8. míľa

8. míľa 2002


Biely mladík Jimmy Smith z chudobnej, prevažne černošskej štvrti Detroitu sa pretĺka biednym životom. Pracuje ako obyčajný robotník v továrni, tehotná priateľka sa s ním rozišla a pretože nemá kde bývať, musí sa nasťahovať späť do karavanu, kde býva jeho matka so svojím priateľom, ktorý ho nenávidí. Jeho jedinou radosťou aj vecou, pre ktorú má talent, je rap. Na popud kamoša sa skúsi zúčastniť "battle" pred davom v miestnom rapovom klube. Lenže cesta k rešpektu a snáď aj možnosti obrátiť svoj život je nielen tŕnistá, ale aj neľútostná. Eminem nechcel natočiť vyložene autobiografický príbeh, ale iba do rozprávania zapracovať málo prepojené so svojimi začiatkami pred érou masovej popularity.


Straight Outta Compton

Straight Outta Compton 2015


Ulice kalifornského Comptonu boli jedným z najnebezpečnejších miest v Amerike. Práve tu, v mieste, ktorého život riadili drogové gangy a pravidelné policajné razie, sa narodila pätica chlapcov, ktorí odtiaľ dokázali vypadnúť. Svoju frustráciu a nenávisť a sa rozhodli vyjadriť spevom. Vytvorili žáner nazývaný,"gangsta rap" a skupinu N.W.A., ktorá patrí k najkontroverznejším hudobným zostavám histórie.



Čas 2021


Pre rodinu s dvoma malými deťmi to mala byť dokonalá dovolenka. Luxusný hotel v tropickom raji a hotelierov tip na tajnú pláž nasvedčujú tomu, že rodinná dovolenka bude podľa ich predstáv. Aj keď deti, by určite ocenili aspoň malé dobrodružstvo. Na prvý pohľad pláž naozaj nemá chybu - je nádherne piesčitá, obklopená skalami a blankytne modré more láka k tomu, aby ste do neho okamžite skočili. Na druhý pohľad už to také ideálne nie je, pretože z prítomnosti ďalších opaľujúcich sa turistov je jasné, že podobný "tajný" tip dostalo omnoho viac ľudí, aj keď stále nejde o nič, čo by malo rekreantov znepokojovať. Problémy v raji sa prejavia až vo chvíli, keď deti na pláži nájdu opustené veci patriace iným hosťom hotela a z mora vytiahnu mŕtvolu. No čaká ich oveľa väčší šok - všetci náhle, nevysvetliteľne, rapídne starnú, čo vidno najmä na deťoch. Všetkým na pláži je vzápätí jasné, že ak sa chcú dožiť večera, musia okamžite vypadnúť. Lenže to nebude také jednoduché..


Mačacie zlato

Mačacie zlato 2008


Americká komédia o hľadaní potopeného pokladu z lode Aurélie, ktorá v 18. storočí stroskotala v Karibiku. Hľadá ho nielen zadlžený Finn, s ktorým sa rozvádza jeho žena Tess, ale aj partia gangstrov. Večný outsider Finn a jeho žena Tess, ktorá má pocit, že honbou za zlatom stratila osem rokov, sa práve rozvádzajú. Ona sa chce vrátiť do Chicaga a doštudovať, on je presvedčený, že konečne našiel to správne miesto, kde sa Aurélie potopila. Lenže nie je jediný, kto prahne po objave, ktorý by vyriešil všetky jeho finančné problémy. Je tu aj rapper a gangster Veľký Králik a jeho poskokovia.


Spring Breakers

Spring Breakers 2013


Príbeh bláznivých, sexy stredoškoláčok, ktoré sa vydali na jazdu plnú zážitkov. Dievčatá v bikinách a lyžiarskych kuklách, ktoré to posilnené alkoholom a drogami poriadne rozbiehajú. Film Spring Breakers dáva úplne nový rozmer predstavám o bláznivých kočkách. Selena Gomezová, Vanessa Hudgensová a ich dievčenská partička sa dáva dohromady s Jamesom Francom a začínajú jarné prázdniny, ktoré by dokázal takto vykresliť jedine Harmony Korine. Rovnako ako v prípade filmov Kids či Gummo Korine rozmetáva naše očakávania a zavádza nás do bizarného podsvetia, kde sú všetci v hre.


Studený ako ľad

Studený ako ľad 1991


Mladý raper a jeho traja kamaráti, ktorí sú na koncertnom turné na svojich nablýskaných motorkách, sa musí kvôli poruche na jednej z nich niekoľko dní zdržať v ospalom americkom mestečku, kde sa veľa zábavy neponúka. Neviazaní muzikanti prevrátia naruby život nielen mestečku, ale aj stredoškoláčke Kate. Netuší ale, že Kateina rodina je súčasťou programu ochrany svedkov, ktorej identita bola práve prezradená a hrozí jej nebezpečenstvo. Svojho času kultový film s hudbou Vanilla Ice v sebe spája prvky romanci, akcie i muzikálu.


Ali G Indahouse

Ali G Indahouse 2002


Obklopený svojimi vernými sa ALI G so svojou priateľkou Juliou náhle stáva najväčším zo všetkých hrdinov - nepremožiteľným, nenásytným a samozrejme neodolateľným pre všetky dievčatá! ALI G - kontroverzný a podarený filmový hit číslo 1 s originálnou superstar britskej komédie zo Staines! Tak, ako ste ho nikdy predtým nevideli.



P-Valley 2020


Down deep in the Mississippi Delta, Trap music meets film noir in this kaleidoscopic story of a little-strip-club-that-could and the big characters who come through its doors—the hopeful, the lost, the broken, the ballers, the beautiful, and the damned.


Unpretty Rapstar

Unpretty Rapstar 2015


Unpretty Rapstar is a 2015 South Korean music competition program focusing on female rappers.



DAVE 2020


A suburban neurotic man in his late 20s has convinced himself that he’s destined to be one of the best rappers of all time. Now he must convince his closest friends, because with their help, he might actually convince the world.


High School Rapper

High School Rapper 2017


Korea’s first high school rap competition program! Only high school students are allowed to participate as contestants in this program where teen rappers get to show off their talent.


Guess My Next Move

Guess My Next Move 2018


Ask the participants, “What kind of person is she or he?” Depending on what kind of relationship you are in with them, they think differently about you. The participants are the people around you. In this show, each week, new guest appears with their participants. Participants with different sight gather together and watch the guest’s real-life video with four emcees, Lee Su Geun, Jang Do Yeon, DinDin, and JR. In between the video stops and the participants has to guess the guest’s next move and the guest bet money on the improving relationship fund. The next move is unexpected. A game of guessing their everyday lives begins now.


Show Me The Money

Show Me The Money 2012


From newcomers to rappers already loved by many fans, all gather to compete against each other in order to pick the best Hip hop entertainer. The one that receives the most votes from the audience takes it all.


Dear Mama

Dear Mama 2023


Explore the history of activist Afeni Shakur and hip-hop icon Tupac Shakur, two voices that could not be silenced. Told through the eyes of the people who knew them best, this series is an intimate wide-angle portrait of the most inspiring and dangerous mother-son duo in American history, whose unified message of freedom, equality, persecution and justice are more relevant today than ever.


PaRappa the Rapper

PaRappa the Rapper 2001


The series focuses on PaRappa, a cute and happy dog who enjoys music and dancing and often spends time with his friends PJ Berri, Katy Kat, and the girl of his dreams, Sunny Funny. Along with various characters who make returning appearances from the video games, the anime introduces several new characters who are exclusive to the TV series. These include Matt Major, PJ's friend from Club Fun, Paula Fox, Sunny's friend who was rivals with Katy, Pinto, PaRappa's little sister, and Gaster and Groober, a villainous duo who cause all sorts of mischief.


jeen-yuhs: A Kanye Trilogy

jeen-yuhs: A Kanye Trilogy 2022


The lives of an emerging superstar and a filmmaker intertwine in this intense, intimate docuseries charting Kanye West's career, filmed over two decades.


Jamie Kennedy's Blowin' Up

Jamie Kennedy's Blowin' Up 2006


Blowin' Up is a comedic reality show on MTV. The show stars Jamie Kennedy, an actor who follows his dream of becoming a successful rapper. The show was written by Kennedy after the success of the movie Malibu's Most Wanted, which he starred in. Along for the ride is his close friend Stu Stone, who keeps Jamie in check to stick to their rap career.


MTV Spit

MTV Spit 2012


MTV Spit is a music program aired on MTV Italy and hosted by the italian rapper Marracash. This show focuses on freestyle battles on various current issues including rapper in the underground scene. The first season is aired from March 9 to May 4, 2012. A pilot episode, called Spit Gala, aired December 22, 2011. Besides Marracash, to debut as a presenter, there are in the role of fixed judges: J-Ax, Mastafive and Niccolò Agliardi, and the console to put the beats on which the rapper will clash race alternate Dj Tayone and Dj Double S. In the Spit Gala however the judges were, in addition to J-Ax, Fabri Fibra and the Club Dogo. The second season of the show will be aired from May 8, 2013. Marracash is confirmed as the host, and the new judges are Morgan, Max Pezzali, Ensi and Paola Zukar.


Cardi Tries

Cardi Tries 2020


Rap superstar Cardi B is back with more adventures than ever! Always up for a challenge, Cardi is going BIGGER and jumping way out of her comfort zone.


Kold x Windy

Kold x Windy 2023


A hip-hop and drill star works to create a better life for her and her son in south Chicago.


T.I.'s Road to Redemption

T.I.'s Road to Redemption 2009


T.I.'s Road To Redemption is an American reality television show that premiered on February 10, 2009, on MTV. The show was produced by T.I., Michael Hirschorn, Stella Stolper and Chris Choun of Ish Entertainment. The series, focusing on the 45 days before rapper T.I.'s March sentencing, hoped to encourage teenagers to avoid spending a life of crime by showing seven teenagers that there is another way. In T.I.'s Road to Redemption, T.I. shares the mistakes he has madeand the lessons he learned. The show includes events in his personal life such as the birth of his sixth son and the release of his album, Paper Trail. In 2007, T.I. was convicted of two felony gun charges. He served a sentence of one year and one day behind bars starting March 27, 2009. He was also sentenced to 1500 hours of community service. The series started filming in June 2008 continued until March 2009. "We visited T.I. early in 2008 while he was under house arrest in Georgia and found a man utterly unlike his rap persona," Stella Stolper and Michael Hirschorn of Ish Entertainment said. "He felt that he was undergoing a karmic reckoning, a time when he would have to balance the scales of his life and integrate who he was with who he is. We've never seen someone so introspective, so smart about how who he was back in the slums of Atlanta is affecting who he is now."


Fuck the Police

Fuck the Police 2014


Two friends from a small village chase their dream of becoming world famous gangsta rappers.


Supervillain: The Making of Tekashi 6ix9ine

Supervillain: The Making of Tekashi 6ix9ine 2021


This three-part documentary series profiles hip-hop artist Tekashi 6ix9ine's epic rise to notoriety. Director Karam Gill examines the culture of manufactured celebrity through 6ix9ine's mastery of social media.


Free Meek

Free Meek 2019


This intimate documentary series chronicles Meek Mill's transformation from chart-topping rapper to galvanizing face of criminal justice reform. As Meek, his family and his legal team fight for his freedom, cameras capture the birth of the #FREEMEEK movement and re-investigate a case filled with allegations of dirty cops and systemic corruption in a broken judicial system.


Son of a Gun

Son of a Gun 1970


MTV documents the journey of up and coming rapper Cory Gunz in the docu-series "Son of a Gun." This six-part series takes viewers behind the scenes and into the world of Cory Gunz as he faces the tough decisions artists encounter as they're struggling to succeed in the competitive and cutthroat music industry. Lucky for Gunz, he has some extra support in his quest for hip-hop stardom from a few people who know the business well; guiding and managing Cory are his father, rapper Peter Gunz and multi-talented industry mogul Nick Cannon, who lends his advice to help Cory reach his full potential. Together, Nick and Peter Gunz form a strong alliance to propel Cory to stardom.