Priestupný rok

Priestupný rok 2010


Anna Bradyová je atraktívna a úspešná bytová návrhárka z Bostonu. Má všetko, na čo si spomenie, teda okrem zásadného vyjadrenia svojho priateľa, nádejného kardiológa Jeremyho, ktorý sa po štyroch rokoch ešte stále necíti na to, aby pred ňou pokľakol a ponúkol jej prsteň. Anna sa preto rozhodne chytiť šancu za pačesy. Blíži sa magický 29. február a Jeremy odletí do Dublinu na lekársky kongres. Jej plán je jednoduchý - odletí za Jeremym a požiada o ruku ona jeho, presne v súlade s írskou tradíciou. Lenže osud s ňou má iné plány.


What If

What If 2013


Čo keby muž stretol zadanú ženu a pocítil by k nej lásku na prvý pohľad? Mal by jej o tom povedať? Túto dilemu sa snaží vyriešiť Wallace. Žije v Toronte, nedokončil vysokú školu a ani v práci nie je šťastný. Chantry naopak už má zariadený život s úspešným Benom a pracuje na svojej kariére. Wallace chce zistiť, či by mal u Chantry šancu. Otázku, ako si ju získať, konzultuje so svojím kamarátom Allanom, ktorý je zároveň Chantryným bratrancom



Once 2007


Je pouličným hudobníkom a občas sa živí prácou v dielni svojho otca. Jeho snom je živiť sa hudbou, ale nemá šťastie. Je to talentovaná klaviristka z Českej republiky, ktorá odišla do Írska, aby sa živila pouličným predajom ruží. Keď sa títo dvaja náhodou stretnú, zistia, že ich spoločná hudba má neobyčajnú silu, a podarí sa im získať nielen peniaze na prenájom štúdia, aby spolu nahrali platňu, ale aj priazeň a obdiv všetkých, ktorí sa podieľajú na jej vzniku. Obaja si však čoskoro uvedomia, že niekoho podobného stretnú len raz v živote. Jeho novonadobudnutá sloboda a jej minulé záväzky ich oboch postavia pred rozhodnutie, čo sú ochotní obetovať jeden pre druhého a či vôbec majú šancu zostať spolu


A zasa tí Mupeti!

A zasa tí Mupeti! 2014


Muppeti po návrate na divadelnú scénu zožali obrovský úspech a na jeho vlne sa chce zviesť kdekto. Šéfa súboru, žabiaka Kermita, a jeho priateľov osloví manažér Dominic Badguy a navrhne im, aby vyrazili na svetovej turné. Muppeti netušia, že ich chce zneužiť najhľadanejší zločinec sveta, Constanine, ktorý pripravuje lúpež storočia a ich turné zakomponoval so svojho zlovestného plánu. Contantine ukradne Kermitovi identitu a hviezdu súboru zatvoria do väzenia namiesto neho. Kermitov dvojník vyráža s Muppetmi na turné do Európy, počas ktorého pripravuje veľkú lúpež šperkov. Lenže Muppeti už onedlho začnú byť podozrievaví, pretože Kermit sa na seba veľmi nepodobá...


Flora a syn

Flora a syn 2023


Slobodná matka Flora si nevie rady s rebelským tínedžerským synom Maxom. Snaha udržať ho čo najďalej od problémov vedie k starej rozbitej akustickej gitare, skrachovanému muzikantovi z L.A. a harmónii pre túto pošramotenú dublinskú rodinu.


Tu to musí byť

Tu to musí byť 2011


Cheyenne je bývalá rocková hviezda, ktorá žije z autorských honorárov v Dubline. Smrť jeho otca, s ktorým tridsať rokov nekomunikoval ho zavedie do New Yorku. Tam zistí, že jeho otec bol po celý život posadnutý pomstou za utrpenie, ktorému bol vystavený v koncentračnom tábore. Cheyenne sa rozhodne pokračovať tam, kde jeho otec skončil, a vydáva sa na cestu naprieč USA.


The Delinquent Season

The Delinquent Season 2018


Jim a Danielle aj Yvonne a Chris sú na prvý pohľad dva spokojné manželské páry, ktoré spoločne chodia na priateľské večere. Postupne sa ale začnú objavovať isté medzery v inak stabilných vzťahoch. Film sa zaoberá otázkou "Ako dobre sa všetci navzájom vlastne poznáme" a skúma myšlienku lásky, žiadostivosti a rodinných vzťahov.



Raw 2008


The lives and loves of the young staff who work in a successful Dublin restaurant and the intense friendships and bitter rivalries that blossom in the heat of the kitchen.


Normal People

Normal People 2020


Marianne and Connell weave in and out of each other's lives in this exploration of sex, power and the desire to love and be loved.



Kin 2021


The lives of a Dublin family embroiled in a gangland war and the consequences of their choices.



Love/Hate 2010


Modern-day underworld characters Nidge and John Boy wrestle for control of Dublin's illicit drug trade in this forceful crime drama.


Naked Camera

Naked Camera 2005


Candid camera show in which unsuspecting members of the Irish public as well as some celebrities are accosted by such bizarre characters as the irascible Jake Stevens, Clifford the Orangemen and the desperate bride. All comic roles are played by comedians P.J. Gallagher, Maeve Higgins and Patrick McDonnell.


Bachelors Walk

Bachelors Walk 2001


Bachelors Walk was a comedy-drama based around three single men living in a house in Dublin’s Bachelors Walk. The drama was shot in and around Dublin. The programme was first broadcast on RTÉ on 1 October 2001. The drama revolves around Barry (Keith McErlean) looking for a get-rich-quick scheme, Raymond (Don Wycherley) the film critic and Michael (Simon Delaney) the would-be barrister. After a run of three series and an absence for three years, "Bachelors Walk" concluded for a one-off Christmas special which aired on St. Stephen's Day 2006 on RTÉ Two.



Rebellion 2016


A group of young men and women in Dublin in 1916 are embroiled in a fight for independence during the Easter Rising. The story begins with the outbreak of World War I. As expectations of a short and glorious campaign are dashed, social stability is eroded and Irish nationalism comes to the fore. The tumultuous events that follow are seen through the eyes of a group of friends from Dublin, Belfast and London as they play vital and conflicting roles in the narrative of Ireland's independence.


Women on the Verge

Women on the Verge 2018


The lives of three women in their 30s, as they navigate the challenges of life, love and relationships. Whilst everyone else is settling down, married with kids, and increasingly in control of their lives, Laura, Katie and Alison seem to be moving in the opposite direction.


The Dry

The Dry 2022


In the series, when Shiv Sheridan returns to Dublin after years of partying in London, she is sober and full of good intentions – but being back with her family makes staying on ‘the dry' much harder than she expected. As Shiv tries to navigate this new phase of her life, so must her family and they all have issues they don't want to face.



Quirke 2014


Quirke is the chief pathologist in the Dublin city morgue – a charismatic loner whose job takes him into fascinating places as he investigates sudden deaths in 1950s Dublin. His pleasures in life are raw and deep, a drink, a smoke, good food, a woman: With one woman in particular – his adoptive brother's wife Sarah and the forbidden love that has shaped and dominated Quirke's life.



Family 1994


The Spencer family live in a working class estate in Dublin.



Stardust 2006


'Stardust' is a 2006 miniseries produced for RTÉ by Brackside Merlin Films. The first episode surrounds the night a fire broke out at the Stardust Disco in North Dublin on 13 February 1981, in which 48 people died. The second episode depicts the search for answers and justice by families and survivors. It was screened over two nights on the 25th anniversary of the fire in 2006.


The Boy That Never Was

The Boy That Never Was 2024


When Dillon’s father Harry races back to their tiny apartment to rescue his child, the apartment is in rubble and there is no sign of his son. Three years later, thousands of miles away in Dublin, Harry spots a six-year-old boy in a crowd and is convinced he is Dillon. Desperate to find his son, Harry’s obsession tears apart his marriage to Robin, exposing shameful secrets that lead to the truth of what happened to their son on the night he went missing.



Amber 2014


The disappearance of 14 year old Amber Bailey sets off a two-year search during which her family will go through unimaginable pressures. As the days, months and years progress the mystery deepens, and strange and terrifying clues come to light, raising yet even more questions. The world becomes gripped by the mystery of the missing teen. What happened to Amber?


The Roaring Twenties

The Roaring Twenties 2008


‘The Roaring Twenties’ follows the trials and tribulations of four twenty-something flatmates as they deal with everyday life in contemporary Dublin. The series features Kevin, an unemployed 'artiste'; Mary, his long suffering journalist girlfriend, and their two friends Eamú, a business student and Ray, a mysterious lay about.


Dublin Narcos

Dublin Narcos 2023


Over the 1980s and 1990s Dublin transformed from a recession-blighted backwater to one of the wealthiest cities in Europe. As its fortunes changed so did those of its criminals, who began selling heroin, ecstasy and cocaine. Dublin Narcos tells the story of the rise in addiction, violence and organised crime which persists to this day, with first hand testimony from the kingpins and cops to the ravers and users. We also hear from the fearless journalists whose attempts at exposing the drugs barons led to the death of one of their bravest, Veronica Guerin.


Viking Empires

Viking Empires 2022


Through new discoveries in science and archaeology, explorers take a look at the origins of the Vikings and how they influenced history.


The Walsh Sisters

The Walsh Sisters 1970


Set in their Dublin hometown, Anna, Rachel, Maggie, Claire and Helen navigate the peaks and troughs of their late 20s and 30s. This is a sisterhood full of in-jokes, hand-me-down resentments and more than a few old wounds. But their DNA, history and shared love of power ballads keep the Walsh sisters together in the face of heartbreak, grief, addiction and parenthood.