Kľúčové slovo Stunt
Ghost Rider 2007
Je to už dávno, čo hviezdny motocyklový kaskadér Johnny Blaze uzavrel zmluvu s diablom, aby tak dokázal ochrániť ludi, ku ktorým má najbližšie - svojho otca a detskú lásku Roxanne. Teraz si však diabol prišiel vybrať svoj dlh. Cez deň Johnny zostavá špičkovým kaskadérom, ale po zotmení sa mení v Ghost Ridera, ktorého údelom je loviť rebelských démonov. Napriek tomu, že je nútený bezvýhradne plniť diablovi rozkazy, rozhodne sa so svojím osudom bojovať a využiť svoje prekliatie a nové nabité síly k tomu, aby ochraňoval nevinných.
Grindhouse: Auto zabijak 2007
Partia dievčat vojde do miestneho baru a chce to poriadne roztočiť. Z okna svojho auta ich ale pozoruje kaskadér Mike, ktorý dievčatá sleduje až do baru. Keď sú dievčatá na odchode, Mike štartuje svojou "káru smrti" a pripravuje ju k ďalšej vražde ...
Jackass Forever 2022
Pirat ciest 2007
Andy Samberg (Saturday Night Live) ako Rod Kimble, kaskader s falosnymi fuzikmi a velkym snom, v tejto fantastickej komedii tak nepredvidatelnej, ze nebudete verit, co pride dalej! Rod nikdy nedopadol tak aby sa nedokalicil. Jeho rodina a priatelia si myslia, ze si stale len robi srandu. A ku vsetkemu jeho nevlastny otec Frank ho pouziva ako svoj boxovaci vak. Ale par drobnych problemov mu nemoze zabranit v najvacsom kaskaderskom kusku jeho zivota. Dalej hraju Isla Fischer (Wedding Crashers) a Ian McShane (Shrek the Third), Pirat ciest je neuveritelne zabavny od zaciatku do konca a miera zabavy stupa, ked Rod vzdoruje smrti, aby vyhral peniaze, dievca a hlavne trochu respektu.
賭神 1989
Jackass 3D 2010
Jackass: The Movie 2002
Jackass 2 2006
O pokračování New York Times napsaly: „…nejodvážnější, nejuvolněnější komedie moderního filmu.“ Spoře odění kašpaři Johnny Knoxville, Bam Margera, Steve-O, Chris Pontius, Wee Man, Ryan Dunn, Presto Lacy, Dave England a Ehren McGhehey opět pohoršují na velkém plátně s absurdní směsí senzace, darebáctví a neplech v Jackass 2. Užijte si nekontrolovatelné záchvaty smíchu a návaly dávení, když chlapci vyšlou svá otlučená těla do boje s těmi nejabsurdnějšími situacemi. Ať Pontius předvede své mužství v loutkovém divadle nebo se Knoxville převlékne za devadesátiletého muže, vždy ví, co vás zvedne ze židle při jejich výpravách za nesmyslnou zábavou. Spolu s nepoužitými, vynechanými scénami, přidanými úseky a dalšími bonusovými drobnostmi je Jackass 2 komedií, kterou si budete pouštět stále dokola. Připoutejte se a připravte se na nekompromisní zážitek – Jackass 2
Jackass 3.5 2011
Jackass 2.5 2007
Bad Trip 2021
成龍的傳奇 1998
成龍的特技 1999
Nitro Circus 2012
Nitro Circus ponúka adrenalínom nabité kaskadérske výkony, ktoré ste doteraz nevideli, aj smiešne kúsky v podaní jazdcov svetovo preslávenej skupiny Nitro Circus pod taktovkou Travisa Pastrana. Tento čistý šialenec, jeden z najznámejších predstaviteľov motocyklovej akrobacie, je hlavnou postavou skupiny neohrozených, odvážnych a vynaliezavých bláznov, ktorá predvádza tie najnebezpečnejšie výkony v plnej kráse ... a len pre vás!
CKY 3 2001
Kaskadér 2018
കാസനോവ 2012
Jackass 2000
Join sadomasochistic superheroes Johnny Knoxville, Bam Margera, and the rest of the Jackass crew as they terrorize your TV screens and everyone that gets in their way (especially themselves) with their own sick and twisted interpretation of physical entertainment. Their brand of pranks, goofball antics, and unabashed brutal comedy are sure to bring new meaning to the phrase "Don't Try This At Home!"
The Dudesons 2006
The Dudesons is a reality series following four Finnish friends as they dare each other to perform stupid stunts and crazy antics.
Wildboyz 2003
Jackass stars Chris Pontius and Steve-O travel the globe to places like India, Mexico, Africa, Thailand, Argentina, Thailand, Argentina, for a nature show with a Jackass twist.
Fear Factor 2001
Competition reality series in which contestants must decide if they have the guts and determination to face their fears while outpacing the competition.
Scarred 2007
Scarred is a television program that debuted on MTV on April 10, 2007. On each episode of Scarred, several real-life risk-takers share the stories of how they were scarred or injured while attempting dangerous stunts on primarily skateboards, but occasionally on in-line skates, skis, snowboards, and bikes.
King of the Road 2016
King of the Road is an institution in skateboarding. Started by Thrasher magazine in 2003, it's a demented, roving adventure that follows various skate teams across the country as they compete to accomplish a set list of tasks, some of which carry great risk of bodily harm, and others that don't involve skateboarding at all (but still might carry great risk of bodily harm).
Viva La Bam 2003
Viva La Bam was an American reality television series that stars Bam Margera and his friends and family. The show was a spin-off from MTV's Jackass, in which Margera and most of the main cast had appeared. Each episode had a specific theme, mission, or challenge which was normally accomplished by performing pranks, skateboarding, and enlisting the help of friends, relations and experts. Although partly improvised, the show was supported by a greater degree of planning and organization.
Hollywood Weapons 2017
Some of the most thrilling weapons action sequences from movies and TV are put to the test. Join U.S. Special Forces veteran Terry Schappert and weapons master Larry Zanoff as they utilize the expertise of Hollywood's premier prop house and weapons builder — and break down some of the most explosive action in Hollywood history.
50 Ways To Kill Your Mammy 2014
Irish daredevil presenter Baz Ashmawy and his 71-year-old mother Nancy embark on the trip of a lifetime and attempt to complete every item on an extreme bucket list he has created for her.
Epicly Later'd 2017
Filmmaker Patrick O'Dell explores the careers and lives of some of the most influential people in skateboarding–and in the culture at large.
Super Dave's Spike-Tacular 2009
Super Dave's Spike Tacular is a four part mini-series following daredevil superstar Bob Einstein as he prepares for a death-defying stunt.
The Adventures of Mark & Brian 1991
The Adventures of Mark & Brian is a comedy television program that was broadcast by NBC as part of its 1991 fall lineup.
Jesse James Is a Dead Man 2009
Jesse James is a Dead Man is an American TV series features motorcycle customizer Jesse James doing ostensibly death-defying stunts. The title is a play on the name of the outlaw Jesse James. The show premiered on Spike on May 31, 2009. "Quest for 200 MPH", the last episode to be aired as of August 2010, ran in September 2009.
Cascadeurs 2023
Stunt Science 2018
A team of experts break down the world's most extraordinary stunt clips, and work out how they were (or weren't) achieved.
Nitro Circus: Crazy Train 2015
Travis Pastrana and his crew continue to shock the world with their outrageous stunts and live tour, but that’s just part of the story. Get an intimate look behind-the-scenes as Pastrana strives to grow the Nitro Circus brand into a global phenomenon. The crew finds new ways to entertain themselves in all corners of the globe while Travis tries to keep the wheels of this Crazy Train on the track.
World of Stupid 2004
World of Stupid is an American television series currently airing on the Fox Reality network in the U.S., and on the Razer network in Canada. The show is seemingly inspired by the American television series Jackass. World of Stupid chronicles ten groups of people in 10 different cities performing often dangerous stunts and pranks. The show has featured such stunt groups as The E-jets, formed in Rhyl, North Wales in the UK and The Dudesons of Finland.