Kľúčové slovo Mother
Všetko, všade, naraz 2022
Starnúca čínska migrantka v USA sa stane súčasťou bláznivého dobrodružstva, v ktorom sa snaží zachrániť svet skúmaním paralelných vesmírov a vlastných životov, ktoré v nich mohla mať.
Môj Sused Totoro 1988
Osemročná Satsuki a jej malá sestra Mei sa spolu s otcom presťahovali na vidiek. Ich vážne chorá mama je hospitalizovaná v blízkej nemocnici. Starý, zanedbaný dom, v ktorom už dlho nikto nebýval sa stal ich novým domovom. Dievčatá sa okamžite pustia do upratovania a zveľaďovania. Jedného dňa počas hrania sa dvore pred domom zazrie malá Mei malinkú bytosť, ktorá nesie vrecúško so žaluďmi. Nasleduje ju do lesa, kde stretáva Totora, obrovskú chlpatú potvoru veľkú ako malý dom...
Dumbo 1941
Keď pani Jumbová prvý krát uvidela svoje maličké slonie mláďatko, okamžite sa doň zamilovala. Ostatný sa ale Dumbovi začali posmievať, pretože mal veľké uši. Nech robil čokoľvek, stále to nebolo lepšie. Potom ale stretol priateľa, myšiaka Timothyho, s ktorým prekonal všetky nástrahy a prekážky.
결백 2020
젊은 엄마 2013
หลานม่า 2024
두 엄마 2017
Pianistka 2001
Zrelá tridsiatnička a brilantná profesorka klavíru Erika Kohut vedie trojaký život. Kým počas dňa je váženou osobnosťou pedagogického zboru Viedenského konzervatória, večer ukája svoju zvrhlú sexualitu v obchodoch s najhrubším pornom, špehovaním mileneckých párov a masochistickým sebazraňovaním. Treťou podobou jej existencie je vypäté spolužitie s tyranskou matkou, plné brutálnych hádok a vášnivého zmierenia. Erika napriek tomu dokáže udržať svoj bizarný životný štýl pod kontrolou až do chvíle, kedy sa zoznámi so sympatickým a talentovaným študentom Walterom.
Frekvencia 2000
Jedného pokojného večera roku 1999 nájde John Sullivan starú vysielačku, ktorá patrila jeho otcovi. Skúsi ju zapojiť a podarí sa mu nadviazať kontakt. Muž na druhej strane je hasič, volá sa Frank Sullivan a práve sa mieni pozerať na záverečný zápas baseballovej ligy roku 1969. John k svojmu úžasu zisťuje, že vďaka atmosférickej poruche hovorí so svojím otcom tesne pred tragickým nešťastím. Teraz ho môže varovať, takže otec nezomrie, ale následky, ktoré tento zásah do histórie spôsobí, budú oveľa závažnejšie, než si myslel...
Русская Лолита 2007
Ma mère 2004
Traffic: Nadvláda gangov 2000
Film opisuje tri napínavé, navzájom prepletené príbehy s rozličným časovým rámcom, ktorých protagonisti sa nepoznajú, ale predsa ich čosi spája. Robert Wakefield, konzervatívny sudca Najvyššieho súdu v štáte Ohio, je poverený úlohou viesť čo najtvrdší boj proti drogovému zločinu, a uniká mu, že jeho šestnásťročná dcéra, vzorná študentka, je závislá na heroíne. Helena Ayalová, po manželovom zatknutí zisťuje, že celú dobu žila v klamstve. Ako zachráni svoju rodinu? Mexický policajt Javier Rodriquez sa v každodennej realite drogového biznisu zapletá do všadeprítomnej siete korupcie. Drogy sú jednoznačným strašiakom najmocnejšej zeme sveta.
Little Bone Lodge 2023
唐山大兄 1971
Lullaby 2022
Twitches 2005
Jednovaječné dvojčatá Alex a Camryn sa narodili v magickom kráľovstve Coventry, ale vzápätí po narodení boli rozdelené. Ich otec ich musel poslať preč, aby deti ochránil pred nebezpečnými silami Temnoty. Sestry vyrastajú v rôznych rodinách, ale keď dosiahnu 21 rokov, znovu sa stretnú a zisťujú, že sú nadané podivuhodnou silou. Najprv však chcú nájsť svoju skutočnú matku Mirandu, ktorá žila v presvedčení, že jej dcérky zomreli. Dievčatá sa musia vyrovnať so svojou minulosťou a ukáže sa, že len ony dokážu zachrániť rodnú Coventry. Musia sa však pustiť do boja so silami zla, ktoré ich chcú zničiť.
Little Children 2006
Paralelné matky 2021
Dve ženy, Janis a Ana, sa ocitnú v rovnaký čas v nemocničnej izbe, kde čakajú na pôrod. Obe sú slobodné a nečakane otehotneli. Janis, je v strednom veku, neľutuje, že je tehotná a teší sa. Druhá, dospievajúca Ana, je vystrašená, kajúcna a traumatizovaná. Janis sa ju snaží povzbudiť, zatiaľ čo sa pohybujú ako námesačné po nemocničných chodbách. Niekoľko slov, ktoré si v týchto hodinách vymenia, vytvorí medzi nimi veľmi úzke prepojenie, ktoré sa rozvinie a skomplikuje tak, že im zásadným spôsobom zmení ich životy.
The Good Wife 2009
Alicia Florrick boldly assumes full responsibility for her family and re-enters the workforce after her husband's very public sex and political corruption scandal lands him in jail.
Bread 1986
Bread is a British television sitcom, written by Carla Lane, produced by the BBC and screened on BBC1 from 1 May 1986 to 3 November 1991. The series focused on the devoutly-Catholic and extended Boswell family of Liverpool, in the district of Dingle, led by its matriarch Nellie through a number of ups and downs as they tried to make their way through life in Thatcher's Britain with no visible means of support. The street shown at the start of each programme is Elswick Street. A family called Boswell had also featured in Lane's earlier sitcom The Liver Birds and Lane admitted in interviews that the two families were probably related. Nellie's feckless and estranged husband, Freddie, left her for another woman known as 'Lilo Lill'. Her children Joey, Jack, Adrian, Aveline and Billy continued to live in the family home in Kelsall Street and contributed money to the central family fund, largely through benefit fraud and the sale of stolen goods.
Daughter from Another Mother 2021
After realizing their babies were exchanged at birth, two women develop a plan to adjust to their new lives: creating a single —and peculiar— family.
Mother of Mine 2019
Story of a mother and three daughters living in modern day Korean society. The drama conveys a message about the low fertility rate, divorce rate, and the problems of the younger generation who are avoiding marriage.
Love is True 2021
Workin' Moms 2017
Four women juggle love, careers, and parenthood. They support, challenge, and try not to judge each other as life throws them curveballs. Whether it is an identity crisis, a huge job opportunity, postpartum depression, or an unplanned pregnancy – they face both the good and bad with grace and humour.
Hope 2020
Espionage drama set in 1990's and present-day Russia, with a strong female protagonist. It's the story of complex, dynamic woman, Hope, who has a hidden history rooting back when she was young and who lives now a double life. Mainly she's a loving mother and wife to her unsuspecting family, but she also has an inescapable alter-ego as one of the most ruthless and successful contract killers who is deperately willing to save her family and to find her way out of.
Teen Mom UK 2016
We’ve followed the girls on their journey and now it’s time to see these five teen moms in the UK prove that age really is just a number when it comes to parenting. We’ll watch the tears, tantrums and independence of these incredible young women as they share their journey, showcasing the highs and lows of becoming a teen mom.
Eine wie keine 2009
Eine wie keine is a German television series.
Big Little Lies 2017
The tale of three mothers of first graders whose apparently perfect lives unravel to the point of murder.
The Making of an Ordinary Woman 2019
A story of a woman born in 60s grew up in a Chinese herbal medicine store in southern Taiwan. Love, marriage, and seniority in human relationships around her collide together, leading to a different aspect of life.
Mrs Brown's Boys 2011
Mrs. Brown's Boys is a British-Irish award winning sitcom created by and starring writer and performer Brendan O'Carroll. The show is based on O'Carroll's stage plays about the character Agnes Browne, which were developed from books and straight-to-DVD films. The sitcom continues the stories of Agnes, now with the shortened surname "Brown", and her family who are played by real life close friends and family of O'Carroll's. After being slated by critics, the show has become a ratings success in both Ireland, where it is set, and the United Kingdom, where it is recorded. On 29 December 2012 the show began its third series. Mrs Brown's Boys is a co-production among BBC Scotland, BocPix and RTÉ.
My Guardian Angels 2020
Mandy (Zoe Tay), Miao Miao (Kym Ng) and Si Jin (Somaline Ang) come from different backgrounds but share one common trait, they have to raise their children single-handedly. Mandy was a socialite before her husband died after absconding with company funds. She was forced to move into a tiny apartment with her two daughters and shares it with another tenant Dong Yu (Pierre Png). Miao Miao is a housewife whose husband worked overseas all year long, leaving her to raise their three sons alone. Si Jin was a student with good grades, until she gave it up to give birth to her son at 19 years old and became a single mother. All three seemingly different women become friends and see each other through many ups and downs. And at the centre of it all is an uncanny guardian angel, Dong Yu, who helped them through many difficult times. But soon is it discovered that Dong Yu was a convicted felon, what are his secrets and will it change their friendship with him?
Funland 2005
Funland is a comedy thriller serial, produced by the BBC, about a detective who arrives in Blackpool to find the killer of his mother with only the flimsiest of clues to go on. It was first screened from 23 October 2005 to 7 November 2005, on the digital channel BBC Three. Created by Jeremy Dyson and Simon Ashdown, the series consists of a fifty-minute opening episode followed by ten half-hour installments.
Battle for Happiness 2023
A suspense drama depicting mothers engaged in a fierce social media battle to destroy each others' happiness for their own, to free themselves from oppression, hurt, and secrets, and regain their true selves.
On the Buses 1969
On the Buses is a British comedy series created by Ronald Wolfe and Ronald Chesney, broadcast in the United Kingdom from 1969 to 1973. The writers' previous successes with The Rag Trade and Meet the Wife were for the BBC, but the corporation rejected On the Buses, not seeing much comedy potential in a bus depot as a setting. The comedy partnership turned to a friend, Frank Muir, Head of Entertainment at London Weekend Television, who loved the idea; the show was accepted and despite a poor critical reception became a hit with viewers.
Sorry! 1981
Sorry! is a British sitcom that aired on BBC1 from 1981 to 1982 and from 1985 to 1988. Starring Ronnie Corbett, it was written by Ian Davidson and Peter Vincent, both of whom had previously written for The Two Ronnies, of whom Corbett was one half. The theme music was composed by Gaynor Colbourn and Hugh Wisdom, and arranged and conducted by Ronnie Hazelhurst. The outdoor scenes were filmed in Wallingford, Oxfordshire.
All About My Mom 2015
A story about the tiring but sad love and hatred between a mother and her daughters. Lee Jin-ae has a love and hate relationship with her mother, Im San-ok. She dreams of becoming independent from her family and especially from her mother. Jin-ae falls in love with Kang Hoon-jae and marries to him. Meanwhile, what awaits for Jin-ae is her new mother-in-law, Hwang Young-sun. While experiencing difficult times with her mother-in-law, Jin-ae begins to understand her mother San-ok for the first time.
A woman pieces together her mother's dark past after a violent attack in their small town brings hidden threats and deadly secrets to light.
Lace 1984
A young actress gathers three former school friends to find out which one is her natural mother, who gave her up for adoption as a newborn.