Baby šéf: Rodinný podnik

Baby šéf: Rodinný podnik 2021


Baby šéf Ted a jeho brat Tim sú už dospelí a ich cesty sa rozišli, avšak spoločný nepriateľ ich vracia späť do kín. Musia totiž znovu spojiť svoje sily v boji proti ďalšiemu zloduchovi. Tým je Dr. Erwin Armstrong, ktorý má špeciálnu školu, kde učí a vychováva z detí tie najneposlušnejšie malé stvorenia. Jednou zo žiačok tejto školy je práve Timova staršia dcéra, zatiaľ čo jej mladšia sestra Tina sa ako nová agentka organizácie BabyCorp snaží jeho zámer prekaziť. Ale bez otca a jeho brata to nezvládne a aby do školy zapadli, musí upraviť do mladšej podoby.


Nabiť a zabiť

Nabiť a zabiť 2006


Slevinovi sa práve teraz veľmi nevedie. Jeho dom bol určený k demolácii a on sa vydáva za svojou priateľkou, ktorá má však už iného. Aby sa dostal z toho všetkého, požičia si byt svojho priateľa Nicka Fishera v New Yorku, zatiaľ čo on je mimo mesto. Avšak Nickova neprítomnosť pribudne na zoznam jeho problémov. New York je nebezpečné miesto pre život, s podsvetím plným kriminálnikov a gangstrov. Ale dvaja z nich sú najrešpektovanejší: Rabbi (Ben Kingsley) a Boss (Morgan Freeman). Kedysi partneri a teraz úhlavní nepriatelia. Jeden druhého obviňujú z nedávnych záhadných vrážd bookmakerov. Medzitým sa Slevin zoznamuje so svojou krásnou susedkou Lindsey. Ich flirt je však skoro prerušený, keď sa Bossovi ľudia vrátia pre Nicka do jeho bytu. Nikto nevie ako Nick vyzerá a Slevin gangstrov nedokáže presvedčiť, že nie je ten koho hľadajú. Slevin sa tak ocitne pred Bossom a dostane onú príslovečnú ponuku, ktorá sa nedá odmietnuť - Slevin zabije Rabbiho syna a jeho dlh bude splatený.


Vianočné prázdniny

Vianočné prázdniny 1989


Clark Griswold chce zažiť Vianoce, po ktorých už dlho túži. Vyrúbať si vlastný stromček, zísť sa s celou rodinou pri stole. Ostatní z toho nie sú moc nadšení, ale pomáhajú. Vyrúbe asi päťmetrový strom, ktorý im následne zlikviduje časť domu. Dorazili aj babičky a dedkovia a všetci sa usilovne snažia vytvoriť šťastnú vianočnú atmosféru. Nič sa ale nedarí tak, ako si Clark predstavuje, malér stíha malér.


Letuška 1. triedy

Letuška 1. triedy 2003


Donna Jensenová žije v mestečku Silver Springs. Zo všetkého najviac túži vypadnúť z rodného hniezda a nebyť ako jej matka - bývalá exotická tanečnica, ktorá si život pokazila sériou neúspešných partnerských zväzkov. Jedného večera Donna uvidí v televízii rozhovor so Sally Westonovou - oslnivou zrelou ženou, ktorá našla zmysel svojho života ako letuška. Donna neváha ani okamih a vydá sa dobiť svet. Kariéra letušky v prvej triede si vyžaduje nechať dole na zemi celý súkromný život. A to i vrátane sympatického zamilovaného študenta práv Tima Stewarta.


Topiaci sa slamky chytá

Topiaci sa slamky chytá 1968


Pán Fourchaume, majiteľ lodenice, v záchvate hnevu vyhodí svojho geniálneho konštruktéra plachetníc. André Castagnier ale zanedlho dostáva prestížnu cenu za víťazstvo v závode so svojou loďou Plaváčik a ponuky z celého sveta sa len hrnú. A s nimi samozrejme aj peniaze. Pán Fourchaume zrazu chce, aby sa k nemu André vrátil a je ochotný kvôli tomu podniknúť nejeden bláznivý kúsok.


The Office

The Office 2005


The everyday lives of office employees in the Scranton, Pennsylvania branch of the fictional Dunder Mifflin Paper Company.


Special 7: Special Crime Investigation Unit

Special 7: Special Crime Investigation Unit 2019


Set in a different Tokyo on a different world than ours, the story follows Tokunana, a unit of assembled misfits in the Metropolitan Police Department. Tokunana battles against "Nine" — an organization commiting crimes in their zealous worship of the dragons that once roamed the world.


The Secret Life of My Secretary

The Secret Life of My Secretary 2019


When a telecom executive develops face blindness, he mistakes his secretary for a wealthy heiress -- which she allows to get out of hand.



SCAMS 2019


Hit hard by the Lehman shock, a well-meaning young man joins a phone scam operation and gets increasingly embroiled in the underworld.


The Squirrels

The Squirrels 1974


The Squirrels is a British television sitcom, written by Eric Chappell, who went on to create the Yorkshire Television sitcoms Rising Damp and Only When I Laugh. It ran for 3 series and 28 episodes and was made and broadcast from 1974 to 1977 on the ITV network, by ATV. Phil Redmond, the creator of now defunct Soap-Opera Brookside, was also a writer for the series.


Remake Our Life!

Remake Our Life! 2021


Hashiba Kyouya is a 28-year-old game developer. With his company going bankrupt, and him losing his job, he returns to his hometown. Looking at the success of creators of his age, he finds himself regretting his life decisions as he lay distressed on his bed. As Kyouya wakes up, he discovers that he has traveled ten years back to the time before he entered college. Will he be able to finally make things right?


My Shy Boss

My Shy Boss 2017


The isolated life of an extreme introvert is thrown out of order when his company hires a new employee: a cheery extrovert who's not all she seems.


Common As Muck

Common As Muck 1994


Common As Muck is a gritty BBC comedy drama serial focusing on the lives of a crew of bin men and their management staff. It ran for two series. The first series was screened in 1994 and the second in 1997. Both were nominated for a BAFTA for Best Drama.


Ordinary Lies

Ordinary Lies 2015


Exploring what happens when a bunch of white lies spiral out of control and the effect it has on an ordinary group of colleagues and friends.


The Gaffer

The Gaffer 1981


The Gaffer is an ITV situation comedy series of the early 1980s starring Bill Maynard and written by businessman Graham White. 20 episodes were shown between 1981 and 1983. It was made for the ITV network by Yorkshire Television


BOSS: Baap of Special Services

BOSS: Baap of Special Services 2019


An undercover detective joins Shimla's Task Force under strange circumstances. His ways are peculiar. His style is unconventional. But results are effective in solving crimes, which make him the BAAP of Special Services.


Dead Boss

Dead Boss 2012


Helen Stephens is wrongly sentenced to 12 years in prison for murdering her boss Eric Bridges, the managing director of Entirely Tiles. Although she is sure that it will only be a matter of time before this mistake is rectified, everyone around her seems to be conspiring to keep her behind bars. Lawyer Tony is incompetent, sister Laura wants her flat, and fiancé Justin - her alibi - has disappeared. Colleague Henry seems to be the only one willing to help, but he has an ulterior motive.


Who the Heck Did I Sleep With?!

Who the Heck Did I Sleep With?! 2024


Becca Clark had a one-night stand with her boss, and she found out the following morning. After carelessly leaving a receipt with her roommate’s name on it, her roommate takes Becca's identity when Andrew Young starts looking for the woman, he slept with the previous night in Who The Heck Did I Sleep With Movie. But Andrew still found Becca.