Kľúčové slovo Comic Book
Kick-Ass 2010
Davov život nie je spočiatku nijako zvláštny. Žije sám so svojím otcom, je študentom na strednej, ktorý nemá veľa priateľov a veľmi obľubuje komiksy. Jeho život sa zmení vo chvíli, keď sa rozhodne, že bude superhrdinom.Bohužiaľ mu k tomu chýba istá drobnosť, ktorá je pre každého hrdinu tým najdôležitejším - výnimočné schopnosti. To ho však nemôže odradiť. Niečo také malicherné hravo zamaskuje jeho ?originálna? a výstižná prezývka Kick-Ass. Dave však nie je jediným superhrdinom v tomto priestore. Nebojácne a dobre zohrané duo otca s dcérou Big Daddy a Hit-Girl, v civile Damon a Mindy Macreadyovci, tiež bojuje s kriminálnymi živlami a postupne sa im darí obmedzovať "kráľovstvo" miestneho mafiánskeho bossa Franka D´Amica.
Professor Marston a Wonder Women 2017
Film Professor Marston & the Wonder Women popisuje nekonvenčný život doktora Williama Marstona, harvardského psychológa a vynálezcu, ktorý pomáhal vymyslieť moderný detektor lži a v roku 1941 vytvoril postavu Wonder Woman. Marston bol v polyamornom vzťahu so svojou ženou Elizabeth, psychologičkou a vynálezkyňou, a Olive Byrne, bývalou študentkou, z ktorej sa stala akademická pracovníčka. Tento vzťah bol kľúčom k vytvoreniu Wonder Woman, pretože feministické ideály Elizabeth a Olive boli v tejto postave zakorenené už od jej začiatku. Marston zomrel v roku 1947 na rakovinu kože. Elizabeth a Olive stále tvorili pár a spoločne vychovávali deti, ktoré mali s Marstonom.
Kapitán Bombarďák vo filme 2017
George a Harold sú štvrtáci, ktorí nadovšetko milujú vymýšľanie zlomyseľných žartov. Jedného dňa omylom zhypnotizujú riaditeľa školy, ktorý od tej chvíle verí, že je postavou z ich komiksu, nahlúplym Kapitánom Bombarďákom. Potom sa ale z nového učiteľa vykľuje vedec, ktorý je odhodlaný zbaviť svet smiechu a George, Harold a Kapitán Bombarďák musia spojiť svoje sily, aby jeho zlomyseľné plány zastavili!
Chasing Amy 1997
Jonah Hex 2010
Americká armáda má pre tuláka a nájomného vraha Jonaha Hexa (Josh Brolin), na ktorého čaká smrť, ponuku, ktorá sa nedá odmietnuť. Výmenou za slobodu musí zastaviť teroristu Quentina Turnbulla (John Malkovich), ktorý je pripravený rozpútať na zemi peklo.
Jay a Mlčanlivý Bob: Reboot 2019
Filmoví chuligáni z 90. rokov sú späť. Ukecaný Jay jeho najlepší kamarát Mlčanlivý Bob v súčasnosti vedú starú videopožičovňu, v ktorej tajne pestujú konope. Ich nelegálny biznis však ukončí polícia a oni musia predstúpiť pred súd. Hoci sú spočiatku vďaka triku oslobodení, v dôsledku druhého obvinenia musia sa nechtiac zrieknut autorských práv na mená svojich postáv. Filmové štúdio, ktorému kedysi predali filmové práva na komiksy Bluntman a Chronic, tak môže nakrúcať ďalšie filmy bez nich. Jay a Mlčanlivý Bob sa však tak ľahko nevzdajú. Spoločne sa vydávajú z New Jersey do Los Angeles na výročné stretnutie ich fanúšikov Chronic-Con. Práve tam režisér Kevin Smith nakrúca remake ich filmu. Ak sa im podarí nakrúcanie prekaziť, získajú späť svoje mená. Cestou sa stretávajú nielen so starými kamarátmi z dávnejších čias, ale musia sa postaviť Ku Klux Klanu a čeliť mnohým bizarným ľuďom a situáciám.
Scooby-Doo: Záhada modrého sokola 2012
Scooby a jeho partia sa zúčastní zhromaždenia komiksových fanúšikov, ktoré má nečakaný priebeh. Komiksoví záporáci totiž ožívajú v skutočnom svete. Scoobyho partia musí zachrániť zhromaždenie i očakávanú premiéru komiksového filmu.
Artists and Models 1955
Dilbert 1999
Dilbert is an animated television series adaptation of the comic strip of the same name, produced by Adelaide Productions, Idbox, and United Media and distributed by Columbia TriStar Television. The first episode was broadcast on January 25, 1999, and was UPN's highest-rated comedy series premiere at that point in the network's history; it lasted two seasons on UPN and won a Primetime Emmy before its cancellation.
Suddenly, Fei Xingkong and Si Rui discovered that they were confined to a comic book cage. Their desire was to return to the real world. But in the world of stories that never stops changing, they were forced to escape the total control of the "author"...
Comic Book Men 2012
A show for Fanboys by Fanboys. Set in uber-geek Kevin Smith's iconic comic shop Jay and Silent Bob's Secret Stash, the show explores every nook and cranny of Fanboy culture from A to Z. Endless circular debates about the technical accuracy of the USS Enterprise's warp-core schematics? Snarky comic aficionados with an encyclopedic knowledge of every Marvel back issue? You bet.
Comic Party 2001
Kazuki, a Japanese high school student, is dragged into the world of fan comics along with his friend Mizuki by the scheming Taishi. Taishi soon convinces Kazuki to draw his own fan comic, but Mizuki, who hates the large crowds and long lines of comic book conventions, fiercely opposes the idea. As Kazuki's obsession with finishing his comic in time for the next convention threatens his schoolwork and his relationships, he becomes estranged from Mizuki.
MPower 2023
From Carol Danvers and Wanda Maximoff to the women of Wakanda and The Guardians of the Galaxy, this series unpacks the journeys of these characters from their birth in Marvel Comics to the MCU and beyond. Archival footage, imaginative animation and candid interviews work in tandem to profile how these characters and the women behind their success have impacted fans around the world.
Slugfest 2021
A chronicle of the growth of comic books as a new American art form exploring the decades-long relationship and rivalry between Marvel and DC Comics.
Marvel's 616 2020
Explore Marvel’s rich legacy of pioneering characters, creators and storytelling to reflect the world outside your window. Each documentary, helmed by a unique filmmaker, showcases the intersections of storytelling, pop culture, and fandom within the Marvel Universe.
Best.Worst.Weekend.Ever. 2018
Teenage friends plan an epic trip to Comic-Con to meet their idol, only to get caught in one hilariously awkward predicament after another.
Back for You 1970
In the early years of the Republic of China, A Lai, a police officer, is saved by a mysterious woman named Lu Na during a life-threatening situation. As Lu Na remains in a coma, A Lai uses her comic books to tell stories that unexpectedly help him with his cases. As he delves deeper, he uncovers clues about Lu Na while also facing growing dangers from his own success.
Bob 1992
Bob is an American television situation comedy which ran on CBS from September 18, 1992 until December 27, 1993. It was the third sitcom starring vehicle for Bob Newhart, and proved to be far less successful than The Bob Newhart Show and Newhart, his previous outings with the network. Bill Steinkellner, Cheri Steinkellner and Phoef Sutton comprised the creative writing team behind the show. The series was produced by Paramount Television. All 33 episodes became available on DVD April 3, 2012.
Warped! 2022
Milo and Ruby are an improbable pair who are setting out to do the impossible: create the greatest comic book the world’s ever seen!
Superheroes: A Never-Ending Battle 2013
Examines the dawn of the comic book genre and its powerful legacy, as well as the evolution of the characters who leapt from the pages over the last 75 years and their ongoing worldwide cultural impact. It chronicles how these disposable diversions were subject to intense government scrutiny for their influence on American children and how they were created in large part by the children of immigrants whose fierce loyalty to a new homeland laid the foundation for a multi-billion-dollar industry that is an influential part of our national identity.
Dark Oracle 2004
Dark Oracle is a Canadian-produced TV series that premiered in 2004 on the popular Canadian channel YTV. It was created by Jana Sinyor, and co-developed by Heather Conkie. In 2005, Dark Oracle won the International Emmy for Best Children's and youth program.
Omega 1 2013
In a post hacker-war world, a genetically enhanced she-weapon searches for her lost identity while uncovering the conspiracy for global control.
Almost Heroes 2011
Almost Heroes follows Terry who returns home after hearing of his father’s death to help his younger brother Peter tie up loose ends and hopefully, sell the family business: a comic book store called the Silver Salmon. He arrives to find the store in financial ruin and his brother incapable of making any decision other than which super power he wished he had. The brothers put their differences aside to revive the business along with the help of the mall security guard Boyd, childhood friend Bernie and property manager Rayna.
Deadly Class: The Animated Series 2024
Set in the 80s, disillusioned orphan teen (Marcus) is accepted into a private elite academy training the next generation of youth assassins for the criminal underworld.
DYLAN 2017
Inspired by Tiziano Sclavi's Dylan Dog, Dylan Dawn is a "Nightmare Investigator" who lives with his eccentric assistant Bang and solves cases dealing with the paranormal.
Comics Britannia 2007
Comics Britannia is a three-part documentary series from BBC Four which started on 10 September 2007. It was then repeated on BBC Two starting on 19 July 2008. The series looks at the history of the British comic and is also the centre of a Comics Britannia season.
Self-Obsessed 2016
Self-Obsessed is a comedic look at the life of a gay LA-based cartoonist who struggles to find his creative mojo amidst a break-up, a book cancellation, and an overall crisis of faith in his own work. Based off the Image Comics graphic novel of the same name.