Zelená karta

Zelená karta 1990


Francúz George Faure dostal ponuku pracovať v USA. Lenže na to, aby mohol nastúpiť do práce, musí získať pracovné povolenie, tzv. Zelenú kartu. Najjednoduchší spôsob, ako sa k nej dostať, je zobrať si Američanku. Bronte je Newyorčanka, vegetariánka, ktorá prácne zohnala skvelý byt so zimnou záhradou. Ibaže byt je len pre zosobášené páry. Na to, aby presvedčili imigračných úradníkov, musia im dokázať, že sa majú radi a že spolu bývajú. A tak sa spoločne nasťahujú do bytu, ibaže veci sa začnú vyvíjať inak, ako si predstavovali. George a Bronte sa do seba zamilujú.


World's Greenest Homes

World's Greenest Homes 1970


WORLD'S GREENEST HOMES takes viewers on tours of houses that have been designed to be both stylish and environmentally friendly. From Indiana to Australia, host Emmanuel Belliveau travels the world to get a close-up look at some of today's most spectacular "green" houses, whose owners have committed themselves to invest in dwellings that conserve energy and make the most of local resources. Homeowners offer explanations about their choice of materials and other structural details, pointing out how these choices were made to make the home as green as possible. Belliveau, who's also a designer, occasionally discusses other eco-friendly alternatives, and the show also deals with the specific architectural designs of each residence, demonstrating how these works of art function as environmentally sustainable living spaces.


Destination jardin avec Guillaume

Destination jardin avec Guillaume 2017


Guillaume Thibert gives us a glimpse into the world of flowers and plants alongside his mother and his team, while they interact with plants, customers, and suppliers.