Kung Fu Panda 4

Kung Fu Panda 4 2024


Po sa pripravuje na to, aby sa stal duchovným vodcom svojho Údolia mieru, no zároveň potrebuje niekoho, kto zaujme jeho miesto Dračieho bojovníka. Ako taký vycvičí nového cvičenca kung-fu na mieste a stretne sa s darebákom menom Chameleon, ktorý pričaruje zloduchov z minulosti.



Mulan 1998


Ani veľký a legendami opradený Čínsky múr nedokázal zastaviť hordy bojovne naladených Húnov, ktorí napadli mierumilovnú Ríšu stredu. Múdry cisár vyhlasuje mobilizáciu. Podľa príkazu má z každej rodiny do armády narukovať jeden muž. Táto armáda má v pláne neľútostnému dobyvateľovi zasadiť smrtiaci úder. Medzitým sa v jedej z malých osád chystá tak trocha nerozhodné dievča Mulan na stretnutie so svadobnou dohadzovačkou, ktoré však dopadne katastrofálne. A svadba je pritom pre dievčatá niečim posvätným. Mulan má jednoducho vlastnú hlavu, ktorá je tvrdšia ako diamant. Ešte v ten sitý deň do osady prichádzajú cisárski verbovači a starému otcovi Mulan hrozí, že bude musieť narukopvať. Je totiž jediným mužom v rodine. Ešte v tú istú noc si Mulan ostrihá vlasy a stáva sa mužom. V dobrodružstve, ktoré ju čaká, však našťastie nebude sama...


Kung Fu Panda

Kung Fu Panda 2008


Príbeh o lenivom, neúctivom a lajdáckom medvedíkovi panda, nazývanom Po, ktorý je veľký fanúšik Kung Fu... čo nie je veľmi praktické, lebo pracuje každý deň v rodinnom obchode s rezancami. Keď ho nečakane vyberú, aby naplnil starodávnu veštbu, Poove sny sa stanú skutočnosťou a vstúpi do sveta Kung Fu, spolu so svojimi idolmi, legendárnou zúrivou Päťkou - Tigricou, Žeriavom, Modlivkou, Vretenicou a Opicou - študuje pod vedením guru Majstra Shifu. Ale skôr, ako sa to dozvedia, sa im postaví do cesty pomstychtivý a zradný snežný leopard Tai Lung a je na Poovi, či všetkých ochráni pred blížiacim sa nebezpečenstvom. Podarí sa mu zmeniť svoje sny o majstrovi Kung Fu na realitu? Po dá do toho celé svoje srdce - a obvod pása - a nepravdepodobný hrdina čoskoro zistí, že svoje najslabšie miesta môže zmeniť na tie najsilnejšie...


Veľký čínsky múr

Veľký čínsky múr 2016


Zocelený žoldnier Williama Garina prišiel na Ďaleký východ získať tajomstvo strelného prachu. Mimoriadne nebezpečná misia v exotickom prostredí nemohla dopadnúť dobre, a ani tak výnimočný lukostrelec, akým je Garin, sa nedokázal ubrániť obrovskej presile bojovníkov tajného zoskupenia. Ich prvotnou úlohou je ochrana masívneho a zdanlivo nekonečného múru, pri pohľade na ktorý by Garinovi a jeho priateľovi Pero Tovarovi spadla sánka, keby im nehrozila poprava. K nej však nedôjde, na múr zaútočí armáda monštier a pomoc skvelých vojakov sa ich väzniteľom hodí. Ťažko ale povedať, či si zoči-voči valiacim sa nemilosrdným monštrám nemali radšej vybrať tú popravu.


Múmia: Hrob dračieho cisára

Múmia: Hrob dračieho cisára 2008


V starovekej Číne sa stretne mocný cisár Hen, ktorý túži po nesmrteľnosti a vláde nad celým svetom, s čarodejnicou C'Jüan a podľahne jej prekliatiu, keď ju pripraví o milenca. Ohrdnutá a oklamaná žena premení Dračieho cisára na múmiu pod terakotovým povrchom a jeho 10-tisícovú armádu na terakotových bojovníkov. Nanešťastie na prachom a časom zaviatu hrobku cisára roku 1946 narazí archeologická výprava, ktorej členom je aj Alex, syn dobrodruha Ricka O'Connella a krásnej Evelyn, ktorý je rovnako oplašený ako jeho otec. Zradcovský generál Jang chce cisára oživiť a spolu s ním a jeho vojskom ovládnuť svet. Zúfalý Alex sa preto obráti na jediné dve bytosti, ktoré si dokážu poradiť s nemŕtvymi, teda na vlastných rodičov, ku ktorým sa pripojí aj výstredný strýko Jonathan.


Kung Fu Panda 3

Kung Fu Panda 3 2016


Poov stratený biologický otec sa nečakane objaví a odcestuje spolu s Poom do tajného pandieho raja, kde sa stretnú s novými pandími postavami. Ale keď Kai, zloduch s nadprirodzenými schopnosťami, preletí Čínou ako víchrica a začne porážať všetkých majstrov kung-fu, Po musí urobiť nemožné: naučiť dedinu plnú ťažkopádnych bratov umenia kung-fu, aby sa z nich stalo neohrozené společenstvo Kung Fu Pánd.



Mrakodrap 2018


Perla je najvyššia a zároveň najviac zabezpečená a strážená budova na svete. Napriek tomu jeho majitelia najmú skúseného bezpečnostného experta Willa Sawyera, aby to oficiálne potvrdil. Všetko prebieha rutinne až do okamihu keď vypukne v mrakodrape požiar, čo však nie je spôsobené technickou chybou ako sa následne preukáže. Will, ako bývalý šéf týmu FBI, ktorý sa špecializoval na záchranu rukojemníkov, si prežil už všeličo, ale toto je extrémna situácia aj pre neho samotného. Požiar sa rýchlo šíri a Will zisťuje, že práve on je podľa polície podozrivý z jeho založenia. Aj keď je práve mimo budovy, bude sa musieť urýchlene do nej dostať, pretože v jednom z najvyšších poschodí je uväznená jeho žena s jeho dvoma deťmi. A to stále ešte nie je všetko, v mrakodrape sa pohybuje ozbrojený gang, s ktorým sa musí Will tiež vysporiadať, pokiaľ chce svojich blízkych zachrániť.



Mulan 2020


Keď cisár Číny vydá nariadenie, že jeden muž z rodiny musí slúžiť v cisárskej armáde na obranu krajiny pred útočníkmi zo severu, Hua Mulan, najstaršia dcéra váženého bojovníka, zaujme miesto svojho nemocného otca. V prestrojení za muža prekonáva Hua Jun nástrahy na každom kroku svojej cesty a učí sa využívať svojej vnútornej sily a prijať svoj skutočný potenciál. Táto epická cesta z nej nielen urobí váženého bojovníka, ale vyslúži si aj rešpekt celého národa… a tiež aj hrdého otca.


James Bond: Zajtrajšok nikdy nezomiera

James Bond: Zajtrajšok nikdy nezomiera 1997


Mediálny magnát Elliot Carver potrebuje nejakého sólokapra pre svoju novú globálnu televíznu sieť, a tak sa rozhodne rozpútať vojnu medzi Veľkou Britániou a Čínou. Pomocou telekomunikačného satelitu odchýli z kurzu britskú vojenskú loď, ktorú vzápätí potopia pri čínskych brehoch, a na konflikt je zamiesené. Proti Bondovi stojí okrem iných Carverov pomocník Stamper, ktorý má vďaka vrodenej genetickej chybe zamenenú bolesť a pôžitok. Bond musí odcestovať až na ďaleký Východ, aby odvrátil nebezpečenstvo atómovej vojny. Rovnocennou partnerkou sa mu stane agentka Wai Lin ...


Kung-fu mela

Kung-fu mela 2004


Píšu sa 40. roky 20. storočia a predrevolučnú Čínu ovláda chaos. Uprostred tohto zmätku sa odohráva príbeh zlodejíčka Singa (STEPHEN CHOW), ktorý sa zúfale snaží stať členom rafinovaného a nemilosrdného gangu Sekerníkov, pod ktorého zločinnou nadvládou sa ocitla celá Šanghaj.


Superpoliš 3

Superpoliš 3 1992


Hongkongský policajt Chia Chu je vyslaný ako agent v utajení do Číny, aby zneškodnil drogového magnáta. Spolu s čínskou policajtkou sa im podarí z pracovnej kolónie oslobodit brata drogového magnáta a vďaka tomu sa dostanú do zločineckého sindikátu. Nešťastnou náhodou sú však odhalený a z utajenej akcie sa stáva boj o prežitie.


Jackie Chan a čínsky poklad

Jackie Chan a čínsky poklad 1994


Fei-hung Wong sa jedného dňa neplánovane zapletie do bitky medzi cudzincami vyvážajúcimi starodávne čínske artefakty a lojalistami, ktorí nechcú aby čo i len jeden zo vzácnych kúskov opustil krajinu. Na prvý pohľad neškodný Fei-hung sa pred časom naučil bojový štýl tzv. opitého boxovania, ktorý z neho robí naozaj nebezpečného protivníka! Nanešťastie jeho otec Kei-ying je radikálne proti tomu, aby používal akýkoľvek násilie... A tak musí po celý čas vlastne Fei-hung bojovať „na dvoch frontoch“ - nielen so záhadnými cudzincami, ale aj s otcovým odporom k bojovému umeniu!


Asterix a Obelix: Ríša stredu

Asterix a Obelix: Ríša stredu 2023


Píše sa rok 50 pred Kristom. Zradný princ Deng Tsin Ruin práve dal uväzniť čínsku cisárovnú. Jeho jedinou túžbou je ovládnuť ríšu. Princezná Sass-Yi utečie do Galie, kde si vyžiada pomoc udatných bojovníkov Asterixa a Obelixa, ktorí sú vďaka čarovnému elixíru obdarení nadľudskou silou. Naši dvaja nerozluční hrdinovia a princezná sa vydávajú na dobrodružnú výpravu zachrániť cisárovnú a celú Čínu....


Spy Game

Spy Game 2001


Posledný deň v práci si užíva skúsený veterán Nathan Muir. Dostane odkaz z Hong Kongu, že jeho priateľ Tom Bishop sa dostal do problémov. Bol zatknutý v Číne a na druhý deň má byť popravený. Lenže práve v tom období sa americký prezident chystá na priateľskú návštevu Číny a Muir pochopí, že vláda a CIA sa rozhodli Bishopa obetovať. Nakoľko to bol práve Muir, kto kedysi Bishopa objavil, získal pre špionáž a bol jeho nadriadeným v mnohých nebezpečných akciách, rozhodne sa mu pomôcť, i keď to znamená, že musí ísť proti svojim ľuďom...


The Classic of Mountains and Seas

The Classic of Mountains and Seas 2016


Based on a classical text, the drama tells the tale of a royal who is abandoned at the young age of ten because of a prophecy that said he would kill his father. As he grows up, he must deal with two parts of him that fight between good and evil.



Kingdom 2012


In the Warring States Period of ancient China (475–221 BCE), Shin and Hyou are war-orphans in the kingdom of Qin. They dream of one day proving themselves on the battlefield. One day, however, Hyou is taken to the palace by a minister. Winding up on the losing side of a power-struggle, Hyou manages to return to the village, barely alive. Shin then meets a boy who closely resembles Hyou, Ei Sei. For now he is the king of Qin; later he will become the emperor Shi Huangdi.


Princess Agents

Princess Agents 2017


During the Warring Period, the Western Wei enslaved large numbers of civilians. The slave girl, Chu Qiao, is thrown into a forest along with other slaves and becomes the next hunting target for the rich lords. She is saved by the Prince of Northern Wei, Yan Xun. Afterwards, she is brought into a powerful family of Yuwen and witnesses their bloody power struggle. Seeing this, she swears to take her younger sister and flee from the situation. However, she catches the attention of Yuwen Yue, and undergoes strict training while building a sense of companionship with Yan Xun. Unfortunately, Western Wei goes into battle and Yan Xun’s family is slaughtered. After that incident, Yan Xun grows ambitious and cruel to avenge for the things and the people he lost. He doubts Chu Qiao and takes advantages of her loyalty and love many times, disregarding their relationship as well as the sacrifices he will have to make for power. Disappointed with the man she once loved, Chu Qiao eventually breaks off her relationship with Yan Xun and chooses to fight with Yuwen Yue, destroying Yan Xun’s plans of vengeance. She eventually convinces Yuwen to free the country from slavery, becoming a successful military strategist/female general in the people’s hearts.


The Advisors Alliance

The Advisors Alliance 2017


The story of Sima Yi, a great politician and strategist who lived during the Three Kingdoms era. By his side, Sima Yi has his politically-astute distaff members of his household, and pitted against them are the formidable Cao Cao and his heirs. After defending the Kingdom of Wei from Kongming formidable talents, who will end up with the ultimate power?


Quanzhi Fashi

Quanzhi Fashi 2016


After waking up, Mo Fan suddenly finds himself in a world where schools teach magic and monsters eat humans. However, his own situation hasn’t really changed that much. Labelled the loser of his school, he wants to afford a better life for his physical disabled sister, who is in a wheelchair, and his father. To make it possible, he took on the goal to become the best magician and to show everyone that one’s status in society is not important to achieve this.


Ice Fantasy

Ice Fantasy 2016


The story is set a hundred years after a war between the Empire of Snow (Ice Tribe) and the Fire Tribe, where the Fire Tribe was defeated. However, the war was fatal, leaving Prince Ka Suo and his younger half-brother Ying Kong Shi the only royal heirs and pure-blood ice illusionists left in the Ice Tribe. Conflict ensues after Ka Suo reluctantly ascends to the throne as his lover, Li Luo, and his brother go missing. Ka Suo also accidentally discovers an evil presence lurking in the Ice Tribe's holy shrine. He and his companions enter the mysterious shrine, and defeat head of the shrine, Lady Yuan Ji, only to find out that she has been plotting a conspiracy against him. Ka Suo also experiences hardships in trying to find his lover and brother, not knowing that his brother has lost all of his memories and has become the Fire Prince under his mother's command. A war between the two tribes commences once again, with the two brothers pitted against each other.


Song of Phoenix

Song of Phoenix 2017


There are some relationships that are doomed from the start. During the Warring States period, Qu Yuan is born into a prominent family and grows up to be a prodigy scholar. But Qu Yuan bucks convention when he falls in love with Mo Chou Nu, a slave. Society forbids such class-breaking relationships, so the lovers decide to elope so that they can be together. Despite their efforts to lead a quiet life, Qu Yuan and Chou Nu become entangled in the political struggles of the power elites within the palace. Can their relationship survive the many obstacles?


The Legend of Zu

The Legend of Zu 2015


He was the chosen one. Lu Pao is a dangerous swordsman who is out to get his hands on the powerful Red Ghost Stone. The Sushan School, China’s most famous and influential martial arts school, is the guardian of the stone and protector of the world. The school’s headmaster puts the precious Red Ghost Stone into the body of the talented young swordsman Ding Yin in order to keep it from falling into Lu Pao’s hands. Ding Yin enters the Sushan School to train to become the best swordsman in the world and vows to keep the world safe from the evil doings of Lu Pao. But then Ding Yin meets Lu Pao’s daughter, Yu Wu Xing, who looks just like his dead wife. When Ding Yin falls in love with Wu Xing, will he be able to carry out his mission?


The Romance of the Condor Heroes

The Romance of the Condor Heroes 2014


While escaping from a tortured experience under Quan Zhen Sect's Zhao Zhi Jing, the trouble-maker Yang Guo meets the girl who will become his martial arts master and eventually the love of his life: Xiao Long Nu. Their story moves along filled with adventures, betrayal, and love. This is the newest version of Jin Yong's "Return of the Condor Heroes" by the famous director Yu Zheng. Sequel to The Legend of Condor Heroes and a prequel of sorts to The Heavenly Sword and Dragon Sabre. The story concerns the adventures of Yang Guo, an orphaned boy in a mid-13th Century China.


Fighter of the Destiny

Fighter of the Destiny 2017


Chun Changsheng was abandoned in a flowing river and plucked up by a Taoist monk. He’s actually the fourth Prince of the Chen’s Royal bloodline. He’s plagued with an incurable illness, fated not to live past the age of 20. To find a cure, he leaves his temple, armed with a promise of marriage scroll, to become a student at a famous academy. He meets Xu Yourong and they slowly fall in love after hopping through the trials and tribulations of his journey.


The Glory of Tang Dynasty

The Glory of Tang Dynasty 2017


The life of an intelligent and kind woman who becomes a concubine of the inner court whose love for the people enables her to do great things for the country.


Blind Date

Blind Date 2017


Xia Tian is a young woman, who is still single. Her sister is about to be married and one day Xia Tian overhears her mother talking to her sister, that if she will come to the marriage of her sister with a boyfriend, her mother will pay for the marriage. Xia Tian has 258 days to find a boyfriend, in order to score off her bothersome mother and to enable her sister a wonderful marriage.


Eternal Love

Eternal Love 2017


Three hundred years ago, Bai Qian stood on the Zhu Xian Terrace, turned around and jumped off without regret. Ye Hua stood by the bronze mirror to witness with his own eyes her death. Three hundred years later, in the East Sea Dragon Palace, the two meet unexpectedly. Another lifetime another world, after suffering betrayal Bai Qian no longer feels anything, yet she can't seem to comprehend Ye Hua's actions. Three lives three worlds, her and him, are they fated to love again?


Lost Love in Times

Lost Love in Times 2017


Feng Qingchen, a sorceress of Mingyi Tower, is drawn into a power struggle within the royal family of Western Wei. As tensions rise and rivalries threaten the kingdom, she must use her abilities to restore peace and unity. Amid betrayal and court opposition, Qingchen faces the ultimate test of loyalty, love, and courage.


The Starry Night, The Starry Sea

The Starry Night, The Starry Sea 2017


Seeking a fresh start after a troubled past, Shen Luo moves to a quiet island where she meets the enigmatic Wu Julan. As their connection deepens, mystical forces and hidden secrets emerge, testing their bond and leading to unexpected sacrifices in their pursuit of happiness.


A Life Time Love

A Life Time Love 2017


Chi Yun is a skilled martial artist who grew up in the wilderness. He falls in love with Mu Qingmo at first sight, and openly pursues her once they meet again a couple of years later. She eventually reciprocates his affections, even though her brother had already promised her hand in marriage to the powerful noble Lingyun Shenglun. Shenglun is aware their marriage is only for alliance purposes, and promises to keep their relationship platonic. However, he eventually becomes attracted to the heroine, and is determined to keep her by his side forever.


The Mystic Nine

The Mystic Nine 2016


The drama is a prequel to The Lost Tomb in which the story focuses on the exploits of the nine grave robbing families in the 1940s. With the help of his friends Fortune Teller Qi Tie Zue and Opera Singer Er Yue Hong, General Zhang Qi Shan entered into a strange mine to discover a mysterious ancient tomb. After many untold dangers, he uncovered a Japanese plot to kill the residents of Changsha city. The men banded together to stop the Japanese's plot, thereby saving their city.


Destined to Love You

Destined to Love You 2015


Set in Shanghai in the late 1910s, Qian Bao Bao is a cunning young woman who assumes the stolen identity of a female instructor at an all-male military academy in order to earn enough money to help her sick mother. During her stay at the academy, Bao Bao finds herself entangled in a complicated love triangle with the flirtatious Xiang Hao and the intelligent Shen Wen Tao, who are both instructors at the academy.


Xuan-Yuan Sword: Han Cloud

Xuan-Yuan Sword: Han Cloud 2017


After the ancient Emperor defeated the demons, the shattered sword was broken into two parts. Two sword spirits were born - Zhaoyun and Muyun. However, due to the chaos caused by the battles, the two brothers were separated since birth. Zhaoyun was raised by a group of warriors called Flying Feathers, in charge of aiding Gong Yangxiang’s quest to expand the Kingdom of Xiaoyue; while Muyun was under the Bronze Bird army of Wei Kingdom, who are cruel and oppressive, and often invade the neighboring countries. The two brothers were reunited in a battle between their kingdoms. When Zhaoyun discovers the truth, he uses their bloodline to save Muyun from danger. The kind-hearted Zhaoyun was heartbroken to see the people suffering due to war. With the help of Yeyaxi, a princess from a tribe, the two brothers worked together and overcame dangerous and difficult situations. In the end, they found the Emperor sword which symbolizes justice, using it to defeat the cruel and barbaric Chun Yuyue, therefore destroying the Bronze Bird army and bringing peace back to the world.


Beauty Private Kitchen

Beauty Private Kitchen 2016


Song Yu Die, a renowned chef in the Jiangnan area, was actually a lost Song Dynasty princess. She grew up among the commoners and learned her trade from her adoptive mother. Just when she was about to marry her childhood sweetheart, she got entangled in a warfare between a Song prince and a Jin general. To settle the conflicts between the two countries, she left her beloved to marry her country's enemy.