith in justice. As she scrambles to redeem her personal and professional reputation, Holly and her team uncover a criminal conspiracy that will change their lives forever.


Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries

Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries 2012


Our lady sleuth sashays through the back lanes and jazz clubs of late 1920’s Melbourne, fighting injustice with her pearl handled pistol and her dagger sharp wit. Leaving a trail of admirers in her wake, our thoroughly modern heroine makes sure she enjoys every moment of her lucky life. Based on author Kerry Greenwood's Phryne Fisher Murder Mystery novels.


In Sickness and in Health

In Sickness and in Health 1985


Sequel to 'Till Death Us Do Part' with the bad tempered Alf Garnett, who has not mellowed with the years and is as bigoted as ever.


The Flying Doctors

The Flying Doctors 1986


The Flying Doctors is an Australian drama series produced by Crawford Productions that revolved around the everyday lifesaving efforts of the real Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia. It was initially a 1985 mini-series based in the fictional outback town of Cooper's Crossing starring Andrew McFarlane as the newly arrived Dr. Tom Callaghan. The success of the mini series led to its return the following year as an on-going series with McFarlane being joined by a new doctor, Chris Randall, played by Liz Burch. McFarlane left during the first season and actor Robert Grubb came in as new doctor Geoff Standish. The series' episodes were mostly self-contained but also featured ongoing storylines, such as Dr. Standish's romance with Sister Kate Wellings. Other major characters included pilot Sam Patterson, mechanic Emma Plimpton, local policeman Sgt. Jack Carruthers and Vic and Nancy Buckley, who ran the local pub/hotel, The Majestic. Andrew McFarlane also later returned to the series, resuming his role as Dr. Callaghan. The popular series ran for nine seasons and was successfully screened internationally.